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「calendar day」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/1748件中)

7 November 2013 marks the first day of winter according to the lunar calendar....
The Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month of the Chinese calendar....
読み方 はっさく名詞The First Day of the Eighth Month (of the Lunar Calendar)...
読み方 はっさく名詞The First Day of the Eighth Month (of the Lunar Calendar)...
the luckiest [【形式ばった表現】 most auspicious] day in the six‐day Buddhist calendar....
the luckiest [【形式ばった表現】 most auspicious] day in the six‐day Buddhist calendar....
読み方:だいあん、たいあん文法情報(名詞)対訳 day that is lucky the whole day (in the traditional calendar); auspicious da...
1月捲りのカレンダー例文a monthly calendar2こよみ例文a calendar3大衍暦という,昔の中国や日本で使われた暦例文a calendar called Ichigyo calen...
1日めくりの暦例文a calendar having the form of a pad2太陽暦例文the solar calendar3暦注例文a kind of items written on ...
1大陰暦例文the lunar calendar2旧暦、太陰暦例文the old calendar―the lunar calendar3陰暦という暦例文a calendar called a lun...

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