
<前へ 1 2 .... 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 次へ>
  • その後、光圀は徳川頼房の死去により家督を相続し、公務が多忙となったため事業からは遠ざかっていたが、幕府では寛文2年(1662年)に林鵞峰に命じて編年体の史書『本朝通鑑』の編纂を開始しており、光圀は林鵞峰を藩邸に招いて面談し、編纂方針や正統問題について質問している。
    Then, Mitsukuni succeeded to the family after his father, TOKUGAWA Yorifusa, died and became busy with official duties, so that he stayed away from the enterprise, but the government ordered HAYASHI Gaho to compile a chronicle of Japan, "Honchotsukan" and Mitsukuni asked HAYASHI Gaho about compiling policy and legitimacy, in person.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 院政期に至ると庶流の源国房(明国の叔)の系統や源仲政(明国の弟)の系統が北面武士などとして院に伺候したが、摂関家領である多田荘を継承した明国の系統は多田行綱(明国の曾孫)の代に至るまで院北面とはなっておらず、代々摂関家の私的武力としての性格を持ち続けた。
    In the cloistered government period, collateral lines such as MINAMOTO no Kunifusa (Akikuni's uncle) and MINAMOTO no Nakamasa (Akikuni's younger brother) served as the cloistered emperor's army while the line of Akikuni who inherited Tada Manors, the estates owned by the regent family, did not join the cloistered emperor's army and continued to be a private army for the regent family through the generation of Tada Yukitsuna (a grand-grand son of Akikuni).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 信濃国の大名がこぞって東軍に与するなか、あえて昌幸と信繁が西軍に与した理由は諸説あるが、昌幸の五女が石田三成の妻の実家である宇田氏に嫁いでおり、しかも昌幸二男信繁も三成と親交があり西軍に与した大谷吉継の娘を妻にしているという姻戚関係が、昌幸・信繁子の選択に重要な影響を及ぼしたと言われている。
    There are several theories why Masayuki and Nobushige dared to side with the Western Camp while the daimyo in Shinano Province all sided with the Eastern Camp, and it is said that the matrimonial relation Masayuki and his son Nobushige had (Masayuki's fifth daughter married into the Uda clan, which is the family home of the wife of Mitsunari ISHIDA, Masayuki's second son Nobushige, being associated with Mitsunari, married with a daughter of Yoshitsugu OTANI who sided with the Western Camp) had a significant influence on their choices.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 武蔵七党の一角を占める児玉党の本宗家3代目児玉家行(有道姓)の次男、児玉二郎家遠(後の塩谷家遠)が、武蔵国児玉郡大寄郷若泉庄の塩谷(現在の埼玉県本庄市児玉町塩谷)の地をから与えられ、子孫が土着して名乗った事から始まる児玉党を構成する氏族。
    KODAMA Jiro Ieto (later, Ieto SHIONOYA), the second son of Ieyuki KODAMA (Arimichi name) of the third generation of the head family of the KODAMA Party, which occupied a part of the head family of the Musashi-shichito parties (seven parties of samurai in Musashi Province), was given SHIONOYA's land of Wakaizumi-sho, Oyose-go, Kodama County, Musashi Province (currently Shioya, Kodama-cho, Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture) by his father and the offspring were localized and identified themselves as KODAMA and made up the KODAMA Party as a clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『高野春秋編年輯録』によると、10月2日に堀秀政が根来に着陣したのを皮切りに、総大将織田信孝以下岡田重孝、松山庄五郎らが紀ノ川筋に布陣、大和口には筒井順慶・定次子を配し、高野七口を塞いで総勢十三万七千二百二十余人に達したとされる。
    According to "Koya Shunju Hennen Shuroku" (The Springs and Falls of Mt. Koya), the number of Nobunaga's army reached more than 137,220 in total, led by the general commander Nobutaka ODA with the troops of Shigetaka OKADA, Shogoro MATSUYAMA and others along the Kino-kawa River, Junkei TSUTSUI and his son Sadatsugu at Yamato guchi, and blocking Koya nanakuchi (seven gates of Koyasan), starting from Hidemasa HORI's arrival at Negoro on November 18.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『小右記』永延2年12月4日(旧暦)(989年1月14日)及び翌日条によれば、権中納言藤原道長が自らが推挙した甘南備永資が省試に落ちた腹いせに式部少輔橘淑信を強引に捕えて自邸まで引き回したために親の摂政藤原兼家より一時勘当された事件が記されている。
    Articles in "Shoyuki" (Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke) dated January 14, 989 and the next day states that Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state) FUJIWARA no Michinaga got disowned by his father, Sessho (regent) FUJIWARA no Kaneie: it was because Michinaga ordered the capture of Shikibu shoyu (Junior Assistant of the Ministry of Ceremonial) TACHIBANA no Yoshinobu and brought him forcibly to his house when he got upset knowing that Nagasuke KANNABI, whom Michinaga recommended, failed the shoshi exam.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 高梨政盛の代に、越後守護代の長尾氏と関係を強めるため、長尾能景に娘(政盛と能景は同年代であるため、政高の娘である可能性が高い)を嫁がせるが、その娘が産んだ長尾為景(上杉謙信の)が越後守護代となり、室町末期には越後で守護上杉氏と長尾家の争いが起きると、高梨氏もそれに巻き込まれることになった。
