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Wiktionary英語版での「Greene County」の意味 |
Greene County
Named after Nathanael Greene.
- A county of Alabama, United States. County seat: Eutaw.
- A county of Arkansas, United States. County seat: Paragould.
- A county of Georgia, United States. County seat: Greensboro.
- A county of Illinois, United States. County seat: Carrollton.
- A county of Indiana, United States. County seat: Bloomfield.
- A county of Iowa, United States. County seat: Jefferson.
- A county of Mississippi, United States. County seat: Leakesville.
- A county of Missouri, United States. County seat: Springfield.
- A county of New York, United States. County seat: Catskill.
- A county of North Carolina, United States. County seat: Snow Hill.
- A county of Ohio, United States. County seat: Xenia.
- A county of Pennsylvania, United States. County seat: Waynesburg.
- A county of Tennessee, United States. County seat: Greeneville.
- A county of Virginia, United States. County seat: Stanardsville.
ウィキペディア英語版での「Greene County」の意味 |
Greene County
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/10/27 07:44 UTC 版)
Greene County is the name of fourteen counties in the United States of America, each named in honor of American Revolutionary War general Nathanael Greene:
- Greene County, Alabama
- Greene County, Arkansas
- Greene County, Georgia
- Greene County, Illinois
- Greene County, Indiana
- Greene County, Iowa
- Greene County, Mississippi
- Greene County, Missouri - The most populated county with the name.
- Greene County, New York
- Greene County, North Carolina
- Greene County, Ohio
- Greene County, Pennsylvania
- Greene County, Tennessee
- Greene County, Virginia
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Greene Countyのページの著作権
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Text is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA) and/or GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Weblio英和・和英辞典に掲載されている「Wikipedia英語版」の記事は、WikipediaのGreene County (改訂履歴)の記事を複製、再配布したものにあたり、Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA)もしくはGNU Free Documentation Licenseというライセンスの下で提供されています。 |
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