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  • そのころ県内各島を巡回中であった警部安楽権中を乗せた汽船が、島の漲水港に入港するところであったが、大騒擾を傍観していた島民から事情を聞くと、踵を返して那覇市へ戻り、宮古の異状を伝えた。
    Around that time, a police inspector 安楽権中 was patrolling the islands on a steam ship and was about to enter the Chosui Harbor of Miyako-jima Island, however, an islander who had observed the huge disturbance informed the police inspector about the incident, and thus he turned around and headed to Naha to report the abnormal situation of Miyako.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 安静時に床上で安楽な姿勢を取りたい場合やその姿勢を身体状況に応じて変えたい場合に、身体の各部位に的確にあてがい支持し、その都度自分の好みに応じて自由に且つ即座に調整出来る安楽支持用具。
    To provide a comfortable supporting tool capable of being accurately applied to the respective parts of the body to support them and being freely and immediately adjusted corresponding to the preference of a user every time in the case of wanting to take a comfortable posture on a bed at the time of resting and in the case of wanting to change the posture corresponding to physical conditions. - 特許庁
  • 動物が入れられる円柱型のケージと、前記ケージを回転させる回転機構と、安楽死用ガスを前記ケージ内に供給する、安楽死用ガス供給機構と、前記ケージ内に、固形冷媒を供給する、固形冷媒供給機構とを具備する。
    The animal fixation device is equipped with a columnar cage in which animal is arranged, a rotation mechanism configured to rotate the cage, an euthanizing gas supply mechanism configured to supply euthanizing gas into the cage, and a solid refrigerant supply mechanism configured to supply a solid refrigerant into the cage. - 特許庁
  • 大江匡房が康和2年(1100年)に、安楽寺(大宰府にあった菅原道真を弔う寺)に「安楽寺に参ず」(『本朝続文粋』所収)という詩を作り、その中で「累葉廊下の末葉たり」とあることから、少なくても平安時代後期までは菅原氏代々の文章博士によって継続されていたと考えられている。
    As a couplet in a poem titled 'Anraku-ji ni sanzu' (Visited Anraku-ji Temple) (contained in "Honcho zoku monzui" (Further Anthology of waka poems and prose written in classical Chinese) composed by OE no Masafusa in 1100 to Anraku-ji Temple (SUGAWARA no Michizane's mortuary temple located in Dazaifu) had it 'Ruiyo roka no matsuyo tari' (I was the last leaf in a heap of leaves in the hallway), it could be estimated that the school had been kept by generations of the Monjo hakase of the Sugawara clan and at least until the late Heian period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • たとえば、慧遠(隋)の『大乗義章』では浄土を、事の浄土・相の浄土・真の浄土とわけ、『法華経』の安楽世界、『観無量寿経』の弥陀の浄土は劣なる事の浄土として、応土であるとする。
    For example, in "Daijogisho" (The Principles of Mahayana), by Eon (Sui), Jodo is categorized into Koto no Jodo (Pure Land for cases), So no Jodo (Pure Land for phenomenon) and Shin no Jodo (Pure Land for faith), and it regards Anraku Sekai (world of Anraku) of "Hokekyo" (Lotus Sutra) and Jodo of Amitabha in "Kanmuryoju-kyo sutra" as lower Koto no Jodo, and also as Odo (response land).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 世親が『無量寿経優婆提舎願生偈』(『浄土論』・『往生論』)に、世尊我一心帰命尽十方無礙光如来願生安楽国と著し、自己の信念を表したことに基づく。
    It is based on a writing in "Muryojukyo Ubadaisha Ganshoge" (Verses on the Aspiration to Be Born in Pure Land) (also known as "Jodoron" (A Treatise on the Pure Land Sutra), "Ojoron" (A Treatise on Reborn)) by Seshin, that he had told Shaka he would devote himself, from bottom of his heart, to Amida Nyorai, so he wished to be in the Pure Land, showing his belief.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 開目抄で「無智悪人の国土に充満の時は摂受を前(さき)とす、安楽行品(あんらくぎょうぼん)の如し。邪智謗法の者多き時は折伏を前とす、常不軽品(じょうふきょうぼん)の如し」と定めた。
    In his Kaimoku-sho (On the opening of the eyes, one of Nichiren's most important doctrinal treatises), he decided 'When the bad and the ignorant fill the land, put shoju first, like Anrakugyohon (Peaceful Practices, the fourteenth chapter of the Lotus Sutra). When the wrong and the malicious are so many, put shakubuku first, like Jofukyobon' ((Bodhisattva) Never Disparaging, the twentieth chapter of the Lotus Sutra).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1689年(元禄2年)に、安楽院の霊空が『闢邪篇』(へきじゃへん)を著して批判し、輪王寺宮に上書したことで、典籍が没収され焚書にあい、玄旨帰命壇はついに禁断とされて絶滅したといわれる。