    In Masamori TAKANASHI's time, to strengthen the connection between the Takanashi and Nagao clans, the deputy governor of Echigo, Masamori, had his daughter marry Yoshikage NAGAO (since Masamori and Yoshikage were at the same age, she was probably a daughter of Masataka) and the daughter bore Tamekage NAGAO (the father of Kenshin UESUGI), who ultimately became a deputy governor of Echigo, so that the Takanashi clan was involved in the conflict between the Uesugi clan, the governor of Echigo, and the Nagao clan in Echigo during the late Muromachi period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、10月から12月にかけて公武合体派の島津久光(薩摩藩主の)、松平春嶽(前福井藩主)、伊達宗城(前宇和島藩主)、一橋慶喜、山内容堂(前土佐藩主)が上洛、松平容保とともに朝廷参与会議に任命され、朝廷の下での雄藩の国政参画が実現した。
    During the months from October to December (according to the old lunar calendar) the powerful lords agreeing to the political cooperation between the Shogunate and the Imperial Court, such as Hisamitsu SHIMAZU (the father of the head of the Shimazu clan), Shungaku MATSUDAIRA (the former head of the Fukui clan), Munenari DATE (the former head of the Uwajima clan), Yodo YAMAUCHI (the former head of the Tosa clan), and Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI came to Kyoto one after another, and they were appointed as members of the Sanyo-kaigi with Katamori MATSUDAIRA, then the political cooperation between the Shogunate and the Imperial Court began in the form in which the delegates of the Shogunate speak in the Imperial Court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 孝明天皇から勅許が得られないまま独断で安政五カ国条約に調印し、一橋派・南紀派の将軍継嗣問題を裁決したうえ、安政の大獄で反対勢力を弾圧していた井伊直弼に対し、藩主の・徳川斉昭への謹慎処分などで特に反発の大きかった水戸藩では、高橋多一郎や金子孫二郎などの過激浪士が脱藩した。
    Naosuke II was a man who had arbitrarily signed the Five Nations Treaty of Ansei without imperial sanction from the Emperor Komei, and settled a problem of heir of Shogun caused between the Hitotsubashi group (group supporting Yoshinobu from the Hitotsubashi-Tokugawa family) and the Nanki group (group supporting Yoshitomi from the Kisyu-Tokugawa family), and who had also suppressed the opposition to the Ansei no Taigoku (the suppression of extremists by the Shogunate); his opposition was a group of radical roshi (masterless samurai) from the Mito clan, including Taichiro TAKAHASHI and Magojiro KANEKO, who were strongly opposed to the confinement and punishment of Nariaki TOKUGAWA, the father of the lord of domain and thus left the clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そこでの決議をもとに、請願活動や高利貸との交渉を行うも不調に終わり、租税の軽減・義務教育の延期・借金の据え置き等を政府に訴えるための蜂起が提案され、大宮郷(埼玉県秩市)で代々名主を務める家の出身である田代栄助が総理(代表)として推挙された。
    Based on the decisions they made there, they had petitioning activity and negotiations with usurers only to fail, therefore, an uprising was proposed in order to make an petition for tax reduction, postponement of compulsory education and deferment of debt to the government, and Eisuke TASHIRO, whose family acted as a nanushi (village headman) for generations in Omiyago (Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture) was recommended for their representative.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、当時既に開設されていた電信によりいち早く彼らの蜂起とその規模を知った政府は、一部汽車をも利用して警察隊・憲兵(日本軍)等を送り込むが苦戦し、最終的には東京鎮台の鎮台兵を送り郡境を抑えたため、11月4日に秩困民党指導部は事実上崩壊、鎮圧された。
    However, the government, getting information on their uprising and its scale instantaneously by telegram that had already been in use at that time, sent a troop of police and military police (Japanese Army) partially by train only to face uphill fights, but finally soldiers in Tokyo Chindai Army (garrison in Meiji period) brought the county boundary under their control, leading the leaders of the Konmin Party to the collapse and subjugation on November 4.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお本事件に関しては、従来は専ら自由民権思想及び松方デフレの強い影響下に発生したと考えられてきたが、近年はそれらに加えて、他の養蚕地域との比較や、上述の国際的環境の影響、秩地方特有の民俗学的状況等に関しても考慮した研究の必要性もようになってきている。
    This incident had been assumed in the past to have occurred under the strong influence mainly of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement and the Matsukata deflation, however, in recent years, in addition to the above, there has been an increased need of studies considering then comparison to other sericulture areas, the influence of the above-mentioned international environments, comparison with other sericulture regions and the above-mentioned international environments influence, the ethnological situation peculiar to Chichibu district.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、『秩事件史料集成』の編纂に参加した歴史学者の色川大吉は、当時の明治政府側の公文書の分析によって、明治政府が西南戦争に準じた「反乱」として認識していた事実を指摘している(なお、取調調書には参加者の最終的な目標が「天朝様(天皇)を倒す」ことであるとする自白があったとする記述がある)。
