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  • 一方、実母である市田氏はその権勢により弟の市田盛常を薩摩藩一所持格(本来島津一族でないとなれない地位)に取り立て、同じ重豪側室で島津斉宣の母である公家の・堤氏(春光院(島津重豪側室))を江戸から鹿児島県に追いだし、自らは重豪の正室同様に振る舞ったのである。
    On the other hand, her biological mother Ichida placed her younger brother Moritsune ICHIDA to the position of Satsumahan issho mochi (position only reserved for Shimazu clan) with her power and acted as if she was a lawful wife of Shigehide after sending Shigehide's another concubine Tsutsumi who was Narinobu SHIMAZU's mother and a daughter of Kuge (Shunkoin (a concubine of Shigehide SHIMAZU)) to Kagoshima from Edo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 翌宝治元年(1247年)6月(旧暦)の宝治合戦によって、三浦泰村・光村兄弟が攻め滅ぼされると、6月6日(旧暦)に三浦氏の婿である秀胤に対しても追討命令が発せられ、翌7日には千葉氏一族の大須賀胤氏・東胤行(素暹、秀胤の3男・泰秀の義父)らが秀胤の本拠である上総国玉崎荘大柳館(現在の千葉県睦沢町)を攻撃した。
    On July 16 in 1247, the next year of the coup, the order was issued to expel Hidetane as the adopted son-in-law of the Miura clan after the Battle of Hoji, which completely destroyed Yasumura and Mitsumura MIURA brothers; on the next day, July 17, Taneuji Osuga and Taneyuki TO (also known as Sosen, and a father-in-law of Hidetane's third son Yasuhide), who were also from the Chiba clan, attacked Hidetane's base Tairyukan in Tamazaki no sho in Kazusa Province (now Mutsuzawa town, Chiba Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • オオヤマツミは「私が二人を一緒に差し上げたのは、イワナガヒメを妻にすれば天津神の御子(ニニギ)の命は岩のように永遠のものとなり、コノハナノサクヤビメを妻にすれば木の花が咲くように繁栄するだろうと誓約を立てたからである。コノハナノサクヤビメだけと結婚したので、天津神の御子の命は木の花のようにはかなくなるだろう」と言った。
    Oyamatsumi said, 'I offered my two daughters together because I made a covenant that the son of Amatsukami (god of heaven) (Ninigi) will have a life as eternal as a rock if you have Iwanaga-hime as your wife, and if you have Konohana no sakuya-bime as your wife then you will prosper just like flowers blossoming on a tree. However, because you married only Konohana no sakuya-bime the life of the son of Amatsukami will be ephemeral like flowers on a tree.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 神職だけでなく福男や福や神事に携わる庶民(祭り弓矢の矢取りなど)や祭りの興行者(相撲の力士や太神楽の芸人あるいは、縁日の露天商なども)その源流(猿楽・くぐつなど)は「かんなぎ」であり、良い縁起を齎すものとして、特別な力があると考えられてきた。
    Besides priests, fukuotoko (the luckiest man); fukumusume (the luckiest girl); people involved in Shinto rituals (such as the arrow gatherer of a bow and arrow performance at a festival); performers and promoters at a festival (including sumo wrestlers, daikagura lion dance performers, and stall keepers) as well as their sources (such as the medieval sarugaku form of theater and kugutsu puppet theater) are all 'kannagi' and have long been thought to have special power to bring good luck.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 兼家の跡は長男藤原道隆が継ぎ、藤原定子を后位に空席がないにもかかわらず強引に皇后に立てるなど、一時は強力な権力を振るったが、長徳元年(995年)に病死、跡を継いだ道兼も道隆に1ヶ月ほど遅れて病死し、道隆の嫡男藤原伊周と兼家の四男藤原道長が跡目を争った。
    Kaneie's first son FUJIWARA no Michitaka took Kaneie's place and even though for a while he acted with absolute authority such as there being no opening as empress but forcibly making his daughter FUJIWARA no Teishi as Empress, he died in 995, and his heir Michikane died about one month after Michitaka, leaving Michitaka's heir, FUJIWARA no Korechika and Kaneie's fourth son FUJIWARA no Michinaga to fight over the position of family head.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この説によれば、本来の目的は高明のみならず、あわよくば師輔の子供である藤原伊尹兄弟(高明の義兄弟にあたる)の失脚も狙った計画であったものの、高明夫人(師輔の)の没後に高明と疎遠になっていた伊尹兄弟もむしろ高明追放後の昇進に期待をかけて高明排斥に積極的に加担したために、彼らを排する機会を逸したというのである。
    According to this theory, the original goal was to oust not only Takaakira, but if circumstances allowed, to oust the FUJIWARA no Koretada brothers (sworn brothers of Takaakira) who were the children of Morosuke, but because the Koretada brothers, (who were estranged from Takaakira after the death of Takaakira's wife, the daughter of Morosuke) actively participated in casting aside Takaakira, expecting to be promoted if successful, the Fujiwara clan lost the opportunity to cast out the FUJIWARA no Koretada brothers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • やがて、宇多法皇が道真の婿でもある斉世親王を皇太弟に立てようとしているという風説が流れると、宇多上皇や道真の政治手法に密かに不満を抱いていた醍醐天皇と藤原時平、藤原菅根(折りしも病死した平季長の後任の蔵人頭に就任していた)らが政治の主導権を奪還せんとしたのである。