    Since Reiku of Anraku-in Temple criticized it in his book "Hekijahen" and provided to Rinojinomiya, the book is said have been forfeited and burned, and the prohibition gradually lead to Genshi Kimyo-dan finally becoming extinct.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 法然は、道綽の『安楽集』に「聖道」と「往生浄土」の2種の勝法が説かれたことを受け、『選択本願念仏集』にて用いられた言葉である。
    Honen used the word "Shodomon"in "Senchaku hongan nenbutsu shu" (the holy writings of the Jodo Sect), as two kinds of shobo (Buddhism), 'Shodo' (the Holy Path) and 'Ojo Jodo' (Birth in the Pure Land) were preached in "Anrakushu" (a collection of passages concerning birth in the Pure Land) by Doshaku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 安楽庵策伝(あんらくあんさくでん、天文(元号)23年(1554年)-寛永19年1月8日(旧暦)(1642年2月7日))は、安土桃山時代から江戸時代前期にかけての浄土宗の僧。
    Sakuden ANRAKUAN (1554 - February 7, 1642) was a Jodo (Pure Land) sect monk who lived from the Azuchi-Momoyama period into the beginning of the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 策伝はまた、安楽庵流茶道の流祖としても、収集あるいは見聞したツバキに付いての記録『百椿集』(1630年、寛永7年)を残したことでも知られる。
    Sakuden was also the founder of the Anrakuan school of the Tea Ceremony, and as such is also widely known for the "Hyakuchinshu," (published 1630) his treatise on tsubaki (Camellia japonica), which records everything he had gathered or observed about tsubaki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『天満宮安楽寺草創日記』によると、大宰府でも天徳(日本)2年(958年)3月3日に大宰大弐・小野好古が始めたとされるが、中世以降は断絶した。
    According to "Tenmangu Anrakuji Soso Nikki" (a record of the origin of Tenmangu Anraku-ji Temple), Kyokusui no en was held by ONO no Yoshifuru, Dazai no Daini (vice-governor of Dazaifu), at Dazaifu (a local government office in earlier times in Japan) on March 3, in 958, but was discontinued after medieval times.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 滑稽な話を集めた本の元祖としては、誓願寺の安楽庵策伝が京都所司代の板倉重宗に語った話をもとに作られたという1623年の『醒睡笑』が挙げられる。
    The first collection of amusing stories in Japan was "Seisuisho," which is said to have been written in 1623 by Sakuden ANRAKUAN at Seigan-ji Temple, based on the tales he told to Shigemune ITAKURA, the Governor-General of Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古くは化粧領として拝領した土地の地名を取って「○○公主」と呼んだ(例太平公主、安楽公主)が、明・清の時代の称号は多く雅称で、これに嵌めることはできない。
    In ancient times, those daughters were called with the names of the lands conferred on them as they married, in a form of the place name and 'Koshu' (e.g. Taihei Koshu, Anraku Koshu), but this cannot be applied to the names in the Ming and Qing periods because the title became treated as a title indicating nobility.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎮守府将軍を務めた藤原基頼が邸内に「安楽光院」と呼ばれる持仏堂を創設し、後にこれを「持明院」と名づけたことから、この家系を持明院家と称することとなった。
    Chinjufu Shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) FUJIWARA no Motoyori built a private Buddhist statue hall named 'Anrakuko-in Temple' on his estate, and his family line became known as the Jimyoin family when the temple was later renamed 'Jimyo-in Temple'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 付近一帯は平安時代末期(11~12世紀)、院政の舞台となった鳥羽離宮の跡地であり、安楽寿院は離宮内に営まれた仏堂の後身である。
    The entire area is the site of the former Toba Rikyu Villa that served as a center of imperial cloistered rule at the end of the Heian period (11th-12th centuries), and Anrakujuin Temple is the successor of a Buddha hall that was built within the villa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 最初に造営された南殿に付属した仏堂は証金剛院と呼ばれ、以下、北殿には勝光明院、泉殿には成菩提院、東殿には安楽寿院、田中殿には金剛心院が造営された。
