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  • これらの逸話を総合すると、やや硬直した思想の持ち主であったようであるが、その一方で『太平記』の作者は実世を「大才」と賞し、中厳円月も彼を「賢臣」と称える詩を残している(『東海一漚集』)。
    Considering all of these anecdotes together, he seems to have had a rigid way of thinking, but on the other hand, the author of "Taiheiki" praised Saneyo as a 'Capable person' and Chugan Engetsu wrote a poem describing him as a 'Subject of wisdom' ("Tokai ichioshu").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 若年より実父信西譲りの智をもって登用され、学権助、東宮学士などを経て、保元元年(1156年)の保元の乱の後の除目で右少弁に任官。
    Due to the talent and intelligence that he had inherited from his father, Shinzei, he was given government positions while still young, serving as Daigaku no Gon no Suke (Provisional Assistant Director of the Bureau of Education) and Togu Gakushi (Teacher of the Classics to the Crown Prince) amongst others and, following the Hogen War in 1156, he was appointed Ushoben (Minor Controller of the Right).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治になり南北朝正閏論を経て南朝が正統であるとされると楠公と呼ばれ、講談などでは『三国志演義』の諸葛亮の天軍師的イメージを重ねて語られる。
    After the Southern Court had been legitimatized through the argument on legitimacy of either Northern or Southern Court in the Meiji period, he was called Dai-Nanko and was compared in 'kodan' storytelling and other sources to the genius strategist Zhuge Liang of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、『土芥寇讎記』には「秀一ハ智発明ニシテ、武道ヲ嗜ミ、行跡正シク、家士ヲ憐ミ、民ニ恵ミテ、仕置穏順ニシテ、家民豊カナリシ」とあり、名としての評価は良い。
    He has a high reputation as daimyo; according to Dokai Koshuki (1690 compilation of reports of 243 daimyo), he "was highly talented, clever, understanding, fond of martial arts, did good deeds, respected retainers, was protective of his people, made decent judgment about punishment, and his domain was rich."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸期以降、講談や小説などで真田十勇士を従えて敵徳川に挑む天軍師真田幸村(さなだゆきむら)として取り上げられ、広く一般に知られることになった。
    In and after the Edo period, he was spotlighted in kodan storytelling and novels as a genius strategist Yukimura SANADA, who challenged his arch enemy Tokugawa with an entourage of Sanada Juyushi (ten Sanada braves), and became widely known among the public.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主に上がる名前は猿飛佐助・霧隠蔵・根津甚八・由利鎌之助・筧十蔵・三好政康・三好政勝・望月六郎・海野六郎・穴山小助(息子の真田助を入れるケースもある)。
    Major names include Sasuke SARUTOBI, Saizo KUMOGAKURE, Jinpachi NEZU, Kamanosuke YURI, Juzo KAKEI, Masayasu MIYOSHI, Masakatsu MIYOSHI, Rokuro MOCHIZUKI, Rokuro UNNO and Kosuke ANAYAMA (in some cases his son Daisuke SANADA is also included).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 長州藩は幕府転覆の最の功労藩で権限も集中していたから、更に理財の能のある者達が井上の周囲に集まって来ていたと考えられる。
    Since the Choshu Domain, which had played the biggest part in subverting the Bakufu, was the center of authority, it appears those who had a talent for finance gathered around Inoue all the more.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • のちに谷文晁(たにぶんちょう)に入門し、絵の能はきく花開くこととなり、20代半ばには画家として著名となり、生活にも苦労せずにすむようになった。
    Later he became a student of Buncho TANI, which led to a great leap in his abilities as a painter; he achieved success in his mid-twenties, which lifted his family's life from financial misery to modesty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 信長が秀政を寵愛したのは、能が優れていたほかに、秀政が美少年だったからだとも言われ、そのため森成利(成利)が信長に重用されるようになるまでは、側近として絶な権力を与えられていたと言われている。
    It is said that Nobunaga favored Hidemasa because of his talent and his beauty, therefore Hidemasa was given strong authority until Naritoshi MORI came to be treated preferentially by Nobunaga.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幼い頃から能を発揮し、久留米・五穀神社(久留米市通外町)の祭礼では、当時流行していたからくり人形の新しい仕掛けを次々と考案して評判を呼ぶ。