    A historian, Daikichi IROKAWA, who participated in compiling "Chichibu Jiken Siryo Hensan (A Collection of Chichibu Incident Data) ", through an analysis of documents of the Meiji Government, pointed out that the incident was taken by the government a 'revolt' equivalent to the Seinan War (the interrogation record included a description of a confession that the final goal of the participants was 'to defeat the Emperor').  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家督相続人(新戸主)となる者は、旧戸主と同じ家に属する者(家族)の中から、男女・嫡出子庶子・長幼の順で決められた上位の者、被相続人(旧戸主)により指定された者、旧戸主の母や親族会により選定された者などの順位で決めることになっていたが、通常は長男が家督相続人として戸主の地位を承継した。
    A successor of a family head position (a new family head) will be chosen from the members (family) living in the same household with former head of a family, and a successor will be decided under the conditions such as male or female, legitimate child or illegitimate child, older or younger, or a person appointed by former head of a family or elected by parents of former head of a family or family reunion, but usually the first son will be a successor of a family head position.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、明治維新が起こると、近代港として神戸港が整備されると知るや、幕末から明治維新の混乱による財政の立て直しと廃藩置県で困窮する三田藩士を救うべく、藩士の白洲退蔵(白洲次郎の祖)、小寺泰次郎らとともに「志摩三商会」という神戸初の輸入商社を設立する。
    Furthermore, after the Meiji Restoration and upon receiving the information that the Kobe Port would be improved as one of the modern ports, he founded the first import business in Kobe named 'Shima San Shokai' with domain's retainers Taizo SHIRASU (grandfather of Jiro SHIRASU) and Taijiro KODERA to save the domain's finance crisis caused by the confusion from the end of Edo period to the Meiji Restoration and to help the feudal retainers of Sanda Domain who had been reduced to poverty due to Haihan-chiken.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1854年の開国以来の混沌とした政治情勢を受けて半ば非常時の体制へ移行したものであるが、その主導者は幕府自身(幕閣)ではなく、薩摩藩主の・島津久光および朝廷の公武合体派公卿らに主導されて出された勅使による圧力の下、やむを得ず改革を迫られたというのが実情である。
    Although the bakufu shifted to the quasi-emergency regime due to the chaotic political situation since the opening of the country to the world in 1854, such change was not initiated by the bakufu itself (the cabinet officials of the Shogunate) but was forced under the pressure from the imperial envoy dispatched by the initiation of Hisamitsu SHIMAZU who was the father of the the lord of the Satsuma Domain as well as the court nobles supporting Kobu Gattai (an idea of uniting the court and the shogunate), so the reality was that the shogunate had no option but to carry out the reform.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 藩主のではあるが、外様大名でしかも無位無官である「島津三郎」が兵を率いて京へ入り、幕府に無断で公家と接触するなどという事態は、幕府健在の頃であれば許されざる暴挙であったが、桜田門外の変以来権威の失墜しつつあった幕府体制にそれを阻止する力はなかった。
    If the bakufu had had absolute political power as it used to, the situation that "Saburo (the third son) SHIMAZU", who was a tozama daimyo (non hereditary feudal lord) having no special rank or title even though he was the father of the lord, went to Kyoto with his troop and approached the court nobles without the bakufu's permission would have been deemed as unforgivably reckless, but the bakufu which was losing its authority since the Sakuradamongai Incident did not have the power to stop it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが、後継者とされた順如(に先立ち死去)・実如はともかく、他の5人の男子のうち4人が北陸に派遣されて共同で加賀とその周辺の事実上の国主としての地位を得たのにも関わらず、6男の蓮淳だけは順如が遺した顕証寺の住持に補されて畿内に留められ、教団内において大きな仕事を与えられてこなかったことに不満を抱いていた。
    Even though Jyunnyo (who died before his father) and Jitsunyo were treated as successor and the four of the other five sons were dispatched to Hokuriku and virtually gained the positions of kokushu (landed daimyo) in Kaga and the surrounded provinces, the sixth son Renjun was appointed to the chief priest of Kensho-ji Temple which Jyunnyo left and forced to remain in Kinai, which made him discontent about not being given an important mission in the religious community.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これによって本願寺法主を頂点とする支配体制が完成し、同時に主だった一族を悉く粛清した外祖蓮淳が法主・証如を擁して絶対的な地位を築き上げることになる(さすがの蓮淳も兄弟や甥を殺害したり追放したことを後には後悔したらしく、乱から19年後の死の間際になって証如に要望して顕誓・実悟ら生き残りの復帰が認められている)。
    This perfected the ruling system with Hongan-ji Temple's hoshu at the top, and at the same time the maternal grandfather Renjun, who had purged the major family members, started to build an absolute position under the name of hoshu Shonyo (Renjun seems to have later repented killing or banishing his brothers and his nephew because, nineteen years after the battle, just before he died, he asked Shonyo to permit reassociation of the survivors, Kensei, Jitsugo, and others).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 旧摂関家の当主であった近衛篤麿(近衛文麿の)を擁した対露同志会を始めとして、七博士建白事件における日露開戦論の高まり、戦後のポーツマス条約締結に反対する民衆による日比谷焼討事件など、対外硬派の影響によるところが大きい。
