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「Buddhist priests」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/237件中)

1開山忌という法会例文a Buddhist ceremony called 'kaisanki'2本願寺管長例文the chief priest of 'Hongan' Temple3清水寺例文the...
1僧侶例文a Buddhist monk2僧院長例文an abbot3師にあたる僧例文a Buddhist priest respected as a teacher4寺の者例文a person wh...
1高僧例文a person who is high-ranking bonze2僧になる例文to become a priest―enter the priesthood―take the tonsu...
1名僧智識例文a learned priest2諸々の高僧例文many high priests3高僧例文a person who is high-ranking bonze4真言宗例文the Shi...
1僧侶例文a Buddhist monk2ニジキジ類例文monals3寺の者例文a person who serves at a Buddhist temple4師にあたる僧例文a Buddhist ...
1僧と尼僧例文Buddhist monks and nuns2僧侶例文a Buddhist monk3尼僧という職業例文the occupation of Buddhist nun4僧院長例文an a...
1僧院長例文an abbot2尼僧という職業例文the occupation of Buddhist nun3僧と尼僧例文Buddhist monks and nuns4僧侶例文a Buddhist ...
1修行僧例文an ascetic―a monk―(初心なら)―a novice―a neophyte―an acolyte2高僧例文a person who is high-ranking bonze...
1行脚の僧例文a priest who is on a pilgrimage2荒行をする僧例文a Buddhist priest who practices severe asceticisms3頭陀...
1宣教師例文missionary2僧院長例文an abbot3大僧正例文an archbishop4僧侶例文a Buddhist monk5禄付きの牧師例文a beneficed clergyman6...

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