英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology...
Takushoku University Hokkaido Junior College拓殖大北海道短期大(たくしょくだいがくほっかいどうたんきだいがく、英語: Takushoku Univers...
Nippon Dental Univ., School of Dentistry at Niigata...
mathematical and physical sciences and engineering (MPE),MPE (mathematical and physical sciences and...
Kyushu Junior College of Kinki University近畿大九州短期大(きんきだいがくきゅうしゅうたんきだいがく、英語: Kyushu Junior College o...
読み方:ごがくおよびげんごがく、ゴガクオヨビゲンゴガクLinguistics and philology...
読み方:ぞくがく文法情報(名詞)対訳 popular learning; worldly study...
読み方:けんがく文法情報(名詞、サ変名詞、他動詞、自動詞)対訳 concurrently studying the teachings of two or more different schools...
読み方:こがく文法情報(名詞)対訳 classical studies...
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