    Eventually, when rumors began to fly that Cloistered Emperor Uda was going to raise Michizane's son-in-law, the Imperial Prince Tokiyo, to the rank of Kotaitei (one rank below the heir apparent), those who were nursing secret resentment against Uda and Michizane for their political maneuvers, including Emperor Daigo, FUJIWARA no Tokihira, and FUJIWARA no Sugane (the new Majordomo of the palace following TAIRA no Hidenaga's recent death by illness), began to plan how to recover control over the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方、橋本治はこれについて高倉天皇が立太子式を挙げた場所が藤原家の中でも最も格の高い邸宅であった東三条殿であったことに注目し、しかもこの東三条殿の当時の所有者が清盛のの盛子であった(藤原基実はこの立太子式の3ヶ月前に死去)ことが強く影響したという説を立てている。
    Osamu HASHIMOTO proposed an alternative hypothesis that focused on the fact that Emperor Takakura held the ceremony for becoming Crown Prince at the Higashi Sanjo-den, the noblest of all residences within the Fujiwara family, and that the owner of this residence was Kiyomori's daughter, Moriko (FUJIWARA no Motozane had died 3 months before the ceremony), who could have strongly affected his position.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そこで当時院政を敷いていた後水尾法皇と江戸幕府との間で密かに万が一鷹司房子に男子が生まれないままに天皇が崩御された場合の時には小倉実起の(中納言典侍・実名不詳)が生んだ第1皇子である一宮が継承するという合意が出来ており、天皇や摂関家などの有力公家の合意を取り付けていた。
    There had been an agreement between Cloistered Emperor Gomizunoo, then taking the virtual reins of the court, and the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a nominally emperor-appointed Shogun) that, if Emperor Reigen died before Fusako TAKATSUKASA delivered a son, the Emperor's oldest son Ichinomiya born to a daughter (an unidentified Chunagon Naishi (a maid of honor to the Vice-Councilor of State)) of Saneoki OGURA would inherit the throne, and this agreement had won consent of the Emperor and influential noble families including Sekkanke (families qualified for appointment as Prince Regent or Chief Advisor to the Emperor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以前から天皇は、弟宮の八条宮智仁親王への譲位を望んでいたが、豊臣秀吉の猶子となったことがある親王への譲位は、豊臣家と敵対する幕府が難色を示し、また後陽成帝の皇子・後水尾天皇へ徳川秀忠の徳川和子を入内させようとしていた家康の意向に沿わなかったため、譲位すらもままならない状況が続いた。
    The Emperor had wished to abdicate his throne in favor of his younger brother Imperial Prince Toshihito HACHIJONOMIYA, but the Bakufu, the arch enemy of the Toyotomi family, was against his wish, as the Prince had been once a yushi (an adopted son in an old Japanese way) of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and it also was the intention of Ieyasu who wanted judai (entering the Imperial Palace after an official ceremony) of Kazuko TOKUGAWA, a daughter of Hidetada TOKUGAWA, as a consort of Emperor Gomizunoo, a son of Emperor Goyozei, with the consequence that the Emperor was not free even to abdicate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 更に公任の作成した「部類」の一部も公任婿の藤原教通の家に置かれたときに火災に遇い焼失(『小右記』長和4年4月13日条)し、その後残りとされる6巻が小野宮家の藤原顕仲から藤原宗忠(『中右記』の著者)に材木と引き換えに譲り受け、後に白河法皇に貸し出された。
    Furthermore, a part of the 'Burui' that Kinto made was destroyed in a fire when it was kept in the house of FUJIWARA no Norimichi (according to ''Shoyuki'' May 9, 1015) who was Kinto's adopted son-in-law, and later the 6 volumes that were assumed to be remains of the 'Burui,' were handed over to FUJIWARA no Munetada (the author of "Chuyuki") from FUJIWARA no Akinaka in exchange for lumber, and later were lent to Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 信濃国の大名がこぞって東軍に与するなか、あえて昌幸と信繁が西軍に与した理由は諸説あるが、昌幸の五女が石田三成の妻の実家である宇田氏に嫁いでおり、しかも昌幸二男信繁も三成と親交があり西軍に与した大谷吉継のを妻にしているという姻戚関係が、昌幸・信繁父子の選択に重要な影響を及ぼしたと言われている。
