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  • ところで、その乞食はヘレネーの故郷ラケダイモーンにいたことがあり、もし彼女が思った通り美しいヘレネーなら、父親のこと、兄弟のカストールとポリュデウケースのこと、小さなのヘルミオネーのことを教えることができるといった。
    But he had been in Lacedaemon, her own country, he said, and could tell her about her father, if she were, as he supposed, the beautiful Helen, and about her brothers, Castor and Polydeuces, and her little daughter, Hermione.  - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』
  • ぼくには1週間に1通のペースで「愛するニック」として手紙を書く相手がいたけれど、それについてぼくの頭の中にあることといったら、そのがテニスをするとき、鼻の下にうっすらとした汗を浮かばせること、それがまるで薄い髭のように思えたことくらいしかない。
    I'd been writing letters once a week and signing them: "Love, Nick," and all I could think of was how, when that certain girl played tennis, a faint mustache of perspiration appeared on her upper lip.  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』
  • 彼女はフィッツパトリック氏を仕切りのところから呼び寄せ、は四回のコンサートに対してサインした、だからもちろん、契約書の条件によれば、協会がコンサートを四回開こうと開くまいと、彼女は初めに明記された金額を受け取るべきであると彼に話した。
    She called Mr. Fitzpatrick away from his screen and told him that her daughter had signed for four concerts and that, of course, according to the terms of the contract, she should receive the sum originally stipulated for, whether the society gave the four concerts or not.  - James Joyce『母親』
  • 第一部が終わるとすぐにフィッツパトリック氏とホラハン氏はカーニー夫人の所へ行き、残りの四ギニーは次の火曜日にある委員会の会合の後で支払われるだろう、彼女のが第二部の演奏をしない場合には委員会は契約が破棄されたとみなし何も支払わないだろうと言った。
    As soon as the first part was ended Mr. Fitzpatrick and Mr. Holohan went over to Mrs. Kearney and told her that the other four guineas would be paid after the committee meeting on the following Tuesday and that, in case her daughter did not play for the second part, the committee would consider the contract broken and would pay nothing.  - James Joyce『母親』
  • 「マキちゃんて双子らしいよ」健が言った。「知らんがな」俺は興味がないので冷たく返す。マキちゃんというのは学生ラウンジで俺たちのサークルの隣に陣取っているウクレレサークルの女の子だ。健の目にはずいぶん可憐に映っているようだが、俺に言わせればクラスで6番目に可愛いくらいの普通のだ。
    "Looks like Maki's a twin!" Ken said. "Really now," I replied, totally uninterested. Maki was a member of a ukulele club that ran beside our club in the school lounge. She looked lovely in Ken's eyes, but to me she was just the sixth cutest girl in class - average, in my opinion. - Tatoeba例文
  • ところが、本願寺の法主が証如の代に入ると証如とその後見である蓮淳(蓮如の6男で証如の外祖父)は法主による一門統制を強める政策を採り、その遂行のために蓮淳の婿で朝倉氏によって越前から追放されていた末寺の一つ超勝寺の住持であった実顕が代官に任じられて「両御山」体制を否認する命令を加賀各地に出す。
    However, when Shonyo became the lord of Hongan-ji Temple and his guardian Renjun (the sixth son of Rennyo and maternal grandfather of Shonyo) took a policy of keeping the family under control by the lord, they pursued their policy by appointing Saneaki, Renjun's adopted son-in-law and a chief priest in Chosho-ji Temple, one of Hogan-ji Temple's branch temples, who had been expelled from Echizen by the Asakura clan, as local governor to issue an order to reject the 'Two Temples' system throughout Kaga.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また1191年(建久2年)6月9日条には、一条能保のの左大将九条良経との婚姻に際しその衣装が遅れ、その沙汰をした御台所北条政子か頼朝が「御気色不快」になったときに善信(三善康信)が「秀句」を語って怒っていた政子か頼朝は「御入興」でお咎めを回避したなど、総じてエピソードのたぐいによく登場する。
    Zenshin (Yasunobu MIYOSHI) often appears in the episodes as a whole, for example, in the entry dated June 9, 1191, at the marriage between Yoshiyasu ICHIJO and Yoshitsune KUJO, Sadaisho (Minister of the Left), the wedding clothes were late to arrive, and Masako HOJO, Midaidokoro (Shogun's wife) or Yoritomo, who arranged them, was in a 'bad temper,' but Zenshin's 'excellent turn of phrase' made Masako or Yoritomo 'amused' and saved the people from the trouble.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 通常鎌倉期のそれを前期、南北朝期以降のそれを後期と呼んで区分しているが、前期京極派においては京極為兼、伏見院、久明親王、西園寺しょう子、藤原為子(従三位為子)、冷泉為相(が持明院統の久明親王に嫁す)らが主要な歌人として活躍し、十三番目の勅撰集『玉葉和歌集』(伏見院下命、為兼撰)が編まれた。
    In general, the history of the Kyogoku school is broken into two periods, with the school during the Kamakura period dubbed the early period and all its history from the Northern and Southern Court period onwards being called the late period; its principal active poets included Tamekane KYOGOKU, Emperor Fushimi, Imperial Prince Hisaaki, Shoshi SAIONJI, Tameshi FUJIWARA (also known as Tameshi of Junior Third Rank), and Tamesuke REIZEI (whose daughter married Imperial Prince Hisaaki of the Jimyoin lineage), and Tamekane was also chosen (by order of Emperor Fushimi) to compile the 13th Imperial waka anthology, "Gyokuyo wakashu" (the Jeweled Leaves Collection).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 宿曜の占いによれば「3人の子供をなし、ひとりは帝、ひとりは中宮、真ん中の劣った者も太政大臣となる」と言われ(「澪標」)、これは藤壺の子冷泉帝、葵の上との間に生まれた長男の夕霧(源氏物語)、明石の御方のである明石の姫君の三人により実現した。