    While young, Hisashige already exercised his talent in invention, and showed new devices of popular string puppets one after another in festivals of Gokoku-jinja Shrine in Kurume (Torihoka Town, Kurume City), which earned him enormous popularity.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、敗走兵の留まる様子が無いことに驚いて千代ヶ岡陣屋へ引き返したところ、同役の島寅雄・安富助らから土方の戦死を知らされた。
    However, when Ono was surprised that there was no sign of decreasing the number of soldiers who took flight and returned to Chiyogaoka jinya, he was told by his colleagues such as Torao OSHIMA and Saisuke YASUTOMI that Hijikata was killed in the war.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 承元2年(1208年)に炊御門頼実が後鳥羽上皇を招いて開いた鞠会で優れた能を発揮して、上皇から「蹴鞠長者」の称号を与えられた。
    When Yorizane OINOMIKADO had a Kemari Party inviting retired Emperor Gotoba in 1208, Masatsune received the title of "Kemari Choja" by the retired emperor for outstanding performance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 坂で傘職人をしていたが、京都の蘭方医小石元俊と天文学者間重富に能を見出され、ふたりの紹介と経済的支援を得て27歳で江戸に遊学する。
    He was working as an umbrella maker in Osaka when a Ranpoi of Kyoto, Genshun KOISHI and an astronomer Shigetomi HAZAMA recognized his talent, and he went to Edo to study at the age of 27 with their introductions and financial supports.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京成高砂駅近くにある光明寺(旧極楽寺)には、藤綱が奉納したといわれる弁天像や江戸時代に建立された藤綱の供養塔がある。
    In Daikomyo-ji Temple (former Gokuraku-ji Temple) near Keisei Line Takasago station, there are a statue of Benzaiten (Sarasvati, Buddhist goddess of music, learning, eloquence, wealth, longevity, and protection from natural disasters) that is said to be Fujitsuna's dedication and a memorial tower of Fujitsuna erected in Edo Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 首絵」に残された役者の面相を美化することのみに終始しない研ぎ澄まされた感性は他の追従を許さない鋭さが見られ、「美人画」の上品な描写に独自の能を見ることができる。
    His finely honed sensibility seen in his "Okubie" (large-head pictures) was never limited to the beautification of the looks of actors and allowed no one else to imitate, and his refined original talent is seen in the elegant portrayal of "Bijinga" (beautiful-woman pictures),  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのアジスキタカヒコネあるいは父神の国主、母神の多紀理毘売との組み合わせから市杵島姫(イチキシマヒメ)(宗像三女神、弁天と習合)、ミツハノメ、アメシルカルミズヒなどもシタテルヒメの異名同神と考える者もいる。
    Based on the combination with Ajisukitakahikone or the fatter Okuninushi and the mother Takiribime, some regard that Ichikishimahime (syncretized with Munakata Sanjojin and Benzaiten), Mitsuhanohime, and Ameshirukarumizuhi are the same deity as Shitateruhime with different names.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、武士などの諸夫、侍クラスの家の家芸は親から子へ幼少時からの英教育で伝えられると共に、能力を見込んだ者を弟子や郎党にして伝授し、優秀であれば養子に迎えた。
    And the iegei of a family in a shodaibu or samurai class such as bushi was inherited from parent to child from the cradle by special education, or was inherited to those who were accepted as having the talent and became disciples or roto (retainer), and if they were excellent they were adopted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 奥書によると、応永29年(1422年)に兼良が自分の子弟の教育のために書いたものとあり、また別に室町幕府征夷将軍足利義量の求めに応じて、19の兼良が何の書物も見ずに書いて進ったともある。
    According to the colophon, it was written by Kaneyoshi for his disciples in 1422, and also, it was written by nineteen-year-old Kaneyoshi at the request from Seii taishogun (Commander in chief) of the Muromachi bakufu, Yoshikazu ASHIKAGA, without referring to any book.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 和魂洋(わこんようさい)とは、日本古来の精神世界を切にしつつ西洋の技術を受け入れ、両者を調和させ発展させていくという意味の言葉である。
