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  • 清公以後、博士が学生と私的な師弟関係を結ぶきっかけとなり一種の学閥の形成が進むとともに、子弟の教育に力を注いだ(勿論、後継者である是善・道真の才能による部分も大きいが)ことによって菅原氏から世襲的に文章博士が輩出されるようになったため、才用(実力)があれば家柄や人脈にとらわれず評価されるべきであると主張した都腹赤(都良香の伯)をはじめとする他の文章博士の反感を買った。
    Starting with Kiyokimi, instructors at the Academy began to have personal interactions with their students as master and pupils, leading to the creation of a kind of school clique as well as a more concentrated effort by instructors like Kiyokimi truly to teach their students (of course, the contribution to this new system made by Kiyokimi's talented successors Koreyoshi and Michizane is also quite large) and as a result, the position of Monjo hakase became a more or less hereditary one, held by many from the Sugawara clan; this earned the clan the resentment of all the other Monjo hakase, especially MIYAKO no Haraaka (uncle of MIYAKO no Yoshika), who insisted that ability (real merit) should be the key to success, not birth privilege or personal connections.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 本書は、原形のままでは伝わっておらず、天暦元年(947年)・2年・3年、天徳(日本)元年(957年)・2年・3年・4年(960年)の記事の抄録本(『九暦抄』)、承平(日本)2年(932年)-天徳4年迄の大饗・五月節・成選短冊の部類記(『九条殿記』)、承平6年(936年)-天慶9年(946年)迄の忠平の教命の筆録(『九暦記』〈貞信公教命〉)、天慶4年(941年)の本記の断簡(『九暦断簡』)、『西宮記』『小右記』等からみられる逸文(延長(日本)8年〈930年〉-天徳4年)によって内容を知ることができる。
    Because the original diary has been lost, we can learn what was written in it from an abridgement of entries from 947 to 949 and from 957 to 960 ("Kyureki sho"), classified records of grand banquets, the Sweet-Flag Festivals and Josen Tanzaku (special strips of paper announcing official promotions) from 932 to 960 ("Kujo-dono ki"), records of the ordinances of his father Tadahira from 936 to 946 ("Kyurekiki" (The Ordinances of Teishinko)), a fragmentary text of this diary describing things in 941 ("Kyureki dankan"), and fragments seen in "Saikyuki" and "Shoyuki" (from 930) to 960).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1185年、頼朝政権が平家を滅ぼした直後、頼朝政権の一員だった源行家・源義経が頼朝へ反抗姿勢を見せ始めると、同年11月に頼朝義の北条時政が上京し、後白河側と交渉を行い、その結果、頼朝側へ、行家・義経追討を名目として荘園・公領から兵糧米を徴収する職(=地頭・守護)の設置が勅許されることとなった(文治の勅許)。
    In 1185, when MINAMOTO no Yoshiie and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune, who were members of the Yoritomo government, began to oppose Yoritomo immediately after his government defeated the Taira clan, Tokimasa HOJO, Yoritomo's father-in-law, visited Kyoto to negotiate with Emperor Goshirakawa's group in order to obtain imperial permission (the Bunji imperial permission) to create positions ("jito" (land steward) and "shugo" (provincial military governor)) and to collect supplies of rice for soldiers from manors and imperial territories for the purpose of hunting down and killing Yoshiie and Yoshitsune.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、病弱であった上に天皇との関係も微妙であり、『日本後紀』によれば、延暦12年(793年)に春宮坊帯刀舎人が殺害された事件の背景に皇太子がいたと噂された事や、同24年(805年)に一時重態であった天皇が一時的に回復したために皇太子に対してに参内を命じたのにも関わらず参内せず、藤原緒嗣に催促されて漸く参内したことなどが記されている。
    However, the Emperor was in poor health when he became the Crown Pprince and had a sensitive relationship with his father the Emperor at that time; according to "Nihon Koki," there was a rumor that the crown prince was involved in the incident of Togu-bo Tachihaki (no) Toneri being killed in 793, or that in 805 the Emperor, who was in serious medical condition, recovered temporarily and ordered the Crown Pprince to go to the Imperial Palace, but when he refused to do so, FUJIWARA no Otsugu reprimanded him and he finally went to the Imperial Palace for a while.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、東福門院(徳川和子)に対する配慮から後光明天皇・後西天皇・霊元の3天皇の生母(壬生院園光子・逢春門院櫛笥隆子・新広義門院園国子)に対する女院号贈呈が死の間際(壬生院の場合は後光明天皇崩御直後)に行われ、その親(園基任・櫛笥隆致・園基音)への贈位贈官も極秘に行われるなど、幕府の朝廷に対する公然・非公然の圧力が続いたとも言われている。