    According to sukuyo (astrology), it was predicted that 'there would be three children: one will be an Emperor, one will be an Empress, and even the inferior one in the middle will be Dajo Daijin (Grand Minister of State)' (in the chapter of 'Miotsukushi' (Channel Buoys)), and the prediction comes true since his three children were: Emperor Reizei, the son with Fujitsubo; Yugiri, the eldest son with Aoi no ue; and Princess Akashi, the daughter with Akashi no Onkata.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その劇中、天皇の祖神、山幸彦が「塩土老翁」(しおつつのおじ)という神に「無目籠」(まなしかたま)という水の入らないかごに乗せられ、海神の宮(わだつみのみや)に行き、海神(わだつみ)の、豊玉姫(とよたまひめ)と結婚し3年間暮らし生まれ故郷に戻り禁(タブー)を破る話の大筋がそっくりである。
    The main plot is quite similar to Urashima Monogatari; Yamasachihiko, the deity from which the Imperial family is descended, was put in a waterproof palanquin called 'Manashikatama' by the god Shiotsutsunooji and taken to Wadatsumi no miya (a palace of the tutelary deity of the sea), and there gets married to Toyotamahime, a daughter of Wadatsumi, and after spending three years there he returns home and breaks a taboo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ちなみに源氏物語に登場する奏者は、主人公で臣籍降下した皇子光源氏やその弟の蛍兵部卿宮・宇治八の宮、また源氏の妻の内親王女三宮とその子薫、常陸宮の末摘花(源氏物語)、明石の御方(母が中務宮の孫)など、多くが皇族または皇室に深いかかわりを持つ人物である。
    Most of the players that appear in the "Genji Monogatari" are people deeply related to the Imperial Family or the Imperial household, such as the hero of this story, Prince Hikaru Genji, who became a subject of the state; his younger brothers, Hotaru Hyobukyo no Miya and Uji Hachi no Miya; his wife, Imperial Princess Onna San no Miya; and their children, Kaoru, Suetsumuhana (a daughter of Hitachi no miya) and Akashi no onkata (whose mother was a grandchild of Nakatsukasa no Miya).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主なヒット曲には「雨の慕情」「おまえとふたり」「大阪しぐれ」「みちのくひとり旅」「奥飛騨慕情」「さざんかの宿」「兄弟船」「氷雨」「よ」「北酒場」「矢切の渡し(細川たかし)」「長良川艶歌」「つぐない」「時の流れに身をまかせ」「すずめの涙」「夢おんな」「雪國」「酒よ」「雪椿」「命くれない」「恋歌綴り」「むらさき雨情」「こころ酒」「夜桜お七」「蜩」「珍島物語」など。
    Major hits included 'Ame no Bojo' (Longing in the Rain), 'Omae to Futari' (Together with You), 'Osaka Shigure,' 'Michinoku Hitoritabi' (Solitary Journey to Michinoku), 'Okuhida Bojo' (Longing in Okuhida), 'Sazanka no Yado,' 'Kyodai Bune,' 'Hisame' (Chilly Rain), 'Musume Yo,' 'Kitasakaba,' 'Yagiri no Watashi (Takashi HOSOKAWA)' (Yagiri Ferry), 'Nagaragawa Enka' (Nagara-gawa River Song), 'Tsugunai' (Compensation), 'Toki no Nagare ni Mi wo Makase' (Yielding Myself to the Flow of Time), 'Suzume no Namida' (Tears of Sparrow), 'Yume Onna' (Dreaming Woman), 'Yuki Guni' (Snow Country), 'Sake Yo,' 'Yuki Tsubaki' (Snow Camellia), 'Inochi Kurenai' (Crimson Life of Passion), 'Koi Uta Tsuzuri' (Writing a Love Song), 'Murasaki Ujo'(Purple Rain), 'Kokoro Zake' (Sake of the Heart), 'Yozakura Oshichi' (Oshichi under the Cherry Blossoms in the Night), 'Higurashi' (An Evening Cicada), 'Chindo Monogatari' (A Story of Jindo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『京鹿子道成寺』の白拍子花子、『本朝廿四孝・十種香』の濡衣・八重垣姫、『一條大蔵譚』の常盤御前、『鎌倉三代記・絹川村閑居』の時姫、『祇園祭礼信仰記・金閣寺』の雪姫、『刺青奇遇』のお仲、『一本刀土俵入』のお蔦などが評価が高い。
    He is highly rated in the plays of Shirabyoshi dancer, Hanako in "Kyoganoko Musume Dojoji" (Maiden at Dojo-ji Temple), Nureginu and Princess Yaegaki in "Jusshuko, Honcho Nijushi Ko" (Incense Burning, from 24 Episodes of Great Children in the Country), Tokiwa Gozen in "Ichijo Okura Monogatari" (The Mad Aristocrat), Princess Toki in "Kamakura Sandaiki, Kinugawa-mura Kankyo" (Living in seclusion in Kinugawa Village, Three Generations of the Kamakura Shogunate), Princess Yuki of "Gion Sairei Shinkoki" (Kinkaku-ji Temple, The Gion Festival Chronicle of Faith), Onaka in "Irezumi Chohan" (Tattooed Hantaro) and Otsuta in "Ippongatana Dohyoiri" (Into the Sumo Ring with a Sword).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 実は先代の後水尾法皇の院政にも幕府は反対であったが、幼少の天皇が続いた事に加えて、2代将軍徳川秀忠のである法皇の中宮・東福門院がこれを擁護したために黙認せざるを得なかったのであるが、霊元上皇にも同様な事を許す考えは無かった。
