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Most had fled the economic problems prevalent after the dissolution of the Union of Soviet
The term scome became prevalent after appearing on the SQL Server community
20 to 39 year olds are the most prevalent age group in Carindale, with 30% of resident
Although the economy of the commune is prevalent agricultural the secondary and tertiary econ
Although the economy of the commune is prevalent agricultural, the secondary and tertiary eco
Although the economy of the town is prevalent agricultural, the secondary and tertiary eco
The most prevalent alcohol in policosanol is octacosanol, follo
Critics say prevalent alcoholism among the country's youth as well
It was first discovered and is prevalent almost exclusively in Brazil.
n California, Nolina bigelovii is especially prevalent along the Lower Colorado River Valley, espec
The surname "Dikshitar" is also prevalent among other Iyers with ritual qualifications
of the negative attitudes against Christians prevalent among many Jews.
the UAC's Delta Labs division are especially prevalent among the base's employees.
The term is more prevalent among Sephardi Jews, but is also widely used
f Ise embodies the courtly miyabi aesthetic, prevalent among the surviving works produced by and fo
The hermit-recluse life is prevalent among monks to whom meditation practice is c
rfect pitch, which she has shown is far more prevalent among speakers of tone language.
the agitation of the water, this custom was prevalent among Oriental Christians of annually baptiz
CUCA, to challenge the political apathy then prevalent among the university's students.
"Breast cancer is so prevalent among women and men today; I wanted to find
lished in 1740, of a curious custom formerly prevalent among the Welsh shepherds.
Duffmuttu (also: Dubhmuttu) is an art form prevalent among Muslims in Kerala state of south India
ish cooperative movement which was much more prevalent among farmers, and to some extent among urba
The pro-Ottoman attitude remained prevalent among revolutionaries: they had been well re
right, dysaethesia aethiopica was "much more prevalent among free negroes living in clusters by the
ction by the heresies, especially Trotsky's, prevalent among the Republic's supporters.
Schizophreniform disorder is equally prevalent among men and women.
ple of speaking in tongues, though it is not prevalent amongst the Therapeutae.
a form of microhistory that was particularly prevalent amongst German historians during the 1980s.
artial in those areas where IRA activity was prevalent and a further extension of the jurisdiction
moral reflection of religious inspiration is prevalent, and the use of narrative, parable, apothegm
e Klebs-Loeffler bacillus, then an extremely prevalent and lethal disease, particularly among child
It is the most prevalent and pathogenic helminth parasite in birds, p
he mid 1960s Mao badges began to become more prevalent, and were even distributed at international
Ochratoxin A is the most prevalent and relevant fungal toxin of this group, whi
Among other issues, one of the most prevalent and discussed after the conference was that
the early 20th Century, vermouth was fairly prevalent, and simple cocktails like the Sazerac had b
Anellovirus species are highly prevalent and genetically diverse.
and "Ice" versions of the beer are far more prevalent and readily available for retail across the
ncluding domestic fowl. A. galli is the most prevalent and pathogenic species, especially in domest
scarce because of the Great Depression, but prevalent anti-Semitism and anti-German sentiments mea
The most prevalent application of horoscopic astrology is to us
Most prevalent are the maternal bonds felt between a mother
ge was promoted by the influence of the then prevalent Arian faction to the vacant see.
s some influence from the progressive trends prevalent around the turn of the century.
Dairy farming is also prevalent, as it continues to be in neighboring Chino.
st, the reach of cable television was not as prevalent as it would be even a decade later; some met
Organised crime in Hong Kong is not as prevalent as in its Chinese mainland neighbour, but it
some quail hunting took place, it was not as prevalent as the quail hunting plantations nearby.
t policies, a hangover of colonial era still prevalent, as well as the "contractor system", in whic
Crows are also prevalent as well.
Warfare was prevalent, as is shown by archeology.
Smoking in Egypt is prevalent, as 19 billion cigarettes are smoked annuall
between the infamous by-lanes where crime is prevalent as a way of life.
reet parking lots for Downtown commuters are prevalent as well.
key proponent of the brainwashing hypothesis prevalent at the time, in the American Psychology Bull
s an instrument of a racist mindset that was prevalent at that time.
the conventional in-company training schemes prevalent at the time.
ot recorded, it would appear that the belief prevalent at the time of the design of Hotspur that a
challenged the spirit of academism that was prevalent at the Academy and in 1863 left it to become
st-Punk/New-Wave and Disco scenes which were prevalent at the time.
eport about the unfair pro-French atmosphere prevalent at that time in French Settlements and that
n strong contrast to the systemic corruption prevalent at the court and in its administrative arms
how, a spoof of the reality television shows prevalent at the time, in which Ian McCaskill, Eddie '
ing World War I, due to anti-German feelings prevalent at the time, anglicised his name to Mountbat
from the Sinocentrist point of view that was prevalent at the time.
contrast to the vitriolic missionary tracts prevalent at that time, presented Hinduism in empathet
uenced by the Western philosophical fashions prevalent at the time, which resulted in what Peter J.
can neutrality and non-intervention that was prevalent at the time.
he often socialist student activism that was prevalent at the time.