    Also, in consideration toward Tofukumonin (Masako TOKUGAWA), to the birth mothers of Emperor Gokomyo, Emperor Gosai and Emperor Reigen (Mibuin Mitsuko SONO, Hoshunmonin Takako KUSHIGE, Shinkogimonin Kuniko SONO), Nyoin go was presented just before they died (to Mibuin, Nyoin go was presented immediately after Emperor Gokomyo died) and their fathers (Mototo SONO, Takashi KUSHIGE, Motone SONO) were secretly given a special rank and position; it is said that the government maintained direct and indirect pressure upon the Imperial Palace.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 近衛天皇の時に摂政藤原忠通が藤原忠実の怒りを買って、藤氏長者の座を弟の藤原頼長に奪われた折、忠実から天皇に対して忠通の関白解任を求められたが、院政を行っていた鳥羽天皇の介入で忠通の関白留任と引き換えに頼長にも内覧の宣旨が下った(関白と内覧が並存する事はこれまでありえなかった)。
    While Emperor Konoe was in power, Chancellor FUJIWARA no Tadamichi incurred the anger of his father, FUJIWARA no Tadazane, and Tadamichi's position as leader of the Fujiwara clan was passed to his younger brother, FUJIWARA no Yorinaga; at this time, Tadazane asked the Emperor to strip Tadamichi of his position as Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), but Emperor Toba, who was ruling as a cloistered emperor at the time, helped resolve the situation by issuing an Imperial decree for Yorinaga to become Nairan in exchange for Tadamichi being allowed to retain his position as Kanpaku. (Until this time, it had not been possible for the positions of Kanpaku and Nairan to be filled at the same time.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「大方の世の政事を始め、はかなき程の事まで御心にまかせぬ事なし(政治の上でのどんな些細なことでも女院の思いのままにならないことはなかった)」(『たまきはる』)とまで評された政治的発言力により、自身に近い人々である信範(叔)、宗盛(猶子)、時忠・親宗(兄弟)の昇進を後押しした(ただし、嘉応の強訴では時忠・信範が解官、配流されていることから、その発言力も後白河を押さえるほどのものではなかったと思われる)。
    It was said in "Tamakiharu" that 'there was nothing that Nyoin couldn't handle nor control concerning any small detailed issues about politics,' so whatever Shigeko said had a big influence on politics and she encouraged promotion for people close to her, like Nobunori (uncle), Munemori (adopted child), Tokitada, and Chikamune, (brothers). (However, because Tokitada and Nobunori, both lost their positions and were banished because of the Kao dispute, it was believed that Shigeko did not have enough political influence to stop Emperor Goshirakawa's political power.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この頃は天皇の権威の低下が著しく、室町幕府三代将軍足利義満は、自分の子足利義嗣を皇位継承者とする皇位簒奪計画を持ったと言われるが、義満の死後、朝廷が義満に太上(だいじょう)天皇の尊号を贈ろうとした際には、室町幕府四代将軍足利義持がこれを固辞している(義満が自分より義嗣をかわいがっていたため、を快く思わなかったためといわれている)ので、その真相については未だ定かではない。
    Around this period, the Emperor's loss of power was remarkable, and the 3rd Shogun of Muromachi Bakufu, Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, is said have planned to take over the Imperial throne by making his son, Yoshitsugu ASHIKAGA, heir, but since the death of Yoshimitsu, when the Imperial Court tried to give the honorable title Daijo Tenno to Yoshimitsu, the 4th Shogun of Muromachi Bakufu, Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, strongly refused to accept this (it is said that it was because he didn't like his father since Yoshimitsu cared more about Yoshitsugu than himself), the truth is not yet certain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、養子・猶子となった者に実の出家・死去によって縁戚の道長が後見を務めた源成信(致平親王の子・倫子の甥)、道長の実の孫でその昇進の便宜のために道長が養子とした藤原信基(教通の子、後の藤原通基)・藤原兼頼(頼宗の子)、同様のケースと考えられる道長の異母兄道綱の実子である藤原兼経・道命(四天王寺別当)兄弟が挙げられる。
    Among adopted children and children considered as his, there are: MINAMOTO no Narinobu (son of Prince Munehira, nephew of Rinshi), whose father became an ordained monk and passed away so his relative, Michinaga, took guardianship; FUJIWARA no Nobumoto (Norimichi's son, later FUJIWARA no Michimoto) and FUJIWARA no Kaneyori (Yorimune's son), who were Michinaga's biological grandsons but Michinaga adopted them in order to facilitate their promotion; and the brothers adopted for the same reason, FUJIWARA no Kanetsune and Domyo (Betto of Shitenno-ji Temple), who were biological sons of Michitsuna, who was Michinaga's half brother by a different mother.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この頃幕府は武力で勅命を出させ、長州藩主子の出府、五卿の江戸への差し立て、参勤交代の復活の3事を実現させるために、2老中に4大隊と砲を率いて上京させ、強引に諸藩の宮門警備を幕府軍に交替させようとしていたが、それを拒否する勅書と伝奏が所司代に下され、逆に至急将軍を入洛させるようにとの命が下された。