    In fact, the government of Edo was against the cloister government of the late Cloistered Emperor Gomizunoo, which was being continued by the young Emperor; meanwhile, the daughter of the second shogun, Hidetada TOKUGAWA, who was also the pontificate second consort of the Emperor, Tohuku-Mon In, protected the cloister government, which had to be ignored, but the government of Edo did not intend to do the same with the Retired Emperor Reigen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この決まりは元来、皇位継承の際の混乱を避けることが主要な意図であるが、後水尾天皇はこの不文律を利用し、天皇家から徳川の血を絶やし、後世までその累が及ばぬようにするという意図などをもって、の明正天皇を即位させたといわれている(ただし興子の同母妹の昭子・賀子両内親王はそれぞれ五摂家の近衛家・二条家に降嫁している)。
    This unwritten rule was originally made to avoid any trouble that might occur in Imperial succession, Emperor Gomizunoo used this to stop the Tokugawa lineage from the Imperial lineage and intended not to have any Tokugawa blood in the Imperial family, thus he made his daughter, Empress Meisho to succeed the throne. (However Okiko's younger sister, Imperial Princess Akiko and Imperial Princess Yoshiko married into the Konoe family and the Nijo family, two of the five families whose members were eligible for the positions of Sessho and Kanpaku.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 親王の子女のうち、長女源隆姫(関白藤原頼通の正室)と三女せん子女王(関白藤原教通の正室)は子に恵まれず、次女敦康親王妃も一人藤原嫄子(頼通養女、後朱雀天皇中宮)が内親王二人しか残さなかったが、嫡男源師房の子孫は村上源氏として院政期に勢力を拡大した。
    Among children of the Imperial Prince, his eldest daughter, MINAMOTO no Takahime (a legal wife of the chancellor, FUJIWARA no Yorimichi), and his third daughter, Princess Senshi (a legal wife of the chancellor, FUJIWARA no Norimichi), were less fortunate not to have any children, and for his second daughter, Princess of Imperial Prince Atsuyasu, her only daughter, FUJIWARA no Genshi (Yorimichi's step daughter, later Emperor Gosuzaku), left two imperial princesses, but the offspring of his eldest son, MINAMOTO no Morofusa, extended his influence as Murakami-Genji (Minamoto clan) during the period of the cloistered government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後に頼通の藤原寛子入内に際して、内親王がこのまま中宮でよいと言ったという話が『栄花物語』に見えるが、これは先帝後朱雀天皇の後宮で同じく中宮であった禎子内親王(章子内親王には母方の従姉妹にあたる)が頼通の養女藤原嫄子の立后で皇后に押し上げられ、宮中入りもままならなかった状況を見ていたためでもあるだろう。
    When FUJIWARA no Kanshi (Hiroko), a daughter of Yorimichi, made her bridal entry into the court in later times, "Eiga monogatari" (Tale of Flowering Fortunes) described that the Princess said she would continue to be the second consort of an emperor, but it was because she saw the situation where Princess Teishi (Yoshiko/Sadako - maternal cousin of Imperial Princess Shoshi (Akiko)), the second consort of the former Emperor Gosuzaku at the inner palace, was forced to become an empress by the order from FUJIWARA no Genshi, adopted daughter of Yorimichi, and barely entered the Imperial Court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 出生地については諸説あり、父宗良親王が長年拠点とした信濃国大河原(現、長野県大鹿村)や、遠州に漂着後しばらく滞在した遠江国井伊谷(現、静岡県浜松市引佐町井伊谷)であったとされ、それに付随して母も知久氏の女や井伊道政(徳川家康の重臣井伊直政の祖)のと諸説ある。
    There are several theories about his place of birth, and it is said that it was Okawara, Shinano Province (present-day Oshika-mura, Nagano Prefecture), where his father, Imperial Prince Muneyoshi, maintained a foothold for many years, or Iinoya, Totomi Province (present-day Iinoya, Inasa-cho, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture), where his father stayed for a while after being washed up on the shore of Enshu, and following that, there are several theories about his mother, assuming her to be a woman of the Chiku clan, or a daughter of Michimasa II (ancestor of Naomasa II, a senior vassal of Ieyaku TOKUGAWA).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 早世した草壁皇子だが、両親・妻・息子・と近親者(さらに次女・吉備内親王の夫、長屋王も実際は特例として親王待遇を受け、皇位継承権があったとの説が指摘されている)の殆どが皇位につき、彼の子孫達は天武系の嫡流として奈良時代における文化・政治の担い手となった。
    Prince Kusakabe died at an early age, however, most of his families including his parents, wife, sons, daughters and close relatives took throne (moreover the theory that Prince Nagaya, who was the husband of his second daughter Imperial Princess Kibi was also treated as Imperial Prince as a special case and had the right of succession to the Imperial Throne has been pointed out), while his descendants became bearers of culture and politics as main branch of the Imperial line from the Emperor Tenmu in Nara Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 欽明天皇もまた宣化天皇と橘仲皇女(仁賢天皇皇女)との間のである石姫皇女を皇后とし、敏達天皇を儲けたほか、用明天皇・崇峻天皇・推古天皇の父でもあり、厩戸皇子(聖徳太子)や押坂彦人大兄皇子(舒明天皇・茅渟王の父)の祖父でもある。