    The Buddha statue hall at South Palace, the first palace to be built, was named Shokongoin, that at Izumi Palace named Shokomyoin, that at East Palace named Anrakujuin, and that at Tanaka Palace named Kongoshinin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鳥羽離宮内の他の御所や仏堂が跡形もなく滅びた中にあって、安楽寿院のみが(建物は近世以降の再建であるが)、21世紀の今日まで法灯を伝えている。
    As the other palaces and Buddha statue halls of Toba Rikyu disappeared without a trace, Anrakujuin alone has survived until today (although the buildings was rebuilt in the early modern period).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 前述のように、安楽寿院は鳥羽離宮東殿に鳥羽上皇が営んだ仏堂(本尊は阿弥陀三尊)が起源で、創建は保延3年(1137年)のことである(鎌倉時代の史書『百錬抄』による)。
    As stated above, Anrakujuin Temple originated as a Buddha hall (principal image was Amida Nyorai) built at the East Palace of Toba Rikyu by Retired Emperor Toba and founded in 1137 (according to the Kamakura period history text "Hyakurensho").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方の新御塔は豊臣秀頼により慶長11年(1606年)多宝塔形式で再建されたものが寺の南側に現存し、近衛天皇安楽寿院南陵としてやはり宮内庁の管理下にある。
    In 1606, Shin-mito was rebuilt by Hideyori TOYOTOMI as tahoto pagoda style (a two-storied pagoda (composed of a square lower story and a cylindrical upper story)) that still stands at the south of the temple and is also under the administration of the Imperial Household Agency as the Anrakujuin Temple tomb of the Emperor Konoe.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 康治元年(1142年)10月、鳥羽天皇が建立した安楽寿院に足利庄を寄進、足利庄の本所となり、義康は荘官職となった。
    In October, 1142, Yoshiyasu donated the Ashikaga manor to the Anrakuju-in Temple built by Emperor Toba, which became Honjo (the administrative headquarter) of the Ashikaga manor, and then became Shokan shiki (officer entrusted with local management by the lord of the private estate).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 康治元年(1142年)、足利にある伝領を鳥羽天皇御願寺の安楽寿院に寄進し足利庄として成立させる(八条院領から大覚寺統へ伝領)。
    In 1142, he donated his traditional domain in Ashikaga to Anrakuju-in Temple which was goganji of Emperor Toba to turn it into Ashikagasho district (transferred from Hachijoin-ryo to Daikakuji-to).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 院御所鳥羽殿東殿の仏堂の後身の安楽寿院領を中心に鳥羽天皇領と美福門院領を相続したあき子内親王の所領を起源とする。
    The Hachijoin-ryo originated in the territory of Imperial Princess Akiko, who had inherited mainly the territory of the Anrakuju-in Temple, a temple built after a Buddhist temple in Higashi-dono Palace (East Palace) of Toba-dono Palace, an imperial palace for retired and cloistered emperors, as well as the Emperor Toba's territory and the Bifukumonin's territory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1331年の元弘の乱の際は、後醍醐天皇の綸旨が八条院領荘園に伝えられ、八条院(安楽寿院)領足利庄の足利尊氏の挙兵の契機の一つとなったとされる。
    In the Genko Incident in 1331, Emperor Godaigo's edict was delivered across the shoen of the Hachijoin-ryo, and this is believed to have been one of the reasons Takauji ASHIKAGA in the Ashikaga-no-sho district in the territory of Hachijoin (the Anrakuju-in Temple) raised an army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 19日に幹事の木下が結成の届出を出したが、警察は20日に木下を神田警察署に呼び出し、警視総監安楽兼道の命令書を手渡した。
    On May 19th, the Secretary Kinoshita submitted the notification of the Shakai minshuto's formation to the police; however, on the 20th they summoned Kinoshita to the Kanda Police Station and handed him a mandate by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police commissioner Kanemichi ANRAKU.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 白河院が自慢にしていた庭園で、池を中心に南殿、北殿などの住宅と安楽寿院などの堂塔が同居した浄土形式の構成であった。