    Wakon yosai (Japanese spirit with Western learning) means adopting Western arts while valuing Japanese traditional spirituality, and harmonizing as well as developing them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後陽成天皇にその能を寵愛され、地下官人では異例の院昇殿が認められ、従五位下近衛府から正四位上蔵省に至った。
    Emperor Goyozei was pleased with Mototada's ability and granted Mototada permission to enter the ex-emperor's palace--which was an extraordinary privilege for low ranked officials; then, Mototada was raised from Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade), the Lieutenant of the Headquarters of the Inner Palace Guards to Shoshiinojo (Senior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade), the Treasury Commissioner in the Office of the Treasury.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 例のごとく犯罪の研究に没頭しているのであり、多なると人並みならぬ観察力を駆使して、警察でさえ絶望的と匙を投げた事件をも、糸口を見つけ、謎を解き明かしていた。
    He was still, as ever, deeply attracted by the study of crime, and occupied his immense faculties and extraordinary powers of observation in following out those clues, and clearing up those mysteries which had been abandoned as hopeless by the official police.  - Arthur Conan Doyle『ボヘミアの醜聞』
  • しかし天の本当の意味での、思想や行動の独創性という点では、それが称賛に値しないという人はいないにせよ、抵の人が、心の内では、そんなものがなくてもうまくやっていけると考えているのです。
    But in its true sense, that of originality in thought and action, though no one says that it is not a thing to be admired, nearly all, at heart, think that they can do very well without it.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • 少なくとも、このような胆な計画をたてた知恵とそれを実行に移した恐ろしい能には、しぶしぶながらでも拍手をおくらずにはいられません。
    One cannot at least withhold a reluctant admiration for the wit that had conceived so bold a scheme, and the fell [deadly] genius with which it was carried out.  - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』
  • 国主命を主祭神として、父母神のスサノオ・クシナダヒメ、奇稲田姫命の父母神のアシナヅチ・テナヅチを正殿に、神(芸能と長寿の神)、乙羽竜神(旅行・交通安全の神)、オモイカネ(知恵と能の神)を相殿に祀る。
    The main building enshrines Okuninushi-no-Mikoto as the main deity, the parental gods Susanoo and Kushinadahime, and Kushinadahime-no-Mikoto's parental gods Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi; and the aidono building enshrines Otano Okami (the god of the performing arts and longevity), Otowa Ryujin (the god of safety for travel and transportation), and Omoikane (the god of wisdom and talent).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、当時の北家の嫡流は臣にまで昇っていた兄の藤原永手であり、氏族間の均衡が望まれて親子・兄弟で要職を占めることに批判がなお強かった奈良時代後期において納言まで昇った事はその覚による部分がきいと言える。
    The head of the main line of the Northern House at the time was FUJIWARA no Nagate, who was his older brother promoted to minister, and it was largely attributable to his talent that he was promoted to chief councilor of state in the late Nara period, when the balance among the clans was sought and assuming important positions by a father and son, or brothers, was still highly criticized.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 藤原の宮の時、正三位納言兼中衛将橘冬明と明日香の皇女との間に生まれた氏忠は、容貌覚共にすぐれ、16歳で、式部少輔右少弁中務少将を兼任、従五位上にあった。