    Emperor Kinmei also selected Ishihime no Himemiko as his Empress, the daughter of Emperor Senka and Tachibana no Nakatsu Himemiko (the princess of Emperor Ninken), and he is also the father of Emperor Bidatsu, Emperor Yomei, Emperor Sushun, Emperor Suiko, and the grandfather of the Prince Umayado (Prince Shotoku) and Oshisaka no Hikohito no Oenomiko (the father of the Emperor Jomei and Chinu no Okimi (Load)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国盗りの経緯から道三に味方しようとする旧土岐家家臣団はほとんどおらず、翌弘治2年(1556年)4月、1万7千の兵を率いる義龍に対し、7千の兵の道三が長良川河畔で戦い(長良川の戦い)、婿の信長が援軍を派兵したものの間に合わずに衆寡敵せず、戦死した。
    There were virtually no retainers of the old TOKI clan who wanted to support Dosan because of the way he gained Mino; in April of 1556, Yoshitatsu's army of 17,000 warriors fought Dosan's army of only 7,000 men at Nagara-gawa River (Battle of Nagara-gawa River), and even though Dosan's son-in-law, Nobunaga, sent his army to help it did not reach the battle in time, and Dosan died in the lopsided battle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義経伝説の中でも特に有名な武蔵坊弁慶との五条大橋での出会い、陰陽師鬼一法眼のと通じて伝家の兵書『六韜』『三略』を盗み出して学んだ話、衣川合戦での武蔵坊弁慶弁慶の立ち往生伝説などは、死後200年後の室町時代初期の頃に成立したといわれる『義経記』を通じて世上に広まった物語である。
    Among the Yoshitsune legends, especially famous stories is the story of his encounter with Musashibo Benkei at Gojo-ohashi Bridge, the anecdote that he learned strategy by stealing ancient Chinese strategy books, "Rikuto" and "Sanraku" owned by Onmyoji (diviner) Hogen KIICHI, making use of a love affair with his daughter, and the legend of Musashibo Benkei's Standing Death in the Battle of Koromogawa, and they were extended widely through "Gikeiki," which is said to have been written in the early Muromachi period, 200 years after Yoshitsune's death.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元久2年(1205年)に父が後妻の牧の方と共謀して3代将軍・源実朝を廃して婿の平賀朝雅を新将軍に擁立しようとした陰謀(牧氏事件)には猛反対し、姉政子と共に父を強制的に幕府から排除して政所の別当となり、第2代執権となった。
    He violently opposed a conspiracy that came to be known as the Maki Clan Incident, which his father and Maki no kata (his father's second wife) collaboratively formed in 1205 with the intention of deposing the third shogun, MINAMOTO no Sanetomo, and helping Tomomasa HIRAGA, their daughter's husband, become the new shogun; he then forced his father to leave the shogunate in cooperation with his elder sister Masako, and became the second regent and director of the Administrative Office.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 酒呑童子は、一説では越後国の蒲原郡中村で誕生したと伝えられているが、伊吹山の麓で、日本書紀などで有名な伝説の大蛇、八岐大蛇が、スサノオとの戦いに敗れ、出雲国から近江へと逃げ、そこで富豪のとの間で子を作ったといわれ、その子供が酒呑童子という説もある。
    One version says Shuten Doji was born in Nakamura, in the county of Kanbara, Echigo Province, while in another version he was born at the foot of Mt. Ibuki, Omi Province, the child of the daughter of a powerful local ruler and Yamata-no-Orochi, a legendary giant snake with eight heads who appears in Nihon Shoki, or Chronicles of Japan, and who fled to Omi from Izumo Province after being beaten by Susano, the Shinto god of the sea and storms.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 緒戦で犬山城を攻略したのち、三好秀次(豊臣秀次)・森長可(恒興の婿)・堀秀政とともに家康の本拠三河を攻めようとしたが、合戦の前半で鞍に銃弾を受け落馬したことが災いとなり(逆上してしまったことと負傷し身動きの自由を失ったことと二重に災いをなした)長久手にて長可とともに戦死。
    At the beginning of war, he attacked Inuyama-jo Castle, and then he attempted to attack Ieyasu's home province of Mikawa together with Hidetsugu MIYOSHI (Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI), Nagayoshi MORI (husband of a Tsuneoki's daughter), and Hidemasa HORI, but he met with a misfortune of receiving a shot in the saddle and falling from a horse during the early part of the war (the misfortune doubled as he let himself become furious and lost freedom to move due to injury), he died in Nagakute together with Nagayoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『平治物語』では、頼朝が家盛に生き写しだったことから宗子が助命に奔走したとするが、実際には頼朝が仕えていた統子内親王(待賢門院の、後白河の同母姉)や同じ待賢門院近臣家の熱田宮司家(頼朝の母方の親族)の働きかけによるものと推測される。