Georgian architectural style that had become prevalent at that time (the roofline was returned to i
f the outbreak of the antireligious movement prevalent at the time with diplomatic relations not no
, despite the attitude of racial segregation prevalent at that time.
sels are attested around 2200BC and are most prevalent at the time Beaker pottery was being replace
ther one can conclude that while there is no prevalent average household arrangement, most American
Use was believed to be more prevalent before contact with the west.
The practice was also prevalent before World War II in Hong Kong, Singapore
th, flattened rocks and these were even more prevalent before the Blizzard of '78.
countered with designing the ships, the most prevalent being armor.
ty of popular architectural styles, the most prevalent being Colonial Revival.
With Stepney prevalent between the sticks, Rimmer only played 46 ti
research identifies the ailment as extremely prevalent but also highly variable in its severity of
Complaints about the change were prevalent, but not nearly to the extent of what happen
her way of understanding this pathis is also prevalent, by seeking direct reference for a site as p
eath.. since hunger and decease was the most prevalent causes, I would argue, that these causes sho
Lead is the most prevalent chemical of this class, deriving from automo
into the public arena some indication of how prevalent clergy sexual abuse was.
stitution in Namibia is illegal but a highly prevalent common practice.
However, Dysthymic Disorder is the most prevalent comorbid diagnosis of GAD clients.
Of these, morphine is the most prevalent comprising 8%-14% of the total.
There is no prevalent convention for the directions of these two a
"The Great Darkness"), especially due to the prevalent corruption and for the scandal surrounding t
It also details out the causes for the prevalent corruption in India's political system and c
the vacant leadership, much against the then prevalent custom among the Jats.
d to merely produce an inheritor through the prevalent custom of Niyoga, she ends up enjoying the s
Medical students screen for the most prevalent diseases in these communities including: hyp
to his alcoholism (further aggravated by the prevalent drinking customs), he did not and his plans
This attitude was most prevalent during the rule of Joseph Stalin.
While shout bands became prevalent during the 1920s and 1930s, by the 1960s the
Cotton-clads were prevalent during the American Civil War, particularly
replace the tweed-covered cabinet design so prevalent during the 1950s.
f maintaining the ancient system of “tenure” prevalent during the times of the Native Kings.
This symbol is especially prevalent during football season, leading up to the Re
As a result of the anti-bourgeois thinking prevalent during the Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedong d
Air travel became more prevalent during his tenure as more people traveled to
This pattern was most prevalent during the early 19th century.
Violence was prevalent during Swann's term as mayor.
This has been particularly prevalent during 2011 negotiations for a continuing re
This became more prevalent during the highly publicized Eichmann trial,
although some spasmodic discontent with the prevalent economic stringency finds expression during
in both schools in recent years, and by the prevalent economic climate both locally and nationally
o separate pieces joined by lead, a practice prevalent elsewhere in India at that time.
Sinhalese classical art, eschewing the then prevalent European traditions.
and seem to violate a basic code of conduct prevalent even among hitmen and traffickers.
g Jews in Israel towards Christians is still prevalent, even though less visible on a daily basis.
the knob are both named for the Shockey's, a prevalent family in the area.
Spanish moss is a prevalent feature as well.
t has been concluded that these are the most prevalent few minutes of the entire six to ten hours s
Gang activity has been prevalent for decades in the Pico neighborhood, partic
rtainer at a time when organized crime was a prevalent force in their respective countries.
Buoy Racing is the most prevalent form of yacht racing
modern-day slavery, bonded labor is the most prevalent form.
s customarily divided into zones named after prevalent fossil types.
country to be eradicated from society with a prevalent friendship and unity around the world; and e
The most prevalent geologic feature of the Carrizo plains is th
ned songs, it's "riff driven" and features a prevalent guitar lick throughout, in the same manner a
uted to the relatively lower rates currently prevalent here in comparison to many other upcoming ar
riptural objection quickly vanishes, and the prevalent ideas about the organic creation appear only
a number of reconstructions, in keeping with prevalent ideology of the period.
Urban poverty is prevalent in not only in Jabotabek, but also in Medan
as Lightwood Bottom (after a type of timber prevalent in the area).
Reil plays the double bass drum style prevalent in thrash and death metal.
A similar organ sound is prevalent in the 1966 (PSR&T) version.
hool of bouncy Eurovision songs particularly prevalent in the 1960s and 1970s.