    Ujitada was born to TACHIBANA no Fuyuaki, who was Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) dainagon (a chief councilor of state) and Chue no daisho (Major Captain of the Imperial Guard) and the imperial princess of Asuka in the era of Fujiwara no Miya and was known for his excellent looks and wit, and he assumed the position of shikibu shoyu (Junior Assistant of the Ministry of Ceremonies), ushoben (Minor Controller of the Right) and Nakatsukasa no Shosho (Minor Captain of the Ministry of Central Affairs) concurrently and his rank was Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade)at the age of sixteen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古くは舞楽の装束をまね、太夫は鳥兜(とりかぶと)をかぶっていたが、室町時代になると烏帽子(さむらいえぼし)をかぶり、素襖(すおう)に平袴(ひらばかま)姿に、蔵は黒頭巾風のものをかぶり、袋を背負う格好が普通であったようである。
    In ancient times, imitating the costume of "bugaku" (court dance and music), tayu put on "torikabuto" (ornamental hat in bugaku), but in the Muromachi period tayu seems to have put on "samurai-eboshi" (formal headwear for court nobles), "suo" (ceremonial dress of lower-class samurai) and "hirabakama" (man's formal divided skirt) and saizo put on something like "daikokuzukin" (hood like the god of good luck) and normally shouldered a big bag.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • インドのヒンドゥー教(黒・毘沙門・弁)、中国の仏教(布袋)、道教(福禄寿・寿老人)、日本の土着信仰(恵比寿・国主)が入り混じって形成された、神仏習合からなる、いかにも日本的な信仰対象である。
    It is a typical Japanese object to believe in, which is syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism, with Hinduism in India (Daikoku, Bishamon and Benzai), Chinese Buddhism (Hotei) and Taoism (Fukurokuju and Jurojin), and indigenous belief in Japan (Ebisu and Okuninushi) mixed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「川端画学校」は明治42年に東京小石川に設立された私立の画塾ではあるが、正2年に創設者の川端玉章が逝去したのちも、芸術にあこがれる若者を各地から集めて、東亜戦争さなかの廃校に至るまで、画家のみならず多くの能を輩出した。
    The Kawabata Art School (Kawabata ga gakko), a private art school established in Koishikawa, Tokyo in 1909, gathered young people who admired art from all over Japan even after the death of the founder Gyokusho KAWABATA in 1913, and turned out many talented people as well as painters until its abolishment during the Greater East Asia War.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天平宝字3年ころに少初位下になり、学を認められ、延暦2年までに正五位下に昇進、その間、丹波員外目・内記・丹波介・丹波守・図書頭・学頭・東宮学士・陰陽頭などを歴任した。
    After he became Shosoige (the lowest court rank) around 759, he was admitted to be a talented scholar and promoted to Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) until 783, during which period he held positions such as Tanba no inge no sakan (supernumerary official of Tanba Province), Dainaiki (Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs), Tanba no suke (assistant governor of Tanba Province), Tanba no kami (the governor of Tanba Province), Zusho no kami (Director of the Bureau of Drawings and Books), Daigaku no kami (Director of the Bureau of Education), Togu gakushi (Teacher of the Classics of the Crown Prince), and Onmyo no kami (Director of Onmyoryo, or Bureau of Divination).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後年、勝海舟は「(西郷の)部下にも、桐野とか村田とかいうのは、なかなか俊であった」(『氷川清話』)、隈重信は「西南の役に西郷に次いでの薩摩の驍将桐野利秋、彼はすこぶる幹の男であったが、これがやはり派手であった。身体もきくて立派なら容貌態度ともに優れた男であったが、着物をぶざまに着るようなまねはせず、それも汚れ目の見えぬきれいな物づくめであった」(『早稲田清話』)と評している。
    In later years Kaishu KATSU commented, 'Among Saigo's men, Kirino and Murata had an exceptional talent' (in "Kaishu's Talks at the Hikawa Mansion" [Hikawa Seiwa]), while Shigenobu OKUMA talked, 'Concerning Toshiaki KIRINO who was a formidable leader of Satsuma next to Saigo in the Seinan War, he was a very capable man and also gaudy. He had a large and splendid body as well as splendid appearance and attitude, and he never wore kimono awkwardly and all of his clothes were very clean without any dirtiness' ("Shibenobu's Talks in Waseda" [Waseda Seiwa]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのうちには、男性神(毘沙門天、黒天など)、女性神(吉祥天、弁天など)、貴紳形(梵天)、天女形(吉祥天)、力士形(金剛力士)、武将形(十二神将)など、さまざまな形態や性格のものを含む。