    In "The Tale of Heiji," Muneko is depicted as having made every effort to spare Yoritomo's life, because Yoritomo was the very image of Iemori; however, in reality, it can be surmised that Muneko was acting in response to appeals made by Princess Muneko (a daughter of Taikenmonin, and an elder sister of Goshirakawa's born to the same mother) to whom Yoritomo had been in the service of, and the family of Atsuta Guji (chief of those who serves shrine, controls festivals and general affairs of the Atsuta Shinto Shrine) which was the In no Kinshin (vassal attending on a retired emperor) family of Taikenmonin (a family to which Yoritomo was related on his mother side).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、御台所となった熈子の意向で姪にあたる家熈の・近衛尚子が中御門天皇の女御として入内する事になったために近衛家以外の他の摂家が反発して霊元上皇に接近するようになった(なお、当時の養子縁組によって鷹司教平の男系の孫が揃って近衛家以外の4つの摂家の当主であり、互いに親密であった)。
    Sekke regent families other than the KONOE family opposed the demands of Hiroko (who became the wife of Shogun), which made her niece, Hisako KONOE (Iehiro's daughter), become the Nyogo (consort) of Emperor Nakamikado, and went on the side of the Retired Emperor Reigen (from the adoption system of the time, the grandsons of Norihira TAKATSUKASA occupied the heads of the four Sekke regent families other than the Konoe family and had intimate relationships with each other).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文治5年(1189年)には太政大臣となり、建久元年(1190年)には、九条任子を入内させて中宮に冊立、朝廷の第一人者に昇ったかに見えたが、建久3年(1192年)までは後白河院の影響力のため、容易に政権運営が出来ず、頼朝と協力関係を築いたが、反面、朝廷での孤立は否めなかった。
    He became Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister of State) in 1189 and made his daughter Ninshi KUJO marry the emperor to become Chugu (Empress) in 1190; it seemed that he turned into a powerful presence in the Imperial Court, but he could not easily control the government until 1192, perhaps due to the influence of Goshirakawa-in, and he was inevitably left out in the Imperial Court despite building a cooperative relationship with Yoritomo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これにより晴季は朝廷内で重きをなしたが、秀吉の甥で養子の関白豊臣秀次にを嫁がせていたため、文禄4年(1595年)8月に秀次が謀反の疑いを懸けられ高野山で自害を強いられ、秀次の一族妻妾が殺されると、これに連座し、越後国に流罪となり失脚した。
    From this time Harusue began attaining power within the Imperial Court yet, as he had his daughter to merry kanpaku Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI, who was Hideyoshi's nephhew and his adopted son of Hideyoshi, in September 4, 1595, Hidetsugu was forced to commit suicide on Mt. Koya over suspicion of his fomenting rebellion, with his relatives, wife, and mistress being killed, and through this connection Harusue was forced to step down from his appointed office and was banished to Echigo Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、・若御前も父に勝るとも劣らない才能を持ち(「若御前」とは、鳥羽法皇が彼女の曲を聞くために男装をさせて院の御所に上げさせた事に由来していると言う)、後に当代随一の音楽家として名を残した藤原師長(藤原頼長の子、後の太政大臣)の筝もこの親子から習ったものであると伝えられている。
    His daughter, who was called Wakagozen (reportedly the name 'Wakagozen' was derived from the fact that, in order to hear her koto play, the Cloistered Emperor Toba made her enter the imperial court wearing a male costume), had a gift that was even better than Munesuke's and, reportedly, FUJIWARA no Moronaga (FUJIWARA no Yorinaga's son, later Daijodaijin), who was called the greatest musician of the day leaned koto play from Munesuke and his daughter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 千宗旦の次男、一翁宗守(1593年~1675年)は、中村宗哲家の初代八兵衛(1617年~1695年、当時の八兵衛は吉岡姓)の婿となり、吉岡甚右衛門を名乗り塗師を営んでいたが、宗守が父・宗旦から官休庵(武者小路千家)を譲り受けた際に吉岡家を出て千家に復する時、家業を八兵衛に譲った。
    Soshu ICHIO (1593 - 1675), second son of SEN no Sotan, married a daughter of Hachibei, the founder of the Nakamura family (1617 - 1695) (although Hachibei's surname was Yoshioka at that time), changed his name to Jinuemon YOSHIOKA, and worked as a nurishi, but when Soshu took over the Kankyu-an Tearoom (Mushakoji-Senke) from his father Sotan, Soshu left the Yoshioka family and returned to the House of Sen after he relinquished the profession to Hachibei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 順調な出世の背景には祖母の藤原元姫(藤原菅根の・中納言平時望室)が、女官として宮中に出仕して冷泉天皇・円融天皇両天皇の養育係を務めていた経歴によって、外戚である時の摂政藤原伊尹との関係を持ったことが大きいとされている。
    His smooth promotion is mainly attributed to his connection with FUJIWARA no Koretada, who assumed Sessho (Regent) who had a maternal relationship with the emperor, and the connection was brought by Korenaka's grandmother FUJIWARA no Genki (the daughter of FUIWARA no Sugane and the legal wife of TAIRA no Tokimochi), who worked in the Imperial Court as a court lady and served to foster both Emperor Rezei and Enyu in their childhood.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この動きは延享3年12月15日_(旧暦)(1747年1月25日)に兼香がこれまで内覧を務めてきた息子・道香に関白を譲って太政大臣に昇進し、半年後に桜町天皇が桃園天皇に譲位して院政を開始すると、早くも兼香の・富子の入内が決定(実施は兼香没後の宝暦5年(1755年)11月)され、官制改革の構想も徐々に進めていく事になる。