    There are several theories why Masayuki and Nobushige dared to side with the Western Camp while the daimyo in Shinano Province all sided with the Eastern Camp, and it is said that the matrimonial relation Masayuki and his son Nobushige had (Masayuki's fifth daughter married into the Uda clan, which is the family home of the wife of Mitsunari ISHIDA, Masayuki's second son Nobushige, being associated with Mitsunari, married with a daughter of Yoshitsugu OTANI who sided with the Western Camp) had a significant influence on their choices.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかしながら、蘇我赤兄の外孫である山辺皇女が、持統天皇に排除された夫の大津皇子に殉死したり、また文武天皇の妻の石川刀子が、天皇崩御後に某男との関係を持った事からその身分を剥奪され、子の広成皇子・広世皇子も連座して皇族の身分を剥奪される事件なども起こしている。
    However, several unfortunate incidents befell the throne: Princess Yamanobe no Himemiko, a sotomago (grandchild from a daughter married into another family) of SOGA no Akae followed her husband Imperial Prince Otsu to the grave when he was eliminated by Empress Jito, and ISHIKAWA no Tone no Iratsume, the wife of the late Emperor Monmu, was stripped of her rank due to infidelity and her children Hironari no Oji and Hiroyo no Oji were stripped of their standing as members of the Imperial family by association.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1415年、上杉禅秀が関東地方において乱を起こした際、満重(小栗判官の父の名であるがここでは小栗判官自身)は管領足利持氏に攻め落とされ、落ち延びるが、相模国の国に10人の家来とともに潜伏中に見初めた相模横山家(横山大膳・横浜市戸塚区俣野に伝説が残る)の照手姫と結婚の約束を交わす。
    In 1415, when Zenshu UESUGI started a revolt in Kanto region, Mitsushige (which is the name of Ogurihangan's father but refers to Ogurihangan himself in this context) ran away as he was defeated by the shognate deputy Mochiuji ASHIKAGA, but Oguri became engaged to the Princess Terute, a young woman from Yokoyama family (Daizen YOKOYAMA's legend remains in Matano, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama City) in Sagami Province, whom he fell in love with while hiding together with 10 of his retainers in Sagami Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後、一時期頼通の・藤原寛子(後冷泉天皇皇后)に譲られたものの、康平3年(1060年)頃より以後の摂関家の大饗や藤氏長者就任の儀式、立太子や立后、元服など、摂関家及び皇室の重要行事はここで行われる慣例が形成され、所有者も藤原師通以後は代々藤氏長者(=摂関家当主)の所有と定められた。
    After that, its ownership was transferred for a while to FUJIWARA no Kanshi (the Empress of the Emperor Goreizei), his daughter, but around 1060, it became customary that important events of imperial families and sekkan-ke (the top family in the govermental hierarchy), such as big banquets by sekkan-ke, the ceremony of assuming the position of Toshi Choja (the chief of the Fujiwara clan), the ceremonies of instituting a crown prince and an empress and coming-of-age ceremonies, were held here, and therefore, it was decided after the era of FUJIWARA no Moromichi that the place would be owned by Toshi Choja (the chief of the sekkan-ke) in each generation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 先代吉左衛門友純の実兄徳大寺実則公爵の三女奉子は、三井・室町家の三井高従に嫁いでおり、さらに実則の三男で分家した旧男爵徳大寺則麿の長女鶴子、つまり実則の孫が、やはり三井・新町家の三井高直に嫁いでいるので、住友と三井両本家は、四重、五重の閨閥関係にある。
    Tomoko, who was the third daughter of Duke Sanetsune TOKUDAIJI, who is the elder brother of the former generation of Kichizaemon, married Koju MITSUI of the Mitsui-Muromachi Family; and because Tsuruko, who was the eldest daughter of the former baron Norimaro Tokudaiji, who was the third son of Sanetsune and started the branch family, that is, the granddaughter of Sanetsune married Takanao MITSUI of the Mitsui-Shinmachi Family, which means Honke of the Sumitomo Family and Honke of the Mitsui Family have quadruple or quintuple Keibatsu, Keibatsu blood connections.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、信房のの鷹司孝子が徳川家光の正室となったことから、弟である鷹司信平は、鷹司松平家を名乗ることが許され、天皇に仕える公家から、徳川家の旗本へと転身した、この武家の鷹司家は、代を重ねるごとに加増され、最終的には上野国吉井藩主家となった。
    Because Takako TAKATSUKASA, the daughter of Nobufusa, became a legitimate wife of Iemitsu TOKUGAWA, her younger brother Nobuhira TAKATSUKASA was allowed to refer to himself as being of the Takatsukasa-Matsudaira Family, and he changed his social status from a court noble who served the Emperor to a hatamoto (a direct vassal of the shogun) of the Tokugawa family; the Takatsukasa Family, a samurai family, had been promoted over generations and ultimately became the house of the lord of the domain of Yoshii, in Kozuke Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代初頭、四辻公遠の・与津子は後水尾天皇の典侍となり、天皇の寵愛を受けて皇子(夭折)と皇女(後の文智女王)を儲けたが、これが徳川和子の入内直前の出来事であったため、江戸幕府の怒りを買い、一時宮中から追放される羽目にあった。