    These deities have various appearances and nature including male deities (Bishamonten (Vaisravana), Daikokuten (Mahakala), and so on), female deities (Kisshoten (Laksmi), Benzaiten (Sarasvati, Buddhist goddess of music, learning, eloquence, wealth, longevity, and protection from natural disasters), and so on), type of kishin (nobles) (Bonten (Brahma, a major Hindu deity thought to be responsible for creating the world)), type of tennyo (a heavenly maiden) (Kisshoten), type of rikishi (strong men) Kongo Rikishi (protector deities) and type of busho (Japanese military commander) (Juni Shinsho (the twelve protective deities)), and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1908年、神戸市六甲山麓岡本駅(兵庫県)(東灘区)に盟友伊東忠太の設計になる二楽荘を建て、探検収集品の公開展示・整理の他、英教育のための学校(現在は甲南学理学部)、園芸試験場、測候所、印刷所などを設置。
    In 1908, he built Nirakuso which was designed by his friend Chuta ITO in Okamoto Station, at the base of Mt. Rokko in Kobe City (Hyogo Prefecture) (Higashinada Ward), and there, he set up a school for special education for gifted children (currently, the department of science in Konan University), the experiment station for horticulture, the meteorological station, the printing house and so on as well as exhibited the collections from his explorations and arranged them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 与謝野晶子の作品をモチーフに、2006年8月、京都八幡市で開催された「全国高校総合文化祭演劇部門」において、第二次戦の時代の波に翻弄される漫師姉弟を描いた「君死にたまふことなかれ」が上演されたことがある。
    Based on Akiko's works, in the 'Drama Division of the National High School Arts Festival' held in Yawata City, Kyoto in August 2006, a play entitled 'Kimi Shinitamou Koto Nakare' was performed that depicted a sister and her younger brother who were stand-up comedians at the mercy of the time during World War II.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 探幽は幼少時より画を発揮し、慶長17年(1612年)、11歳の時に駿府で徳川家康に対面、元和(日本)7年(1621年)には江戸鍛冶橋門外に屋敷を得て、以後江戸を拠点に活動し、城郭や寺院などの障壁画を精力的に制作した。
    Tanyu exercised his painting talent from childhood; in 1612, he met Ieyasu TOKUNAGA in Sunpu at the age of 11 and obtained a residence in Edo Kajibashi Mongai in 1621, subsequent to which he worked based in Edo and energetically created screen paintings in castles and large temples.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 、すなわち中国などから流入してきた知識・学問をそのまま日本へ移植するのではなく、あくまで基礎的教養として採り入れ、それを日本の実情に合わせて応用的に政治や生活の場面で発揮することが和魂とされた。
    Yamato-damashii was to adopt karazae -- that is, the scholarship and knowledge introduced from China and other countries -- as a basic education and apply it to politics and other aspects of life in accordance with the actual condition of Japan, instead of transplanting it as it is in the country.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 昭和7年(1932年)10月 日午前3時30分ごろ、谷光瑞が全精力を注ぎ込み、英教育の推進や建築、園芸、西域探検などの調査、研究を通じて、教団を近代化に導く舞台とした二楽荘は、不審火によって焼失した。
    Around 3:30 in October 1932, Nirakuso was burned down by suspicious file where Kozui Otani put their full energy and the temple was led to modernization through the implementation of special education, architecture, horticulture and research and studies like western area expedition.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 女形として三代目澤村田之助を襲名、翌年には16歳にして立役となるなど、御所時代における女形の第一人者だったが、間もなく舞台上の事故から脱疽を患い四肢を切断、役者引退を余儀なくされた。