    The plan to reform the court proceeded gradually, beginning on January 25, 1747, with Kaneyoshi passing the position of Kanpaku to his son, Michika, who was serving as Nairan, and being promoted to Daijo-daijin, and when Emperor Sakuramachi abdicated in favor of Emperor Momozono and started a cloistered government six months later, the entry of Kaneyoshi's daughter, Tomiko, to the court was decided quickly (though it actually happened in November 1755, after Kaneyoshi died). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • さらに、清盛の・平徳子の立后に際して中宮大夫に抜擢されるなど親族同様の待遇を受けた隆季は、応保元年(1161年)に参議となってから、検非違使別当・権中納言・中納言と急速に昇進、仁安(日本)3年(1168年)にはついに父の極官を越えて権大納言となった。
    Furthermore, Takasue was treated in the same manner as a family member, such as being selected to become a Chugu daibu (Master of the Consort's Household) when Kiyomori's daughter, TAIRA no Tokuko, became an empress through marriage to the Emperor, and after he became a Sangi (Councilor) in 1161 he quickly rose through the ranks of Kebiishi no betto (Superintendent of the Imperial Police), Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state) and Chunagon (a vice-councilor of state), and in 1168, he finally surpassed his father's kyokkan (the highest rank to which his father was appointed) and became Gon Dainagon (a provisional chief-councilor of state).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『尊卑分脈』の桓武平氏系図で清盛のの一人に常盤を母とする廊御方が記されているが、この書物の成立自体が南北朝時代(日本)末期であり、室町時代以降にも多くの加筆が加えられているので、後代の人が物語に見える説を取り入れ書き加えた可能性がある。
    Although a Lady Ro is mentioned in the genealogy of the Kanmu-Heishi (Taira clan) in the "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (Lineage Sects of Noble and Humble) as the daughter of Kiyomori by Tokiwa, this book was written at the end of the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) with further information being added from the Muromachi period onwards, and it is possible that this information was a late addition.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 上記内容を記している『平治物語』では、頼朝が早世した我が子家盛に生き写しだったことから宗子が助命に奔走したとするが、実際には頼朝が仕えていた統子内親王(待賢門院の、後白河の同母姉)や同じ待賢門院近臣家の熱田宮司家(頼朝の母方の親族)の働きかけによるものと推測される(元木泰雄『保元・平治の乱を読み直す』)。
    In the "Heiji monogatari" (The tale of the Heiji), which recorded the above story, described that Muneko (Ike no Zenni) desperately beg for Yoritomo's life because he was the living image of her son Iemori, who had died young; but in fact, it was assumed that it was caused by the approaches of the Imperial Princess Muneko (a daughter of Taikenmonin, a maternal older half-sister of Goshirakawa) and the Atsuta-guji family (the family of Yoritomo's mother), which was the family of a trusted vassal of the Taikenmonin (Yasuo MOTOKI, "Hogen Heiji no ran o yominaosu"(Rereading the Hogen and Heiji Disturbances)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鳥居禅尼は女性なので別当にこそなれなかったが、熊野三山統轄機構の中枢部にいた夫の行範や義弟の範智(20代熊野別当)、それに婿の湛増(21代熊野別当)、さらには子や孫を通じてその影響力を大いに発揮し、1210年頃、かなりの高齢で死去したと伝えられる。
    Though Torii zenni could not become Kumano betto because of her gender, she exerted a great influence through her family members occupying the central part of the organization controlling Kumano Sanzan, such as her husband Yukinori, her younger brother-in-law Noritomo (the 20th Kumano betto), her son-in-law Tanzo (the 21st Kumano betto) and her sons and grandsons, and she is said to have passed away due to considerable old age around 1210.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、経済的基盤を持たない(祖父実資は、養子であった資房の父・資平に財産を殆ど与えずに実とその夫・藤原兼頼(藤原頼宗の子、頼通・能信の甥にあたる)に与えてしまったために、小野宮家は経済的に没落の一途を辿っていた)ため、頼通に対抗できるだけの政治力を確保できることが出来なかった。
    However, since he had no economic base (the Ononomiya family has been driven to economic ruin because his grandfather Sanesuke left little property to the adopted son Sukehira (Sukefusa's father) and he left his property to his biological daughter and her husband FUJIWARA no Kaneyori (a son of FUJIWARA no Yorimune, a nephew of Yorimichi and Yoshinobu)), he could not secure enough political power to oppose Yorimichi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代に広まった西行物語の版本にはこの他に「父ととが再会した話」、「父のすすめで出家した話」や「出家後は母と共に高野山の麓の天野の地で修行に明け暮れた話」、「生涯男を知らないままで死去した話」といったいくつかのエピソードが含まれている。