    Yotsuko, the daughter of Kinto YOTSUTSUJI, became a maid of honor of the Emperor Gomizunoo in the beginning of the Edo period and, while in the Emperor's favor, gave birth to a prince (who died young) and a princess (later Bunchijoo), but the births took place shortly before the marriage of the Emperor Gomizunoo to Kazuko TOKUGAWA and thus invoked the wrath of the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), with the result that she was temporarily expelled from the court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 源顕房の・藤原賢子が産んだ堀河天皇の治世では、「左右大臣、左右大将、源氏同時に相並ぶ例、未だ此の事あらず」(『中右記』寛治7年(1093年)12月27日条)、「近代公卿廿四人、源氏の人半ばを過ぎるか、未だ此の如き事あらんか」(『中右記』康和4年(1102年)6月23日条)とあるように外戚として隆盛を極めた。
    As maternal relatives, Morofusa's descendants were at the height of their prosperity during the reign of Emperor Horikawa, who was a biological son of MINAMOTO no Akifusa's daughter, FUJIWARA no Kenshi, as can be seen from 'members of the Minamoto clan positioned side by side as the Minister of the Left and the Minister of the Right, as well as the Major Captain of the Left and the Right Divisions of Inner Palace Guards, which has never happened before' ("Chuyuki" (diary of FUJIWARA no Munetada), the article of January 22, 1094) and from 'there are 24 modern-day kugyo (court nobility), of which more than half are from the Minamoto clan, which has never happened before' ("Chuyuki" (diary of FUJIWARA no Munetada), the article of written on August 15, 1102).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 経忠の孫の藤原信隆は生前は正三位非参議止まりであったが、安徳天皇が伊勢平氏一門とともに都落ちすると、信隆ので高倉天皇の典侍となっていた藤原殖子(七条院)所生の後鳥羽天皇(後鳥羽天皇)が皇位を継承し、後鳥羽天皇の外祖父にあたる信隆は従一位左大臣を追贈された。
    Tsunetada's grandson FUJIWARA no Nobutaka was only able to rise during his lifetime as far as Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) and was not assigned a court position, but after Emperor Antoku fled the capital along with the Ise-Heishi (Taira clan), the throne passed to Emperor Gotoba--who had been born of FUJIWARA no Shokushi (whose religious name was Shichijoin), Nobutaka's daughter and a onetime lady-in-waiting to Emperor Takakura--whereupon Nobutaka, Emperor Gotoba's maternal grandfather, was posthumously promoted to Juichii (Junior First Rank) and given the position of Sadaijin (Minister of the Left).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、その妻総心尼(忠政の次男水野信元の、家康の従兄弟にあたる)は、中山光勝(五郎左衛門、父は岩滑城主中山勝時)の養子であり、総心尼の妹(名前は明らかではない)の実子である新七郎を養子として迎え、同家を再興し、新七郎は水野保雅を名乗り、彼とその子孫は尾張藩に仕えて幕末に至った。
    His wife, Soshin-ni (a daughter of Tadamasa's second son Nobumoto MIZUNO, and Ieyasu's cousin), an adopted daughter of Mitsukatsu (Gorozaemon) NAKAYAMA (a son of the lord of Yanabe-jo Castle, Katsutoki NAKAYAMA), revived her husband's family line by adopting Shinshichiro, the biological son of her younger sister (her name is uncertain), who used the name Yasumasa MIZUNO; he and his descendants served in the Owari Domain until the end of the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 孫の松田元輝の代になると宇喜多直家の力が強大になり、子の松田元賢に直家のと婚姻させ、姻戚関係を結ぶ、更には当時美作・備中への影響力が強かった尼子晴久が浦上氏を攻撃すべく備前へ侵攻してきた際には、尼子方に属するなどによって勢力の維持を図ろうとした。
    In the time of his grandson Mototeru MATSUDA, when Naoie UKITA increased his influences, he had his son Motokata MATSUDA marry a daughter of Naoie to ally, and further, he took sides with Haruhisa AMAGO, who had strong influence in Mimasaka and Bicchu at the time, advancing to Bizen to attack the Uragami clan, by which he tried to maintain his power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 高郷の子の蒲生定秀は六角氏の宿老として活躍するが、蒲生賢秀の代に六角氏が織田氏に滅ぼされると、蒲生氏は織田氏に属し、賢秀の子である蒲生氏郷が織田信長の婿に迎えられるなど重用されたため、織田政権とそれを継承した豊臣政権において蒲生氏は大大名として大きく躍進した。