    What were largely due to the influence of Taigaiko group are the anti Russia comradeship with Atsumaro KONOE (the father of Fumimaro KONOE) who was the family head of the former Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents), the fervor of theory of outbreak of Japanese -Russo War in the Incident of Shichihakase Kenpaku (movement of outbreak of Japanese-Russo War by seven doctors), and the Hibiya Incendiary Incident by the people who were against Treaty of Portsmouth.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1415年、上杉禅秀が関東地方において乱を起こした際、満重(小栗判官のの名であるがここでは小栗判官自身)は管領足利持氏に攻め落とされ、落ち延びるが、相模国の国に10人の家来とともに潜伏中に見初めた相模横山家(横山大膳・横浜市戸塚区俣野に伝説が残る)の娘照手姫と結婚の約束を交わす。
    In 1415, when Zenshu UESUGI started a revolt in Kanto region, Mitsushige (which is the name of Ogurihangan's father but refers to Ogurihangan himself in this context) ran away as he was defeated by the shognate deputy Mochiuji ASHIKAGA, but Oguri became engaged to the Princess Terute, a young woman from Yokoyama family (Daizen YOKOYAMA's legend remains in Matano, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama City) in Sagami Province, whom he fell in love with while hiding together with 10 of his retainers in Sagami Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この時萩藩で政務を担当していた浦元敏と国司広通は事を穏便に解決しようと、徳山藩の重臣と縁故の深い奈古屋与左衛門(徳山藩家老・奈古屋玄蕃と徳山藩士・奈古屋里人の叔)を特使として徳山藩に派遣したが、別段謝罪の意思を表明しなかった。
    To settle the situation peacefully, Mototoshi URA and Hiromichi KOKUSHI, who were in charge of political affairs in the Hagi clan at that time, sent Yozaemon NAGOYA (an uncle of Genba NAGOYA, a chief retainer of the Tokuyama clan, and of Satondo NAGOYA, a samurai retainer of the Tokuyama clan), who had a close connection with senior retainers of the Tokuyama clan, to the Tokuyama domain as a special envoy, but the Tokuyama clan expressed no apology specifically.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 律令格式や祖坂上明兼が編纂し、明基が校訂したとされる『法曹至要抄』を参考としているが、条文や『法曹至要抄』の解釈とは違う案文を提示している部分もあり、杓子定規的な法文解釈に拘らずに社会の実情に合わせた法解釈を試みている点で評価されている。
    This law book refers to Laws of codes and ethics (conduct) and "Hossoshiyo-sho" (The Essentials for the Judiciary) which is said to have been compiled by SAKANOUE no Akikane and revised by his grandson Akimoto, but in some cases provisions and texts different from the interpretation in "Hossoshiyo-sho" are presented, and it is highly valued in that it tries to interpret laws in accordance with the actual situation of society instead of sticking to rigid literal interpretation of laws.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、御成敗式目制定時には兄弟甥姪に対する悔返は他人和与の例に準じて認められていなかった(これは公家法と同様であった)が、仁治元年(1240年)に本主(元の所有者)に母の礼をなすか恩顧によって分与を得たものが本主に敵対する行動をとった場合には悔返の対象とされ、正応3年(1290年)には兄弟甥姪に対する悔返が全面的に認められた。
    Also, when Goseibai-shikimoku was established, the Kuikaeshi against brothers and cousins were not allowed as well as the cases of a compromise with a third person (same as in Kugeho), but in 1240, when the person who received the property from the previous owner for treating the owner's parents well or from patronage became hostile against the owner, it was to be the subject for Kuikaeshi; and in 1290, all Kuikaeshi against brothers and cousins became legal.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 前住者の二条晴良・昭実(妻は信長の養女)子は直前に信長のはからいにより報恩寺の新邸に移徒して(『言経卿記』)空き家となっていたので、信長が上洛したときの宿所とするため、この旧二条邸を譲り受けて改修することを京都所司代の村井貞勝に命じた。
    It was vacant because Nobunaga, jus prior to his visit, had arranged for the previous occupants, father and son Haruyoshi and Akizane NIJO (whose wife was an adopted daughter of Nobunaga) to move to a new mansion near Hoon-ji Temple (Tokitsunekyoki); Nobunaga ordered Sadakatsu MURAI, the Kyoto Shoshidai, to take possession of it and renovate it so that Nobunaga could stay in it while in the capital.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 前園実知雄(奈良芸術短期大学教授)や白石太一郎(奈良大学教授)は、2人の被葬者が『日本書紀』が記す587年6月の暗殺時期と一致する事などから、聖徳太子の叔で蘇我馬子に暗殺された穴穂部皇子と、宣化天皇の皇子ともされる宅部皇子の可能性が高い事を論じている。