    Boasted by the Retired Emperor Shirakawa, the garden was a Jodo style one where residences such as the Minami-dono (south) hall and Kita-dono (north) hall, and other halls and towers, including Anrakuju-in Temple, were placed around the pond.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代初期に安楽庵策伝は「醒睡笑」に、武士(もののふ)のやばせの舟は早くとも急がば廻れ瀬田の長橋という連歌師の宗長の歌から急がば回れのことわざがうまれたと紹介している。
    In the early Edo period, Sakuden ANRAKUEN noted that the proverb "Isogaba Maware (Make haste slowly)" was derived from a renga (collaborative poetry) included in 'Seisuisho,' "Mononofu no Yabase no fune wa hayakutomo Isogaba Maware Seta no Naga-bashi," which was written by a poet Socho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 安楽椅子の使用時に想定される様々な利用シーンについて、迅速かつ容易に最適な姿勢形成を行うことができる椅子調節機構を提供する。
    To provide a chair adjusting mechanism capable of speedily and easily forming an optimum attitude in various use scenes estimated at the time of using an easy chair. - 特許庁
  • 安楽杖に用いる機構(荷重低減,操作安定化,力の効率的利用,重心移動対応,ショック低減−位置プロービング,前腕部ロック,換気,折り畳み,立ちあがり補助,及び其の複合化)
  • 車両用シートのアームレスト装置において、アームレストのシートバックに対する相対角度を変更可能とし、シートバックの傾動姿勢に拘わらず常時良好な安楽感を得る。
    To obtain comfortable feeling at all the time regardless of the reclining attitude of a seat back by making changeable the relative angle of an armrest to the seat back in an armrest device for a vehicle seat. - 特許庁
  • 飽くまでも手指の関節可動域制限を最少限に留めて、患者が安楽に且つ安全に長時間装着できる手指抑制用手袋を提供するものである。
    To provide a glove for suppressing hand fingers, capable of suppressing a limit for a joint movable region hand fingers to the minimum extent and allowing a patient to wear the glove comfortably and safely for long hours. - 特許庁
  • 本発明は、ボートや小型ジェット推進艇等の舟艇の移載作業や運搬を、特別の設備を必要とすることなく、少人数で安楽に行うことができる舟艇用トレーラを提供しようとするものである。
    To provide a trailer for a boat capable of easily carrying out moving and placing work and transportation of the boat such as an ordinary boat, and a small jet propulsion boat, by a small number of persons without requiring any special facility. - 特許庁
  • 通常姿勢と安楽姿勢のいずれにも対応できると共に、十分にリラックスした休息姿勢をとることができ、着座時における優れた快適性を備えさせる。
    To respond to both of a regular posture and a comfortable posture, allow a user to take a sufficiently relaxed resting posture and provide superior comfort in seating time. - 特許庁
  • 一人で素早く、簡単かつ安全に、座り心地の良い安楽椅子と寝心地の良いベッドとに相互に転換でき、小さなスペースでも置くことができ、さらに移動も簡単にできるベッドに転換可能な椅子の提供。
    To provide a chair convertible to a bed, which can be mutually converted to a comfortable easy chair and a comfortable bed quickly, easily and safely by one person, can be placed even in a small space, and can be easily moved further. - 特許庁
  • これにより、被採血者12の腕14を支持面6に支持させると、被採血者12の肩関節26の屈曲角度は55〜70°となり、安楽な姿勢を保つことができる。
    Thus, when the arm 14 of the blood donor 12 is supported by the support surface 6, the bend angle of the shoulder joint 26 of the blood donor 12 becomes 55° to 70° and a comfortable posture is maintained. - 特許庁
  • テーブルの支持アームを背凭れと干渉しにくくすることにより、背凭れの後傾角度を大とし、より快適な安楽姿勢で着座しうるようにする。
    To allow a person to sit in a comfortable and easeful posture by preventing easy interference between a support arm of a table and a backrest and enlarging a rearward tilt angle of the backrest. - 特許庁
  • 【課題 旅客の眺望性が良好で、かつ安楽性が妨げられず、さらに個別性が確保された長距離航路の大部屋式二等船室向け椅子席内蔵の寝台を提供すること。
    To provide a berth containing a chair seat for the large room type second-class cabin of a long distance sea route in which a passenger sees a good view, a comfortable nature is not barred, and furthermore an individual nature is assured. - 特許庁
  • 身体支持具1は、人Mの腰と膝とに対応した部位で屈曲するため、ベッドと浴槽2との移動性を損なうことなく、浴槽2内で人Mを安全かく安楽な姿勢に保持できる。
    Since a body supporter 1 is bent at a part corresponding to the waist and the knee of the person M, the person M can be kept in a safe and comfortable posture in the bath tub 2 without damaging the movability between the bed and the bath tub 2. - 特許庁
  • 車両シート用アームレスト装置において、アームレストの使用に伴う安楽感、快適感の確保と、アームレスト不使用時におけるウォークスル性の向上とを両立させる。