    He took the name Tanosuke SAWAMURA (III) as a brilliant actor of female roles and in the following year when he was only 16 he took leading roles and became the top performer of female roles in the Ogosho Period (1787 - 1841); however after a stage accident gangrene set in and he had to have his legs amputated, and was forced to retire from acting.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、前代までの将軍たちと異なり、生き残ること自体が困難であった戦国時代を生き抜いて天寿を全うしたこと、また壮な信長包囲網を作り上げたことなどから、非凡な能を持った将軍であったとも思われる。
    But contrary to others who held the position, Yoshiaki seems to have been an unusually talented Shogun, considering that died a natural death in an age of wars, when it was difficult to survive and that he was able to wage a major siege against Nobunaga.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後一条天皇の近臣で帝の崩後に出家した権中納言源顕基、関白藤原頼通に信任された人・宇治納言源隆国、子を思う家集で有名な成尋阿闍梨母らを儲けた。
    Between them, they had children including MINAMOTO no Akimoto, who held the title of Gon Chunagon, was the personal attendant of Emperor Goichijo and entered priesthood after the death of the emperor, MINAMOTO no Takakuni, who was a person of wit and had the title of Uji no dainagon (major councilor of Uji) trusted by FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, who had the title of Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), and the mother of Jojin Ajari, who was famous for Kashu (collection of family or personal waka, Japanese poems) that were reflections on her children.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 撮影は廃屋となっていた自動車倉庫にステージを設け規模なセットを組んで行われ、ホリゾントに描かれた空の絵などに、美術を担当した戸田重昌の気が光り、武満徹による音楽は、画や演技との掛け合いを行う音響のような効果を存分に発揮。
    The shooting was done in an abandoned car warehouse, where the stage and grand-scale set were built, and Shigemasa TODA, in charge of art, had his flashes of brilliance in pictures including the sky drawn on the horizon, and Toru TAKEMITSU, in charge of music, fully produced the sound effects as if they were a duet with the picture and acting.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 世阿弥・音阿弥という天の間に埋もれた「殆ど見るべきものの無い存在」と見る向きもあったが、世阿弥から著書『風姿花伝』を相伝されたことが分かっており、最近では観世座の脇之仕手として兄を支えて夫にも匹敵する活躍をしていた人物と考えられている。
    There was a view that he was the 'existence that cannot be seen often' between geniuses Zeami and Onami, but it was known that he inherited "Fushikaden" (The Flowering Spirit) written by Zeami and in recent days it is believed that he served as an assistant who supported the older brother as waki no shite (beside-the-doer role) of Kanze-za (Kanze guild) similar to a standard of a dayu (master).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 維新後については、制度を作りながら諸施策を進めていくといった、行政の舵取りが必要であったが、明治初期に重職に就いた者の中で理財の能を持った者は、井上馨がその筆頭に挙げられ、財政の建て直しに変な努力をしている。
    Public administration after the Meiji restoration needed the steer such as making systems and carrying out each measure at the same time, and Kaoru INOUE was the first who had a talent for finance among those who served in important positions during the early Meiji period, making a great effort to restore financial affairs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方で、義名分を盾にし自己正当化をすることに拘り(合戦する際の理由で自身を正当化するのは秀吉や家康もしており当然ではあるが)、自身を毘沙門天の転生と信じるなど、天特有の自己愛の強さの証左である、との評価も一部にある。
    On one hand, there is insistence that he had legitimate reason to protect his self justification (it is natural to justify himself at the time of battle because Hideyoshi and Ieyasu also did the same) on the other, he believed that he was a reincarnation of Bishamonten, there is evidence of his strength of specific narcissistic genius.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1696年、風水について触れた著物の1つ、陳畊山「三発秘」は、1696年に、卯川四番船で中国から輸入されたものであるが一部墨消しと差返しの処分を受けるだけに止まらず1685年以降は禁書の指定を受けた(ref.庭脩,1967)。