    Other than the above, several episodes are seen in the printed books of Saigyo Monogatari published in the Edo period, including the ones saying 'the father and his daughter met again,' and 'she became a Buddhist nun upon her father's exhortation,' and 'after becoming a nun, she was engaged in ascetic practices everyday, together with her mother, at Amano located on the foot of Mt. Koya,' and 'she had no relationships with men throughout her life.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 父・忠政は緒川からほど近い三河国にも所領を持っており、当時三河で勢力を振るっていた松平清康の求めに応じて於富の方を離縁して清康に嫁がせたが、松平氏とさらに友好関係を深めようと考え、天文10年(1541年)にの於大を清康の後を継いだ松平広忠に嫁がせた。
    Her father Tadamasa also held a territory in Mikawa Province near Ogawa, and upon the request of Kiyoyasu MATSUDAIRA who held a great deal of power in Mikawa at the time, he made Otomi no Kata divorce and marry Kiyoyasu but his desire to further strengthen his relationship with the Matsudaira clan led him to marry off his daughter Odai in 1541 to Hirotada MATSUDAIRA who succeeded Kiyoyasu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「木曽殿の御乳母に、中三権頭が巴といふ女なり。強弓の手練れ、荒馬乗りの上手。乳母子ながら妾(おもひもの)にして、内には童を仕ふ様にもてなし、軍には一方の大将軍して、更に不覚の名を取らず。今井・樋口と兄弟にて、怖ろしき者にて候」と答えている。
    He replied, 'She is a daughter between the wet nurse of Kiso-dono and Chuza gon no kami and called Tomoe. She is good at using a strong bow and taming a wild horse. Although she is a daughter of the wet nurse, she became a concubine, and she entertains him like entertaining a boy at home and, in the army, she is a commander in chief and she has never been defeated. She is a sister of IMAI and HIGUCHI and she is a terrible person.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 忠成同様、賄賂には大変鷹揚なところがあり、但馬国出石藩仙石氏の筆頭家老の仙石左京から6,000両もの賄賂を受け取り、その結果、実弟の分家旗本寄合席・松平主税のを左京の息子仙石小太郎に嫁がせたが、これがのちに康任失脚の布石となってしまう。
    Like Tadaakira, Yasuto was very generous about bribery and accepted a bribe of 6,000 ryo from Sakyo SENGOKU, hitto karo (the head of chief retainers) of the Sengoku clan of Izushi Domain in Tajima Province; in consequence, he married a daughter of his brother Chikara MATSUDAIRA, a branch family of hatamoto yoriaiseki (a family rank of high-ranking hatamoto) off to Sakyo's son, Kotaro SENGOKU, which later led to his downfall.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明応3年(1494年)、美濃守護土岐氏の家督争いから発展して争乱が起こると、斎藤妙椿の跡を継いだ斎藤妙純に「織田伊勢守家」が味方すると、斎藤氏には宿怨があったため、美濃小守護代石丸利光のを嫡子・寛定の妻に迎えていたため、石丸方に付き、敏広の後を継いだ斎藤方に組した織田寛広と戦う(船田合戦)。
    In 1494 when the 'Oda Isenokami family' sided with Myojun SAITO, the successor to Myochin SAITO, in the succession dispute of the shugo of Mino Toki clan, he sided with the koshugodai (junior deputy shugo) of Mino Toshimitsu ISHIMARU since Toshimitsu's daughter was the wife of his oldest son Hirosada and fought with Hirohiro ODA, who succeeded Toshihiro and sided with Saito side (the Battle of Funada).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同時に全国の諸大名を東軍につける工作を行い、また合戦においても家康の四男・松平忠吉(直政の婿)をよく補佐して忠吉と共に当初、東軍の先鋒を任されていた福島正則を差し置いて先鋒を務めた(本来ならば、直政も忠吉も軍令違反で処罰の対象になるが、家康は直政の駆け抜けを認めたため、処罰を命じなかった)。
    He covertly made territorial lords from around the country friends of the Eastern Camp, and assisted Ieyasu's 4th son Tadayoshi MATSUDAIRA (Naomasa's son-in-law) well in the battle by spearheading the Eastern Camp along with Tadayoshi instead of Masanori FUKUSHIMA, who was originally supposed to lead (normally, Naoyoshi and Tadayoshi would have been punished for violation of a military order, however, Ieyasu accepted Naoyoshi's conduct and didn't punish them).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天璋院(島津斉彬の養女・篤子、のち近衛忠煕の養女・敬子)の入輿について、家定や大奥が長命で子沢山だった祖父・家斉にあやかって薩摩出身の夫人を望んだことが明らかになっている(家斉の御台所広大院は島津重豪の)。
