

Banna Chluain Meala

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/23 18:26 UTC 版)



Banna Chluain Meala (literally translating as 'Clonmel band') is an Irish marching band which was founded in 1971.[1] Originally a brass band, Banna Chluain Meala later developed as a brass and reed band, which included concert, marching and fieldshow performances. The band also has a colour guard section which enhances marching and fieldshow performances. The total complement of the band has ranged from 100 to 150 members throughout the years which also includes Junior members while they are being instructed prior to joining the Senior Band or Colour Guard. The band has travelled widely abroad to the United Kingdom, Holland and France and represented Ireland at an International Festival in Cheb in the Czech Republic in 2004 to celebrate the new entrants to the European Union. Banna Chluain Meala is one of Ireland's most honoured bands. They hold concert band championship titles on national and international levels. As a marching band they have had unparalleled success nationally, being crowned IMBA Irish champions in the highest division in 1991, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2006, 2007 and most recently in 2009. They have also had success abroad, most notably as Open Class champions at the British Youth Band Championships at Wembley in 1994.

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語彙力診断 診断回数が4回に増加
マイ単語帳 便利な学習機能付き
マイ例文帳 文章で意味を理解できる

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