    Michio MAEZONO (Professor, Nara College of Arts) and Taichiro SHIRAISHI (Professor, Nara University) argue that it is highly possible Prince Anahobe (uncle of Prince Taishi, assassinated by SOGA no Umako) and Prince Yakabe (prince of the Emperor Senka) are the ones that were buried in this tumulus, because the tumulus was built when an assassination happened in June 587 according to "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以上が従来の通説であるが、異説としては、六角氏綱(高頼の嫡男で定頼の兄)の子孫が信長に庇護され存続し、六角義郷が、(あるいは兄にあたる六角義秀の旧臣であり、片諱を与えた)豊臣秀吉に仕えて12万石の大名となり、豊臣姓と侍従の称号を授かり始終優遇されたとされ、近年有力視されている。
    The above is the conventionally accepted theory, but there is another theory which holds that the descendant of Ujitsuna ROKKAKU (the heir of Takayori and elder brother of Sadayori) survived under the aegis of Nobunaga, and that Yoshisato ROKKAKU (the old vassal of Yoshihide ROKKAKU, who was the father or elder brother, and the Kataimina (a name for a dead person)) served Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI to become a feudal lord of 120,000 koku, was given the Toyotomi cognomen and the title of palace staff and was consistently well treated, all of which has been the prevailing theory in modern times.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 喜八郎の祖は長崎番十人組頭をし彼の孫の松雄が第二次世界大戦前夜の上海で特務機関員をしていた時にドイツ軍の親衛隊から迫害されていたユダヤ人の一団を三菱から徴用した船で米国へ逃がしたが、そのことは如何にもキリシタン大名を輩出した大村藩と開明的長崎港の歴史的縁を偲ぶ物語と言えよう。
    Kihachiro's grandfather was Nagasaki-ban Junin-gumi kashira, head of an autonomous group of 10 families, and is known for helping a group of Jews who were being persecuted by the Schutzstaffel (SS) to escape to the U.S. on a ship conscripted from Mitsubishi when Matsuo, his grandson was serving as in Special Service Agency in Shanghai on the eve of the Second World War; a story which reminds us of the historical bond between the domain of Omura that produced Christian daimyos and the open and liberal port of Nagasaki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大学頭東坊城任長の子、位階勲等子爵、貴族院議員東坊城徳長は、20歳にして製作会社「入江ぷろだくしょん」を設立した戦前の映画女優入江たか子(出生名東坊城英子、長女)、戦前の日活撮影所等で活躍した映画俳優・脚本家・映画監督の東坊城恭長(三男)兄妹の
    Yoshinaga HIGASHIBOJO, a son of Tadanaga HIGASHIBOJO who was the Director of the Bureau of Education, a Viscount, and a member of the House of Lords, had a daughter, Takako IRIE (born Hideko HIGASHIBOJO, the eldest daughter) who was a prewar movie actress establishing a production company "Irie Production" at the age of 20, and a son, Yasunaga HIGASHIBOJO (the third son) who was a movie actor, a scriptwriter, and a movie director working actively for the Nikkatsu Studio in the prewar period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「条」とは、郡・郷よりさらに小さい規模の領域を示す単位であり、郡規模あるいはそれ以上の範囲に領域支配を展開する他の東国有力武士団である三浦氏・千葉氏・小山氏・秩氏などは、どれも何代か前から多くの有力な一族を各地に分派させているが、北条氏にはそうした一族が少しもみられない。
    A 'jo' is a unit of area smaller than a 'gun' (county) or 'go' (village), and unlike other major armed groups in Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) who ruled territories of 'gun' or larger area (e.g. the Miura, Chiba, Koyama and Chichibu clans) and had been scattering their powerful branch families across Togoku since generations before, the Hojo clan did not have any such branch families.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この事件は、格太郎の忠告が忠敬の兄であり共に庶子でありながら病弱を理由として家督相続されず病没、そして金銭に困窮し、また弟賢次郎が華族待遇を受けられず軍夫として台湾に出兵し戦死したことによる度重なる恨みの末の犯行であった。
    This scandal occurred because of a long-standing grudge that Kakutaro held against Tadayuki, who was a younger brother of Kakutaro's father (Tadatsugu), as a result of Tadatsugu not being allowed to take over as head of the family due to his poor health, despite Tadatsugu and Tadayuki having both been born out of wedlock, and later dying of illness; this led to Kakutaro suffering economic hardships and his younger brother Kenjiro, who was not granted a peerage, going to war in Taiwan as a private soldier where he later died.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 経忠の孫の藤原信隆は生前は正三位非参議止まりであったが、安徳天皇が伊勢平氏一門とともに都落ちすると、信隆の娘で高倉天皇の典侍となっていた藤原殖子(七条院)所生の後鳥羽天皇(後鳥羽天皇)が皇位を継承し、後鳥羽天皇の外祖にあたる信隆は従一位左大臣を追贈された。
    Tsunetada's grandson FUJIWARA no Nobutaka was only able to rise during his lifetime as far as Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) and was not assigned a court position, but after Emperor Antoku fled the capital along with the Ise-Heishi (Taira clan), the throne passed to Emperor Gotoba--who had been born of FUJIWARA no Shokushi (whose religious name was Shichijoin), Nobutaka's daughter and a onetime lady-in-waiting to Emperor Takakura--whereupon Nobutaka, Emperor Gotoba's maternal grandfather, was posthumously promoted to Juichii (Junior First Rank) and given the position of Sadaijin (Minister of the Left).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • が、志方正和は公家が残した日記や源氏物語を研究した結果、藤原隆家の下で大宰少弐であった則隆の藤原政則が、肥後国住人と記述されていることから、政則と則隆の代1070年ころ菊池周辺に土着したとする説を発表、この説が現在まで有力とされている。