    About the juyo (wedding of higher class nobles and other higher social stature personals) process of Tenshoin (An adopted daughter of Nariakira SHIMAZU, Atsuko; and later, she became an adopted daughter of Tadahiro KONOE and changed her name to, Sumiko), historians and other experts determined that Iesada and the O-oku (Edo Bakufu Shogun's inner palace residence and where successive shoguns' wives, ladies, and children were living) residents hoped to have his third lawful wife would be a Satsuma born woman to share in the good luck of his grand father, Ienari, who lived longer and had many children (Kodaiin; she was midaidokoro [a wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman] of Ienari and was a daughter of Shigehide SHIMAZU). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 清原家には、清衡の異父異母兄になる武貞の長子清原真衡、清衡、異父弟になる清原家衡があったうえに、吉彦秀武が清原武則の従兄弟にして婿であるなど複雑な血縁関係で結ばれた一族が存在しており、ややもすると血族の間で内紛が起こり易い状態にあった。
    The Kiyohara family had KIYOHARA no Sanehira, who was the first son of Takesada and Kiyohira's older brother-in-law, Kiyohira, and KIYOHARA no Iehira, who was Kiyohira's younger maternal half-brother, as well as KIMIKO no Hidetake, who was a cousin and son-in-law of KIYOHARA no Takenori, and thus this complex kinship relationship might easily cause a dispute between the family members.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 足利家で尊氏と弟の足利直義が対立した観応の擾乱が発生し、1349年(貞和5年/正平(日本)4年)に直義の養子の足利直冬が九州へ逃れると頼尚はを娶せて直冬を擁立し、九州における足利勢力である九州探題の一色範氏と争うが、直冬が没落したために領地の大半は没収される。
    After internecine strife within the Ashikaga family blossomed into outright opposition between Takauji and his younger brother Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA in what became known as the Kanno Disturbance, Tadayoshi's adopted son Tadafuyu ASHIKAGA sought refuge in Kyushu in 1349, and Yorinao chose to back Tadafuyu, giving him his own daughter in marriage and falling into armed conflict with Noriuji ISSHIKI, the Kyushu tandai (military commissioner) and the force of Ashikaga in Kyushu, but Tadafuyu was destroyed, and consequently the greater part of Yorinao's territory was confiscated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文永10年(1273年)5月に執権と連署を務めた北条政村が死去した際に、政村の甥で婿である北条実時に宛てて「お悔やみを申し上げたいが、異国の事により鎮西の地頭御家人は参向してはならないとの御教書ですので、参拝する事できず残念です。」との書状を送っている。
    In May, 1273 when Masamura HOJO, who served as a regent and a rensho (assistant to regents), died, he sent a letter to Sanetoki HOJO, a nephew of Masamura, and his daughter's husband, stating that 'I would like to express my sincere sorrow, however, regrettably I couldn't offer prayers because a migyosho (a document for informing people of the decision of Third Rank or upper people) prohibited jitos (managers and lords of manor) and gokenins (immediate vassals of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods) in Chinzei (nickname of Kyushu) from calling on you due to a foreign affair.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • かつて綱吉の祖父・徳川秀忠は・徳川和子を後水尾天皇の中宮にする際に、とその母四辻与津子(お与津御寮人)の存在が障害であるとして二人を宮中から追放した上、与津子の親族を含む数人の公卿らを流刑に処した(「お与津御寮人事件」)という経緯があった。
    At a time in the past, there was an incident (the Incident of Oyotsu-Goryonin) that when Tsunayoshi's grandfather Hidetada TOKUGAWA made his daughter, Masako TOKUGAWA, chugu of Emperor Gomizuo, he banished Princess Umenomiya and her mother Yotsuko YOTSUTSUJI (Oyotsu-Goryonin) from the Imperial Court because they were obstacles for Masako and exiled some Kugyo (the top court officials) including her relatives.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし観応2/正平6年(1351年)、貞久・氏久が南朝方に降伏、その後忠国の子・久氏は氏久に従い南朝方の畠山氏を攻撃している(島津氏は状況をみて帰属・離反を繰り返していた)ことや忠国のが氏久の室であることからも、この時期には島津宗家に協力していたと考えられる。
    However, it seems that he supported the Shimazu Soke family in this period because of the things: Sadahisa and Ujihisa surrendered to the Southern Court in 1351 and after that Hisauji, a son of Tadakuni, followed Ujihisa to attack the Hatakeyama clan of the Southern Court (the Simazu clan repeated subordination and estrangement according to the situation); a daughter of Tagakuni is a wife of Ujihisa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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  • Tatoeba例文
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  • 原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”

    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2001 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
  • 原題:”The Great Gatsby”

    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    Copyright (C) F. Scott Fitzgerald 1926, expired. Copyright (C) Kareha 2001-2002,waived.
  • 原題:”A Mother”

    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    Copyright(C)2005 coderati