    Takasato's son, Sadahide (定秀) GAMO served the Rokkaku clan as Syukuro (a chief vassal of a samurai family); however, during the period of Katahide GAMO, the Rokkaku clan was destroyed by the Oda clan; after that, the Gamo clan served the Oda clan and was given important status by the achievements and some occasion including the marriage between Katahide's son Ujisato GAMO and a daughter of Nobunaga ODA; therefore, the Gamo clan at last successfully became Daidaimyo (a feudal lord with a greater stipend) and played important roles during the period of the Oda government and the Toyotomi government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 放射性廃棄物等から採取した試料に含まれるα線放出核種を定量するために、測定用試料厚さをα線の飛程に比べて十分に厚くし、α線放出核種が均一に分布した固体状のα線測定用試料として、試料内部にRnガスおよびその核種を閉じ込めるようにする。
    To quantitate α-ray emitting nuclides included in a sample extracted from radioactive wastes or the like, the thickness of the measuring sample is set to be sufficiently larger than the range of α-rays, and Rn gas and its daughter nuclide are confined to be within the sample as a solid α-ray measuring sample, in which α-rays emission nuclides are uniformly distributed. - 特許庁
  • さて、ある話では、パリスは魔法の技でメネラーオスの姿になり、ヘレネーに一緒に船出しようと言い、それが自分の夫だと思っているヘレネーは彼について行き、パリスはヘレネーを、その主人と美しく小さな一人、子供のヘルミオーネから引き離してトロイアへ広い海を越えて運んだということだ。
    Now some say that Paris, by art magic, put on the appearance of Menelaus, and asked Helen to come sailing with him, and that she, thinking he was her husband, followed him, and he carried her across the wide waters of Troy, away from her lord and her one beautiful little daughter, the child Hermione.  - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』
  • このように、博士は我らが悪役生物どもについて啓蒙された好奇心からくる観点と研究意欲とを持っていたが、しかし、妻とたちにはそれを共有しようとする美質がなかったので、博士が蛇園(スネイクリー)と呼ぶ場所から必要以上の厳しさで締め出され、友情を同一種間に限定されるという運命を背負わされた。
    His wife and daughters, not having the advantage to share his enlightened curiosity regarding the works and ways of our ill-starred fellow-creatures, were, with needless austerity, excluded from what he called the Snakery, and doomed to companionship with their own kind;  - Ambrose Bierce『男と蛇』
  • 妻の黙認と助力を得て、彼は変装し、その鋭い目をサングラスで隠し、口ひげと濃い頬ひげで顔を覆い、その明瞭な声を低めて猫なで声のささやきにし、それには近視だから二重に安心、ということで、彼はホズマー・エンジェル氏として現れ、彼自身が恋人になってほかの恋人を近づけないでおく。」
    With the connivance and assistance of his wife he disguised himself, covered those keen eyes with tinted glasses, masked the face with a moustache and a pair of bushy whiskers, sunk that clear voice into an insinuating whisper, and doubly secure on account of the girl's short sight, he appears as Mr. Hosmer Angel, and keeps off other lovers by making love himself."  - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』
  • さて、バサーニオが結婚したいと考えていた例の金持ちの女相続人は、ヴェニスの近くのベルモントと呼ばれるところに住んでいて、名をポーシャと言った。その容姿も内面もとても優雅で、私たちが本で読むところの、ケイトーのにしてブルータスの妻であったあのポーシャにも決してひけを取らなかった。
    The rich heiress that Bassanio wished to marry lived near Venice, at a place called Belmont: her name was Portia, and in the graces of her person and her mind she was nothing inferior to that Portia, of whom we read, who was Cato's daughter, and the wife of Brutus.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』
  • 歌右衛門生涯の当たり役は非常に多く、『京鹿子道成寺』の白拍子花子、『籠釣瓶花街酔醒(籠釣瓶)』の八つ橋、『祗園祭礼信仰記(金閣寺)』の雪姫、『鎌倉三代記・絹川村』の時姫、『本朝廿四孝・十種香』の八重垣姫、『東海道四谷怪談』のお岩、『妹背山婦女庭訓(妹背山)』の定高、お三輪、『沓手鳥孤城落月(孤城落月)』の淀君、『仮名手本忠臣蔵・九段目』の戸無瀬、『積恋雪関扉(関の扉)』の小町と墨染、『恋飛脚大和往来・新口村』の梅川、『攝州合邦辻・合邦庵室』の玉手御前、『伽羅先代萩』の政岡、『鏡山旧錦絵(鏡山)』の尾上、『隅田川続俤(隅田川)』の班女など、形から姫、片はずし、傾城に至るまで、あらゆる女形の領域をこなした。
    Utaemon performed many successful characters in his lifetime, and those were Shirabyoshi (women who play Shirabyoshi (Japanese traditional dance)) Hanako of "Kyo Kanokomusume Dojoji" (The maiden at Dojo Temple), Yatsuhashi of "Kago Tsurube Satono Eizame" (Basket bucket in red-light district), Yukihime of "Gion Sairei Shinkoki" (The Gion Festival Chronicle of Faith)(Kinkaku-ji Temple), Tokihime of "Kamakura Sandaiki, Kinugawa-mura" (Three Generations of the Kamakura Shogunate in Kinugawa Village), Yaegaki-hime of "Honcho Niju-shi ko, Jusshuko" (24 Paragons of Filial Piety of our Country, Incense Burning), "Oiwa of "Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan" (Tokaido Yotsuya Ghost Stories), Sadaka and Omiwa of "Imoseyama