英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


九死に一生を得るhave a narrow [hairsbreadth] escape from deathescape death by a hairsbreadth [by the skin of...
九死に一生を得るhave a narrow [hairsbreadth] escape from deathescape death by a hairsbreadth [by the skin of...
音節bare・ly 発音記号/béɚli|béə‐/音声を聞く【副詞】 (more barely; most barely)1(比較なし) かろうじて,わずかに,やっと 《★【類語】 ⇒hardly》...
読み方 うれしがる自動詞To be glad (of something―that something happened); to be happy; to rejoice, be rejoiced ...
読み方 うれしがる自動詞To be glad (of something―that something happened); to be happy; to rejoice, be rejoiced ...
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