The Shell station speaks to the literalism prevalent in some advertising during the 1920s and '30
In light of the colonization prevalent in Gundam, the term essentially encompasses
These styles became less prevalent in the 1890s as the remaining southern porti
It is prevalent in Zhejiang province and has a compact cover
, and offers a view of some of the marshland prevalent in the area.
nent tribal people were the Veddas, who were prevalent in the Southern part of India, including a p
The roots Londin- and Lundin- are the most prevalent in names used from Roman times onward.
es, and victories, in a time when racism was prevalent in the United States.
ans is a gram-negative coccobacillus that is prevalent in subgingival plaques.
se of their opposition to the slavery system prevalent in South Carolina at the time.
Some are informed by the political attitudes prevalent in Wales in the 9th century and after.
nbread is a sweet, moist cornmeal-based dish prevalent in parts of the Southern United States.
Bus service has been prevalent in the city, since streetcar lines were remo
nthes excelsa is a 6m tall perennial that is prevalent in the area.
widespread distribution, and are especially prevalent in tropical areas.
The economic hardship, the racism prevalent in all branches of the Brazilian armed force
traditional Maharashtrian lifestyle that is prevalent in the heart of the city, as well as a moder
Dysplastic kidneys are prevalent in 95% to 100% of all identified cases.
lead to the use of alcohol and narcotics, so prevalent in the 1890s."
s found that adolescent egocentrism was more prevalent in the female population as opposed to the m
The sexual themes prevalent in his songs have brought criticism from SPD
the Tri-Cities' racing heritage, especially prevalent in Bristol Motor Speedway.
The Peppin is prevalent in the sheep flocks of Queensland, on the sl
here digestive enzymes such as proteases are prevalent in the liquid.
ombating of tuberculosis which was then very prevalent in Newfoundland.
rdered pattern; line and repetition are very prevalent in his work.
rreversible deleterious mutations may not be prevalent in organisms which, while they reproduce ase
got therapy and has recently become far more prevalent in use and is specifically used to treat ill
, such as the oppression of women, which are prevalent in all cultures.
ch elm disease, although the disease is less prevalent in Florida.
As is prevalent in the scenarios Maeda has written for visua
Tanzania, child sex tourism in particularly prevalent in Zanzibar and Pemba.
of consumerism and the media are also quite prevalent in the lyrics of Wir sind Helden.
sm and to the strong anti-Catholic prejudice prevalent in American society at the time of writing.
Carried away by the rationalism prevalent in Spain following upon the French invasions
They are also prevalent in hunting and gathering economies, where no
Especially prevalent in rural areas, and having its roots in Berb
stone), and an S shape (three strokes), more prevalent in later (5th to 7th century) inscriptions (
ll was aimed at eradicating the malpractices prevalent in the private sector educational institutio
made easier by the poor economic conditions prevalent in Australia in 1982.
firm of the former cotton spinning industry prevalent in Oldham.
Some of the rocks prevalent in the Osage Plains are Mississippian limest
s in a style imitating the Nordic Classicism prevalent in Sweden during the 1920s.
n recent years clothes made in PVC have been prevalent in young people's fashions, particularly in
bes the gradations of racial prejudice still prevalent in the South despite JFK's best efforts... u
e version of the Talmud sans the mistakes so prevalent in previous editions of the Talmud.
This treatment is prevalent in equine veterinary books published in the
Dryland farming is prevalent in Casserres, with most agriculture focusing
With interest in Order from Chaos still prevalent in the extreme metal underground, Merciless
ails in upper Dolpo; Buddhism and Bon-po are prevalent in lower Dolpo, including Ringmo village.
f prehistoric man, which he considered still prevalent in criminals and savages, towards future per
is pre-dawn period, the aspect of Brahman is prevalent in the atmosphere.
l that Deusdedit died of the plague that was prevalent in England at the time.
When stimulant use first became prevalent in Sweden in the 1950s, phenmetrazine was pr
erfamily of acalyptrate muscoids, especially prevalent in the tropics.
It was built in 1924 in the bungalow style prevalent in Virginia Highland, and is considered a ne
The types of media that were most prevalent in their propaganda efforts were posters, pa
n the liver tissue, and that damage was more prevalent in rat hepatocytes than other cell types.
Imagery of childhood (and poppies) are prevalent in other work by Marcy Playground, such as t
Its use is prevalent in the harvesting of sugarcane in dominant c
ritical of the then right-wing establishment prevalent in the north of his home island.
One or more of the proteins that is more prevalent in male rats combines with calcium phosphate
stem including cryptorchidism were also more prevalent in the study group.
This has been more prevalent in remote areas; by contrast some pit villag
oks like, made directly on tinted film stock prevalent in the silent era.

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