Onna Teikin" (An Exemplary Tale of Womanly Virtue in Mt. Imose), Yodogimi of "Hototogisu Kojo no Rakugetsu" (The Sinking Moon over the Lonely Castle Where the Cuckoo Cries), Tonase of "Kanadehon Chushingura, Kudanme" (The Treasury of Loyal Retainers, 9th act), Komachi and Sumizome of "Tsumoru Koiyuki no Seki no To" (The Barrier Gate), Umegawa of "Koibikyaku Yamato Orai, Ninokuchi-mura" (The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway, Ninokuchi Village), Tamate-Gozen of "Gappo Anjitsu (hermitage of Gappo), Sesshu Gappo ga Tsuji (A Kabuki Drama of Unfettered Evil)," Masaoka of "Meiboku Sendai Hagi" (The trouble in the Date Clan), Onoue of "Kagamiyama Kokyo no Nishikie" (old brocade pictures of Mt. Kagami), Hanjo of "Sumida-gawa Gonichi no Omokage" (Latter-day Reflections of the Sumida-gawa River), and he acted many types of female roles, such as a daughter, princess, Katahazushi (female role of nyobo (a court lady) of a samurai family or goten jochu (palace maid)), and keisei (courtesans with high dignity and literacy).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 役や、同年代の恋する男性の役の場合は、洗顔の後、鬢付け油を顔全体にすり込む、眉を硬い鬢付け油で塗りつぶす、胸、首、襟足に練りおしろいを塗り、スポンジで伸ばす、顔に練りおしろいを塗り、スポンジで伸ばす、赤でノーズシャドー、アイシャドー、ほほ紅を差す、目じりに紅を差す、眉を、先ず赤で、続けて黒で描く、真っ赤な口紅を、輪郭をはっきり描く、という具合。
    For example, a Kabuki actor who plays the role of a young girl or young man in love will wash their face, rub bintsukeabura (hair oil) onto their whole face, cover their eyebrows with hard bintsukeabura, rub face powder paste on their chest, their neck and nape and then spread it with a sponge; then they rub face powder paste on their face and spread it with a sponge, put on red nose shadow, eye shadow, and blusher, apply crimson to the ends of their eyes, paint their eyebrows first with red and then with black, and paint the shape of their lips clearly with a bright red lipstick.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『先代旧事本紀』では「三世孫天日方奇日方命亦名阿田都久志尼命此命娶日向賀牟度美良姬生一男一女兒健飯勝命妹渟中底姬命此命片鹽浮穴宮天皇安寧片鹽浮穴宮或本坐輕地曲峽宮立為皇后誕生四兒即大日本根子彥耜友天懿德次常津命次磯城津彥命次手研彥奇友背命也」とあり渟中底姬命といい、天日方奇日方命の
    In "Sendai Kujihongi" (Ancient Japanese History), she is described as a daughter of Amehikatakushihikata no mikoto, called Nunasokohime no mikoto, as the following phrase describes:三世孫 天日方奇日方命 亦名 阿田都久志尼命 此命娶日向賀牟度美良姬 生一男一女 兒 健飯勝命 妹 渟中底姬命 此命 片鹽浮穴宮天皇 安寧 片鹽浮穴宮 或本坐輕地曲峽宮 立為皇后 誕生四兒 即 大日本根子彥耜友天 懿德 次 常津命 次 磯城津彥命 次 手研彥奇友背命也 (意味不明のため訳出不能).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 夫・忠刻とも夫婦仲睦まじく、翌元和4年(1618年)には長女・勝姫(円盛院)、元和5年(1619年)には長男・幸千代が生まれるが、元和7年(1621年)に幸千代が3歳で没したのを始め、その後は流産を繰り返すなど子宝に恵まれず(これは秀頼の祟りだと言われた)、寛永3年(1626年)には夫・忠刻、姑・熊姫、実母・崇源院が次々と没するなど不幸が続き、本多家を・勝姫と共に出て江戸城に入り、出家して天樹院と号す。
    She lived happily with her husband Tadatoki, bearing their eldest daughter Katsuhime (later Enseiin) in 1618 and eldest son Yukichiyo in 1619. However, after Yukichiyo died in 1621 at the age of three, she suffered repeated miscarriages, having difficulty in bearing a child (this was rumored to be the curse of Hideyori). In 1626, she lost her husband Tadatoki, mother-in-law Kumahime and mother Sugenin, one after another. After a series of these unfortunate events, she left the Honda family together with her daughter Katsuhime to go to Edo-jo Castle and later became a Buddhist priest, calling herself Tenjuin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、天皇の后にしたが男子に恵まれなかった事や刀伊の入寇・平忠常の乱・前九年の役など戦乱が相次ぎ、朝廷内部での絶対的な権勢とは裏腹に内外においてはその政治的基盤を揺るがせる事態が相次ぎ、晩年には藤原氏と縁のない後三条天皇が即位して、摂関家は衰退へ向かい、やがて院政と武士の台頭の時代へと移ることになる。
    However, because the maiden taken by the Emperor as Empress was unable to provide a son and, due to conflicts such as the Toi Invasion, the TAIRA no Tadatsune Rebellion and the Zenkunen War, the absolute power of the Fujiwara clan in the inner circles of the imperial court was eroded at home and abroad and rocked to its political foundations time and again; in its final years, the Fujiwara clan, who kept the position of Sessho and Kanpaku, saw the unrelated Emperor Gosanjo enthroned and as such, and headed towards decline; in time, there was a transition to a period of cloistered government and the ascendance of samurai warriors. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 武田一族にも関わらず土壇場で勝頼を裏切ったことから、同じく信玄の婿でありながら織田家に寝返った木曽義昌や滅亡寸前に裏切った小山田信茂らと共に否定的評価がある一方で、佐藤八郎など家名存続のため敢えて背いた情勢判断を正当視する好意的評価や、矢野俊文による武田氏と国人領主の穴山や小山田の関係が連合政権であるとする立場から、滅亡に際して個別領主の立場から離反に至ったとする見解もある。
