英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「Japanese sake」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/137件中)

a euphonic change 《in the pronunciation of a Japanese word》音便でfor the sake of euphonyeuphonically....
a euphonic change 《in the pronunciation of a Japanese word》音便でfor the sake of euphonyeuphonically....
I drank 4 bottles of Japanese sake with my son last night....
I am happy that you like Japanese sushi and sake....
I'll send the Japanese sake we make to you....
読み方 さかしお名詞Sake seasoning (for Japanese soup)...
読み方 さかしお名詞Sake seasoning (for Japanese soup)...
訳語 The affinity between Japanese sake and fish dishes is exceptional...
読み方:ポンしゅ文法情報(名詞)(口語)対訳 sake; Japanese rice wine...
読み方:ポンしゅ文法情報(名詞)(口語)対訳 sake; Japanese rice wine...

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