    However, in his study on the diaries left by nobles and The Tale of Genji, Masakazu SHIKATA found that Noritaka's father, FUJIWARA no Masanori, who was Dazai no shoni (junior assistant governor of Dazaifu, local government office in Kyushu region) under FUJIWARA no Takaie, was mentioned as a resident of Higo Province, and on this finding, Shikata presented a theory that the family was settled in the vicinity of Kikuchi around 1070, during the generations of Masanori and Noritaka, and since then, this is considered as a theory with high credibility.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、その妻総心尼(忠政の次男水野信元の娘、家康の従兄弟にあたる)は、中山光勝(五郎左衛門、は岩滑城主中山勝時)の養子であり、総心尼の妹(名前は明らかではない)の実子である新七郎を養子として迎え、同家を再興し、新七郎は水野保雅を名乗り、彼とその子孫は尾張藩に仕えて幕末に至った。
    His wife, Soshin-ni (a daughter of Tadamasa's second son Nobumoto MIZUNO, and Ieyasu's cousin), an adopted daughter of Mitsukatsu (Gorozaemon) NAKAYAMA (a son of the lord of Yanabe-jo Castle, Katsutoki NAKAYAMA), revived her husband's family line by adopting Shinshichiro, the biological son of her younger sister (her name is uncertain), who used the name Yasumasa MIZUNO; he and his descendants served in the Owari Domain until the end of the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 皆さんにお配りしたのとおり、顧問には東京大学名誉教授で日本学士院会員の貝塚啓明さん。ご存じのように元東京大学の経済学部長でございまして、湯川秀樹さんの甥御さんでございます。お様は文化勲章をもらった漢学者で京都大学の教授をしておりました貝塚(茂樹)さんのご長男でございます。
    As shown in a paper distributed to you, Mr. Keimei Kaizuka, honorary professor at the University of Tokyo and member of the Japan Academy, was appointed as a counselor. He is a former dean of the University of Toyko's Faculty of Economics, as you know, and he is also a nephew of Dr. Hideki Yukawa (a Nobel Laureate). His father is Shigeki Kaizuka, a Chinese literature scholar and professor at Kyoto University who received the Order of Culture.  - 金融庁
  • 財政法5条というのは確かにありますけれども、日本銀行による直接国債の引き受けというのは、戦前・戦中に戦費調達で、当時、陸軍省・海軍省は大変強い省でございましたから、多額の国債を日銀に引き受けした結果、戦後凄まじいインフレになったということは、皆さん方、おさん、お母さんを通じてよく知っておられると思います。
    It is true that Article 5 of the Public Finance Act has such a proviso. However, I would presume that you have heard from your parents about the devastating postwar inflation caused by the BOJ's underwriting of government bonds to finance war expenditures that came against the background of the strong influence of the Army and Navy Ministries.  - 金融庁
  • 商標権者は,商号(法人について),姓名若しくは系祖先名称(自然人について)又は住所の補正,商標登録している指定商品の一覧の縮減,商標の要素からは区別された非本質的部分に対する補正,及び商標登録に関するその他の補正について,特許庁に通知しなければならない。
    The owner of a trade mark shall notify the patent body on change of the name (for legal persons), surname, name and patronymic name (for natural persons), addresses, about reduction of the list of goods concerning which the trade mark is registered, about change of separate elements of the trade mark which is not changing its essence, other changes concerning registration of a trade mark.  - 特許庁
  • 管理サーバ3は、携帯基地局1及びネットワーク6を介して携帯端末2及びタグリーダ5から情報を受信し、出発時刻からの経過時間や出発地点からの移動距離の許容範囲のデータに基づいて、児童の状況が異常と判定した場合には、その旨を兄の携帯電話などに通知する。
    The management sever 3 receives the information from the portable terminal 2 and the tag reader 5 via the portable base station 1 and a network 6, and informs a cellular phone of parents when determining an abnormal state of the child, based on data of an allowable range of elapsed time from the stating time and a moving distance from the starting point. - 特許庁
  • 画像モニタシステムを運営する複数の幼稚園と、当該幼稚園のデータ管理を行うデータ管理部とからなる情報ネットワークを技術的前提として、データ管理部は、各幼稚園から案内を受けた地元特産品を金額とともにサーバ装置上に公開し、他の幼稚園および兄ユーザに閲覧可能とする。
    An information network composed of a plurality of the kindergartens operating an image monitoring system and a data management part managing the data of the kindergartens is a technical prerequisite and the data management part publicizes local special products presented by the respective kindergartens as well as their prices on a server so that the other kindergartens and parent users can browse them. - 特許庁
  • 本発明の抗アトピー活性を有する免疫力増強スーパーC3GHi稲の育種方法は、黒米系統の稲を母本に、大粒稲1号を本にして人工交配し、F_3世代以後から系統育種法によってシアニジン3−グルコシド(C3G)含量の高い個体を選抜して育成することを特徴とする。
    There is provided a method of growing the super rice C3Ghi with enhanced immunity including anti-atopy activation for selecting and growing an individual having high content of cyanidin 3-glucoside (C3G) by using the pedigree method of breeding after F_3 generation by artificially crossing the rice plant of a black rice line as a mother plant with a large grain rice plant No. 1 as a father plant. - 特許庁