    Because he betrayed Katsuyori at the last minute despite being a Takeda family member, Nobukimi ANAYAMA had a negative reputation alongside Yoshimasa KISO, who was also the son-in-law of Shingen but switched sides to the Oda family, and Nobushige OYAMADA, who committed betrayal just before the fall; however, Hachiro SATO gives him a favorable appraisal, justifying his daring decision to turn away in order to sustain the family name, while Toshifumi YANO believes that the relationship between the Takeda clan and local samurai lords such as Anayama and Oyamada was a coalition government, and that with the fall of Takeda family, Nobukimi broke away from the perspective of an individual feudal lord.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『朝光公記』によれば、伊豆配流中の頼朝の世話をしていた寒河尼のとの間に生まれ、寒河尼の実家・八田氏へ預けられた後、小山政光と寒河尼の三男(四男説もある)として育てられたというのが、その伝説の筋であるが、幕府の公式記録『吾妻鏡』をはじめとする当時の一級資料には、一切、このことには触れられていないことから、推測の域を出ないというのが大方の見方である。
    According to the legend written in "Tomomitsu Ko Ki" (biography of Tomomitsu Ko [Ko means His Serene Highness]), he was born, during Yoritomo's exile in Izu Province, to Yoritomo and the daughter of Samukawa no Ama who had been performing his mother's roll; after birth he was sent to the Hatta family, Samukawa no Ama's parents home, to be taken care of, then raised as the third son (some say the fourth son) of Masamitsu OYAMA and Samukawa no Ama; but there can be found utterly no mentioning to this story in the first rated history books of that time - such as the "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East) which was the official record of bakufu - therefore it is widely believed that this story is nothing but a mere supposition.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この側室については存在を含め一切不明であるが、後に信高が西美濃三人衆の氏家直元の次子である氏家行広に預けられていること、直元長男の氏家直重が織田信孝と秀吉の戦いに際して信孝についた折、行広と共に信高も宇都宮で蟄居していることから、氏家氏か氏家氏ゆかりの西美濃の有力国人のである可能性が高い(蟄居するということは、縁者として連座したと解釈できる)。
    The things about this concubine, including her existence, is not clear at all, but it is highly possible that she is a daughter of the Ujiie clan or a powerful local lord of West Mino associated with the Ujiie clan because of the following data: Nobutaka was placed with Yukihiro UJIIE, the second son of Naomoto UJIIE of the Three of West Mino; when Naoshige UJIIE, the first son of Naomoto, supported Nobutaka (信孝) at the battle of Nobutaka ODA (織田信孝) versus Hideyoshi, Nobutaka (信高) was also placed in confinement at home in Utsunomiya with Yukihiro (being placed in confinement at home can be interpreted as having been implicated as a relative).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京極派の歌人として新後撰和歌集以下の勅撰和歌集に計24首採録されているが、政治的才能には乏しかったとされ、『花園天皇宸記』文保元年3月26・27日条には公顕が県召除目の大間書執筆を担当した際に、その作法が分らずに婿の二条道平が天皇の御前で舅に教えている有様に記主である花園天皇が憤慨したことが記されている。
    While, as a kajin (waka poet) of the Kyogoku school of poetry, he had 24 poems of his own adopted in Chokusen wakashu (anthologies of Japanese poetry compiled by Imperial command) subsequent to Shingosen Wakashu (New Later Collection of Japanese poems), it is said that he had little political ability, and it is recorded in the articles of March 26 and 27 of the first year of Bunpo era (in the old lunar calendar, that is, May 15 and 16 of 1317 in the Gregorian calendar) of "Hanazono Tenno Shinki" (The Records of Emperor Hanazono) that when Kinaki was in charge of writing Omagaki (a list of candidates) of Agatameshi no jimoku (ceremony for appointing local officials), because he didn't know the manner, he learned it from the husband of his daughter, Michihira NIJO, in the presence of Emperor Hanazono, and that the emperor who wrote these records was indignant at their behaviors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 翌建久7年(1196年)の11月23日に中宮九条任子が後宮から退去させられ、同月25日関白九条兼実が罷免され、近衛基通が関白に、頼朝の妹・坊門姫を母とする一条高能が参議に、坊門姫のを妻とする西園寺公経が蔵人頭にそれぞれ任じられ、同月26日に天台座主慈円が籠居を命じられ、太政大臣藤原兼房(太政大臣)も更迭された(慈円・兼房はともに兼実の同母弟)。