    In one of the books on Feng Shui, Chin KYOSAN stated 'The secret of the three powers [heaven, earth and man]' was imported from China by the Fourth Unsen Ship in 1969, but a part of it was deleted with ink, after 1685 the book was banned (ref. Osamu OBA, 1967).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 受信者が、イベント会場を飲食店である、また、内容を人の出会いや能の出会いといった、ある程度の絞りこんだイメージが簡単に捉えられ、気軽なイメージで参加者が増しそうな商標を看板にした広告配信サービスと、パソコン等のネットワークシステムを結合させる。
    An advertisement delivery service having as an attraction a trademark by which the participants may be increased with a light-hearted image, whose content can be simply grasped as an image narrowed to some extent such as encounter of persons or encounter of talents by a receiver, is combined with a network system of the personal computer or the like. - 特許庁
  • 彼はいに能に恵まれ、心の面でも理知の面でも同じように能力を持っていたので、両方の主張を調停し、今後それらを精神の中に統合し、平穏に結びつけておく方法を、もっと私たちに教えてくれればよかったのにと、思います。
    Marvellously endowed as he was—equally equipped on the side of the Heart and of the Understanding—he might have done much towards teaching us how to reconcile the claims of both, and to enable them in coming times to dwell together in unity of spirit and in the bond of peace.  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』
  • 清公以後、博士が学生と私的な師弟関係を結ぶきっかけとなり一種の学閥の形成が進むとともに、子弟の教育に力を注いだ(勿論、後継者である是善・道真の能による部分もきいが)ことによって菅原氏から世襲的に文章博士が輩出されるようになったため、用(実力)があれば家柄や人脈にとらわれず評価されるべきであると主張した都腹赤(都良香の伯父)をはじめとする他の文章博士の反感を買った。
    Starting with Kiyokimi, instructors at the Academy began to have personal interactions with their students as master and pupils, leading to the creation of a kind of school clique as well as a more concentrated effort by instructors like Kiyokimi truly to teach their students (of course, the contribution to this new system made by Kiyokimi's talented successors Koreyoshi and Michizane is also quite large) and as a result, the position of Monjo hakase became a more or less hereditary one, held by many from the Sugawara clan; this earned the clan the resentment of all the other Monjo hakase, especially MIYAKO no Haraaka (uncle of MIYAKO no Yoshika), who insisted that ability (real merit) should be the key to success, not birth privilege or personal connections.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、特に八代目市川雷蔵については、その後の映画界での活躍を鑑みた場合、歌舞伎界との血縁の薄さ、当初の養父が脇役役者という境遇ゆえに、歌舞伎界がその能を伸ばす事ができず映画界へと流出させてしまった事が、興行という意味において当時の歌舞伎と映画は競合する関係にあった以上、関西歌舞伎にとっては後年さらにきな痛手となってゆく。
    With respect to Raizo ICHIKAWA VIII in particular, considering his later achievements in the movie industry, the fact that the kabuki world would not develop his talent and let him move to the film industry because of his weak blood relationship with the kabuki world and the fact his initial foster father was a supporting player resulted in major damage to Kansai Kabuki, in the sense of kabuki's performance as a business, because kabuki at that time was competing with films.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『北条記』に見える早雲駿河下向時の一節には、道寺重時、荒木兵庫、多目権兵衛・山中四郎・荒川又次郎・在竹兵衛らの仲間6人と、伊勢国で神水を酌み交わして、一人が名になったら他の者は家臣になろうと誓い合ったという、三国志の桃園の誓いのような話が残っている。
    It is stated in the "Hojoki" that Soun drank sake with Shigetoki DAIDOJI, Hyogo ARAKI, Gonbee TAME, Saishiro YAMANAKA, Matajiro ARAKAWA and Hyoe ARITAKE in Ise and that they vowed that should one of them become a feudal lord, the others would become his retainers, which is similar to the story of Toen-no-chikai in "Sangokushi."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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