  • 正負電極板の間に、ドラバイト、スコール、エルバアイト、領家変成帯から産出する変成岩、秩古生層から産出する変成岩から選ばれた1種または2種以上の組み合わせの岩石鉱物粉末を焼結したセラミック粒と、活性炭粉末を造粒した粒状活性炭から選ばれた1種または2種を配し、電解質を収容した電槽構造とすること。
    Battery case structure is formed by arranging dravite, schorl, elbaite, metamorphic rock produced from the Ryoke metamorphic zone, ceramic particles made by baking one or two or more kinds of combinations of rock mineral particles selected from metamorphic rock produced from the Chichibu Paleozoic stratum, and one or two kind selected from granular activated carbon granulated from activated carbon powder, and electrolyte between positive and negative electrodes. - 特許庁
  • ヒト男性不妊症患者の精子由来DNAについて、母性インプリント遺伝子PEG1、LIT1、ZAC、PEG3、及びSNRPNのうち少なくとも1つのアレル特異的メチル化領域、及び必要によりさらに性インプリント遺伝子H19及びGTL2のうち少なくとも1つのアレル特異的メチル化領域、においてメチル化異常を検出することを含む、該患者の精子におけるインプリント異常発生リスクを判定する方法。
    The method for judging the risk of the imprint abnormality occurrence in the sperm of the human male infertility patient includes detecting methylation abnormality in at least one allele-specific methylation region in maternal imprint genes PEG1, LIT1, ZAC, PEG3 and SNRPN, and optionally at least one allele-specific methylation region in paternal imprint genes H19 and GTL2 as a DNA derived from the sperm of the patient. - 特許庁
  • フランスでは、法律で、就業している親は母を問わず、子どもの育児のために就業を一時停止して育児休暇(1年~最長3年)を取得するか、就業時間を減らしパートタイムへ転換するかを選択することが定められており、正規雇用のまま柔軟な勤務形態の選択が可能である。
    The French law requires that working parents, whether farther or mother, select either to temporarily stop working and take a leave of absence for childcare (from one year up to three years) or to reduce their working hours and work part time. This permits them to flexibly select the form of employment while maintaining their regular employee status. - 経済産業省
  • 平成26年通常国会に改正法案を提出し、児童扶養手当の公的年金との併給制限を見直し、手当より低額の年金を受給する場合にはその差額分を支給することや、母子寡婦福祉貸付金の貸付対象を子家庭に拡大すること等、必要な措置を講ずる。
    We will submit to the ordinary session of the Diet in 2014 an amendment bill; we aim to remove the restriction on double payment of child-rearing allowances and public pension, allowing payment of the difference when the amount of pension is less than the amount of the allowance, to expand the scope of families eligible for the Loan for Single Mothers and the Widow to single-father families, and to take other necessary measures. - 厚生労働省
  • 専制的、あるいはいわゆる家長的統治という体制に属するような事物が、私たちの習慣に入り込んでおり、その一方で、私たちの諸制度の一般的自由が、抑制を道徳教育として本当に効力があるものにするために必要なだけの統制を行使することを妨げているのは、この国の諸制度が矛盾の塊だというだけのことなのです。
    It is only because the institutions of this country are a mass of inconsistencies, that things find admittance into our practice which belong to the system of despotic, or what is called paternal, government, while the general freedom of our institutions precludes the exercise of the amount of control necessary to render the restraint of any real efficacy as a moral education.10  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • 私が教授としょちゅうかわした会話の中で言ったのですが、大いに哲学精神にあふれた故ベンジャミン・ブロディ卿のおかげで私は幾度となく、早くも1794年にはチャールズ・ダーウィンの祖がチャールズ・ダーウィンの先駆者となっていたという事実に注目してきましたを示すものですが、今日の司教の後継者にはなにかしら陳腐に思えるにちがいありません[16]。
    In my frequent conversations with him, the late Sir Benjamin Brodie, a man of highly philosophic mind, often drew my attention to the fact that, as early as 1794, Charles Darwin's grandfather was the pioneer of Charles Darwin.16  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』
  • 第十一条 この法律に基づく保険給付を受ける権利を有する者が死亡した場合において、その死亡した者に支給すべき保険給付でまだその者に支給しなかつたものがあるときは、その者の配偶者(婚姻の届出をしていないが、事実上婚姻関係と同様の事情にあつた者を含む。以下同じ。)、子、母、孫、祖母又は兄弟姉妹であつて、その者の死亡の当時その者と生計を同じくしていたもの(遺族補償年金については当該遺族補償年金を受けることができる他の遺族、遺族年金については当該遺族年金を受けることができる他の遺族)は、自己の名で、その未支給の保険給付の支給を請求することができる。
    Article 11 (1) Where a person entitled to the right to receive insurance benefits under this Act has died and any part of the insurance benefits payable to the deceased person remains unpaid to said person, his/her spouse (including a person who has not made a notification of marriage but has been in a de facto marital relationship with the deceased person; the same shall apply hereinafter), children, parents, grandchildren, grandparents or siblings who shared living expenses with the deceased person at the time of his/her death (in the case of the compensation pension for surviving family, other surviving family members eligible to receive said compensation pension for surviving family, and in the case of the pension for surviving family, other surviving family members eligible to receive said pension for surviving family) may claim payment of the unpaid insurance benefits in their own names.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 第二条 従前の届出(この法律の施行の日(以下「施行日」という。)前にこの法律による改正前の国籍法第三条第一項の規定によるものとしてされた同項に規定する母の婚姻及びその認知により嫡出子たる身分を取得した子に該当しない又は母が認知した子による日本の国籍の取得に係る届出の行為をいう。以下同じ。)をした者で、当該従前の届出の時においてこの法律による改正後の国籍法(附則第四条第一項において「新法」という。)第三条第一項の規定の適用があるとするならば同項に規定する要件(法務大臣に届け出ることを除く。附則第四条第一項において同じ。)に該当するものであったもの(日本国民であった者を除く。)は、施行日から三年以内に限り、法務大臣に届け出ることによって、日本の国籍を取得することができる。
