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「extreme penalty」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/20件中)

【形容詞】1 ordinary, average特殊の区分、階級または地位がある(lacking special distinction, rank, or status)average people...
【動詞】1 suffer(感情的な)痛みを経験する(experience (emotional) pain)Every time her husband gets drunk, she suffers...
【副詞】pretty, jolly, fairly, reasonably, passably, somewhat, moderately, middling適度に十分な範囲、または程度(to a m...
【形容詞】1 center, midway, middle, halfway両極端から等しく遠く離れている(equally distant from the extremes)2 ordinary, ...
【副詞】1 pretty, jolly, fairly, reasonably, passably, somewhat, moderately, middling適度に十分な範囲、または程度(to a...
WOTD – 8 November 2018語源Borrowed from Ojibwe wiindigoo, from Proto-Algonquian *wi·nteko·wa (...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2013/06/24 13:54 UTC 版)発音enPR: bŭt, IPA: /bʌt/, X-SAMPA: /bVt/韻: -ʌtHomophone: but語...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2014/03/01 12:17 UTC 版)発音enPR: bŭt, IPA(key): /bʌt/韻: -ʌtHomophone: but語源 1From Mid...
【副詞】adequately適切に、または十分に(in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree)he was adequately prepared 彼...
【動詞】1を身ごもっている(be pregnant with)I am carrying his child 私は、彼の子供を身ごもっている2続けるか、広がる(continue or extend)T...
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