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「cognate object」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/94件中)

読み方:どうぞくもくてきごどうしく文法情報(名詞)対訳 cognate object verb phrase...
〈同種族〉 the same race [tribe]〈同家族〉 the same family.同族会社〈家族の〉 a family concern [firm]〈同系の〉 an affiliate...
〈同種族〉 the same race [tribe]〈同家族〉 the same family.同族会社〈家族の〉 a family concern [firm]〈同系の〉 an affiliate...
音節cog・nate 発音記号/kάgneɪt|kg‐/【形容詞】1a祖先を同じくする,同血族の.用例cognate families 同族家族.b【叙述的用法の形容詞】 〔…と〕同血族で 〔with...
語源From Middle English gnof (“a miser, churl, lout”), of unknown origin. Cognate with Scots gnaff (“a...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/02/11 04:05 UTC 版)Won is the currency of both North and South Korea. Won is a c...
語源From Middle English pampen, from Middle Low German pampen (“to pamper oneself, live luxuriously”),...
語源From Middle English onsaken, from 古期英語 onsacan (“to attack, strive against”), from Proto-Germanic ...
別の表記ka-, ca-, ke-, cha-語源Now stands in for a thud. Originally Scots, possibly continuing[1] ...
語源From Middle English withseien, from 古期英語 wiþseċġan (“to speak against; to denounce, renounce, または ...

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