    Article 2 (1) A person making a former notification (referring to the act of notification pertaining to acquisition of Japanese nationality by a child acknowledged by a father or mother not falling under children having acquired the status of a child born in wedlock through the marriage of the father and mother and their acknowledgment provided in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Nationality Act prior to revision by this Act pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph before the day of enforcement of this Act (hereinafter referred to as "enforcement date"); the same shall apply hereinafter) falling under the requirements (except for notification to the Minister of Justice; the same shall apply in the supplementary provisions, Article 4, paragraph (1)) provided in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Nationality Act after revision by this Act (referred to as the "New Act" in the supplemental provisions, Article 4, paragraph (1)), if said paragraph applies (except for a person who was once a Japanese citizen) at the time of said former notification, may acquire Japanese nationality through notification to the Minister of Justice within three years of the enforcement date.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 第百十六条 著作者又は実演家の死後においては、その遺族(死亡した著作者又は実演家の配偶者、子、母、孫、祖母又は兄弟姉妹をいう。以下この条において同じ。)は、当該著作者又は実演家について第六十条又は第百一条の三の規定に違反する行為をする者又はするおそれがある者に対し第百十二条の請求を、故意又は過失により著作者人格権又は実演家人格権を侵害する行為又は第六十条若しくは第百一条の三の規定に違反する行為をした者に対し前条の請求をすることができる。
    Article 116 (1) After the death of the author or the performer, [a member of] his bereaved family ("bereaved family" means the surviving spouse, children, parents, grandchildren, grandparents, and brothers and sisters of the deceased author or performer; the same shall apply below in this Article) may make: [(a)] the demand provided for in Article 112 against any person who commits an act, or is likely to commit an act, in violation of the provisions of Article 60 or Article 101-3 with respect to the author or the performer concerned, or [(b)] the demand provided for in the preceding Article against any person who, intentionally or negligently, commits an act of infringement on the moral rights of author or performers or who has committed an act in violation of the provisions of Article 60 or Article 101-3.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • ある日、バサーニオはアントニオを訪ねてこう言った。ぼくは財産を取り戻そうと考えている。愛する女《ひと》と富裕な結婚をしようと思うんだ。彼女のおさんが最近亡くなってね、大きな財産をその人がたった1人で相続したんだ。おさんがご存命だったころ、ぼくは彼女の家をよく訪ねていたんだ。そのとき彼女がぼくにときどきその目から無言の秋波を送っていたように思えてね、ぼくのことがまんざらでもないという感じだった。だがぼくには、大きな遺産を受け継いだあの女《ひと》の相手としてふさわしい風采を整えるだけの金がないんだ。ぼくに対して親切にしてもらえるなら、3000ドュカート用立ててくれないか。
    One day Bassanio came to Anthonio, and told him that he wished to repair his fortune by a wealthy marriage with a lady whom he dearly loved, whose father, that was lately dead, had left her sole heiress to a large estate; and that in her father's lifetime he used to visit at her house, when he thought he had observed this lady had sometimes from her eyes sent speechless messages, that seemed to say he would be no unwelcome suitor; but not having money to furnish himself with an appearance befitting the lover of so rich an heiress, he besought Anthonio to add to the many favours he had shewn him, by lending him three thousand ducats.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』
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  • 厚生労働省
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  • 原題:”The Belfast Address”

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    (C) 2005 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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  • 原題:”On Liberty”

    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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