    To provide an armrest device for a vehicle seat which ensures easiness and comfortableness when an armrest is in use as well as improving walking- through property when the armrest is not in use. - 特許庁
  • 不用時には広い空間を占有しないようにすることができ、しかも、使用時においては脚を延ばした安楽な姿勢で使用者を着座させることができる車両の補助座席装置を提供する。
    To provide a vehicular auxiliary seat device capable of preventing a wide space from being occupied when not in use and allowing a user to be seated in a comfortable posture with their legs extending when in use. - 特許庁
  • 患者の上肢に針を穿刺して留置する必要がある治療または検査を施行する際に、患者の安楽を保つことが可能な患者介護車を提供する。
    To provide a patient care vehicle which can keep the patients at ease in the implementation of the treatments or inspections that needs the insertion of the needle into the upper limb of the patient to be retained as it is. - 特許庁
  • 休息時などに着座したまま脚を持ち上げて脚の鬱血を防ぐ安楽姿勢をとることができる自動車用リクライニングシートを提供する。
    To provide a reclining seat for an automobile, enabling a user to take an easy posture to prevent engorgement of legs by raising the legs still in his seated posture in resting. - 特許庁
  • リクライニング状態であっても背凭れによる後席の居住空間への侵害が少なく、着座が長時間に亘っても安楽感を維持できる座席装置を提供する。
    To provide a seat device capable of reducing invasions to a living space of a rear seat by a backrest even in a reclining state and maintaining comfortableness even if sitting over a long period of time. - 特許庁
  • 本発明は、吸入させた揮発性麻酔薬の作用によって死に至らしめ、酸欠状態の苦痛を伴わないで安楽死させることができる方法および装置に関する。
    The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus, by which an animal can be killed by the action of an inhaled evaporable anesthetic medicine to euthanatize the animal without being accompanied with an oxygen-short state pain. - 特許庁
  • 患者の抑制感がなく不安感を緩和し、手術中の冷感症状を抑え保温に効果的な、長時間皮膚接触によっても発赤症状の出現の少ない手術用安全・安楽ベルトを提供する。
    To provide a safe and comfortable belt for a surgery mitigating a patient's uneasiness by eliminating the sense of suppression, suppressing a chill symptom during the surgery, being effective for heat retention and reducing the appearance of flare symptom due to a long skin contact. - 特許庁
  • また、「使用時位置」においては着座状態のまま手摺部材1に両腕を預けて楽な姿勢をとることで、高い安楽感を得ることができる。
    In addition, at the position at the time for use, it is possible to have a highly comfortable feeling by resting both arms on the handrail member 1 and taking a comfortable posture while he is under a seated condition. - 特許庁
  • 脚が高くなるフットアップ状態に電動式の駆動器を有する駆動機構の作動により変化でき、リフレッシュ効果、乃至睡眠に適した安楽姿勢を容易に取りうる電動リラックスチェアを提供する。
    To provide a motor-driven relaxing chair changeable into a foot-up state of putting feet up by the operation of a drive mechanism with a motor driver to allow a user to easily take a comfortable posture suitable for a refreshing effect or sleep. - 特許庁
  • 本発明の課題は、車椅子や安楽椅子等の椅子の座部に取付けて使用されるクッション材の芯材であって、体圧分散性に優れ、かつ臀部の前ずれが防止されるクッション芯材を提供することにある。
    To provide a core member of a cushion fitted to the seat part of a chair such as a wheelchair or an easy chair, having good body pressure dispersion performance and preventing the hips and buttocks from slipping forward. - 特許庁
  • このシステムをトイレ床昇降装置に使用することで、トイレ床の昇降によって便座をあたかも昇降させた効果を得て、高齢者や障害者、乳幼児が快適で安楽な姿勢で用便が出来る。
    The toilet floor is elevated by using this system as a toilet floor elevating device to obtain the same effect with the elevation of a stool, and an elder person, a handicapped person and a little child can use the toilet in comfortable and easy posture. - 特許庁
  • 乗員の上体を上下および傾斜の変化を少なく前後方向に移動させることができるようにして、安楽姿勢がとれるシート装置を実現する。
    To realize a seat which enables a crew to longitudinally move his/her upper half body reducing variation of vertical positions and tilting angles to enable him/her to take a relaxed posture. - 特許庁
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