    On December 21, 1196, chugu (Palace of the Empress) Ninshi KUJO was expelled from kokyu (empress's residence) and on the 23rd of the same month, kanpaku Kanezane KUJO was dismissed and was replaced by Motomichi KONOE; Takayosho ICHIJO, whose mother was the sister of Yoritomo, Bomon hime, was appointed as sangi, Kintsune SAIONJI, the husband of Bomon hime's daughter, was appointed as Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain), and on the 24th of the same month, Jien, the head priest of the Tendai sect of Buddhism, was ordered to stay inside the residence, and FUJIWARA no Kanefusa, the Grand Minister, was reshuffled (both Jien and Kanefusa were both Kanezane's younger brother-uterine).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 純度の高い窒素ガスをキャリヤガスとして使用し、サンプルガス100中の水蒸気を水蒸気分離器6で選択的に分離してキャリヤガス中に放出し、放出された水蒸気を含むキャリヤガスを測定用電離箱16に導入してその電離量からトリチウム濃度を求めるようにしたので、キャリヤガスをラドン、トロンおよびその核種やその他のガス状放射性物質から遮断することができ、高感度でトリチウム濃度を測定することができる。
    The tritium monitor comprises using a highly pure nitrogen gas as a carrier gas, being discharged in the carrier gas by selectively separating steam in a sample gas 100 with a steam separator 6, interrupting the carrier gas from radon, tron, its daughter nuclide or the other gaseous radioactive substance since the carrier gas containing the discharged water vapor is introduced into a measuring ionization chamber 16 to find tritium concentration from the ionized amount. - 特許庁
  • オオヤマツミは「私が二人を一緒に差し上げたのは、イワナガヒメを妻にすれば天津神の御子(ニニギ)の命は岩のように永遠のものとなり、コノハナノサクヤビメを妻にすれば木の花が咲くように繁栄するだろうとうけい(うけひ)をしたからである。コノハナノサクヤビメだけと結婚したので、天津神の御子の命は木の花のようにはかなくなるだろう」(「我之女二並立奉者有因使石長姬者天神御子之命雖雪零風吹恆可如石而常堅不動坐亦使木花之佐久夜姬者如木花之榮榮坐因立此誓者而使二女貢進今汝令返石長姬而獨留木花之佐久夜姬故今後天神御子之御壽者將如木花之稍縱即逝矣」『古事記』)と言った。
    Oyamatsumi said, 'The reason why I offered my two daughters together was that I made a vow that by making Iwanagahime your wife, the son of Amatsukami (Ninigi)'s life would be as eternal as a rock, and by making Konohana sakuyabime your wife, you would prosper as a tree flowers. Because you married only Konohana sakuyabime, the son of Amatsukami's life will be short just as flowers on a tree' (the "Kojiki").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古代の妃に関して、正史などによって確実なのは桓武天皇妃酒人内親王(光仁天皇皇女・桓武天皇異母妹)、平城天皇妃朝原内親王及び大宅内親王(ともに桓武天皇皇女・平城天皇異母妹)、嵯峨天皇妃高津内親王(桓武天皇皇女・嵯峨天皇異母妹)、同多治比高子(多治比氏守・夫人からの昇格)、醍醐天皇妃為子内親王(光孝天皇皇女・醍醐天皇叔母)であり、他に皇太妃(現在の皇太子妃)として草壁皇子妃阿閇皇女(天智天皇皇女・草壁皇子叔母、ただし皇子は即位せずに死去)、その他の例として大伴親王妃高志内親王(桓武天皇皇女・大伴親王異母妹、ただし妃は親王の立太子・即位前に死去)の例が存在する。
    Officai history confirmed that there are many Hi in ancient times, certain ones were Imperial Princess Sakahito (Imperial Princess of Emperor Konin, younger maternal half-sister of Emperor Kanmu), Emperor Kanmu's empress, Princess Asahara, Emperor Heizei's empress and Imperial Princess Oyake (both Imperial Princesses of Emperor Kanmu, younger maternal half-sister of Emperor Heizei), Princess Takatsu (Imperial Princess of Emperor Kanmu, younger maternal half-sister of Emperor Heizei) and TAJIHI no Takako (daughter of TAJIHI no ujinokami, upgraded from Fujin [consort of emperor]), both of them were Emperor Saga's empress, Imperial Princess Ishi (Imperial Princess of Emperor Koko, aunt of Emperor Daigo), Emperor Daigo's Empress, and as wife of prince (crown princess in modern time), Princess Ahe (Imperial Princess of Emperor Tenchi, aunto of Prince Kusakabe, but Prince didn't ascended the throne because he died), Prince Kusakabe's wife, and Imperial Princess Koshi (Imperial Princess of Emperor Kanmu, younger maternal half-sister of Imperial Prince Otomo, but the princess died before the prince ascended the crown prince and the throne), Imperial Prince Otomo's wife.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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