英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「go forth」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/326件中)

読み方 むかえうつ他動詞To go forth to meet (the enemy)...
読み方 むかえうつ他動詞To go forth to meet (the enemy)...
訳語 I want to go back and forth....
We would like to go forth whilst building a good relationship....
I am planning to go back and forth between Japan and foreign countries....
Kings Go Forth『最后の接吻』(さいごのせっぷん、Kings Go Forth)は1958年のアメリカ合衆国の映画。
語源From Middle English forthgon, forthgan, from 古期英語 forþgān (“to go forth, advance, proceed, pass by...
語源From Middle English forthgoing, deverbal of forthgon (“to go forth, proceed”), from 古期英語 forþgān (...
副詞forthe (not comparable)Obsolete spelling of forth1475, Book of CourtesyGo not forthe as a dombe fr...
読み方:ゆきかう、いきかう行交う、行きかう とも書く文法情報(動詞ア行五段活用、自動詞)対訳 to come and go; to go back and forth...
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