    At that time, the shogunate ordered an Imperial command by force, to go to the capital of the father and son of the domain of Choshu and to send five nobles to Edo, and sent two councilors to Kyoto with four battalions with guns to realize that revival of three things of Sankin-kotai (daimyo's alternate-year residence in Edo), and they were forced to exchange the security of the Imperial Palace's gates of domain to shogunate army, but Shoshidai (local governor) ordered the bull and Denso (job title referring to one who relays messages of court's people to Emperor) to reject that, instead of that an urgent order sent to the general was urgent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 長子相続制度の確立していない当時、良将の遺領は伯の平国香(國香)や平良兼に独断で分割されていたため争いが始まったとされている説、『将門記』などによる、常陸国(茨城県)前国司の源護の娘、或いは良兼の娘を巡り争いが始まったとする説、源護と平真樹の領地争いへの介入によって争いが始まったとする説などがある。
    One theory holds that because the system of birthright inheritance by the eldest son had not been established at that time, the conflict broke out because Yoshimasa's property was arbitrarily divided between his brothers (Masakado's uncles) TAIRA no Kunika and TAIRA no Yoshikane; another theory, based on the "Masakado Ki" (Record of Masakado), holds that the conflict broke out either over a daughter of the former Kokushi (provincial governors) of Hitachi Province, MINAMOTO no Mamoru, or the daughter of Yoshikane; and a third theory that states that the conflict broke out because of the interference of MINAMOTO no Mamoru and TAIRA no Maki in a territorial feud.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同年12月11日(旧暦)に下野国国府を占領し、続いて迎撃に出兵した上野国国司藤原尚範(同国は親王任国のため、介が最高責任者。藤原純友の叔)を捕らえて助命する代わりに印綬を接収して国外に放逐、12月19日(旧暦)には指揮官を失った上野国府を落とし、関東一円を手中に収めて「新皇」を名乗り天皇に即位、独自に除目を行い岩井市(茨城県坂東市)に政庁を置いた。
    On January 27 of the same year, he occupied the local government of Shimonotsuke Province, and then he captured the governor of Kozuke province, FUJIWARA no Hisanori (because this province was a shinno ninkoku [provinces whose gubernatorial posts were reserved as sinecures for imperial princes], the suke had the highest authority), and in exchange for sparing his life, Masakado took possession of the inju and exiled him; on February 4, he toppled the provincial office of Kozuke, which had lost its commander, thereby capturing the entirety of the Kanto region, enthroned himself as Shinno (the New Emperor), and, performing a Jimoku assignment ceremony himself, established the seicho (government office) in Iwai City (Bando City of Ibaraki Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、この時清行は時平に対して、道真の関係者全てを連座の対象とすると、道真の祖菅原清公以来の門人が全て処罰の対象となり朝廷が機能停止に陥る事を指摘し、処分を道真の親族と宇多上皇の側近のみに留めたことや、清行が道真の嫡男菅原高視の失脚で後任の大学頭に就いたことから、清行の政変への関与も指摘されている。
    Kiyoyuki was pointed out for his involvement in the political change because Kiyoyuki pointed out to Tokihira that all of the students of SUGAWARA no Kiyokimi, a grandfather of Michizane, would be punished and the Imperial Court would come to a standstill if all parties related to Michizane were involved, and he imposed the penalty only on the relatives of Michizane and close advisers of the Retired Emperor Uda, and because Kiyoyuki succeeded to Daigaku no kami (director of the Bureau of Education) due to the downfall of SUGAWARA no Takami, a legitimate son of Michizane.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 仁治3年(1242年)に四条天皇が崩御したため、順徳天皇の皇子・忠成王が新たな天皇として擁立されようとしていたが、泰時はの順徳天皇がかつて承久の乱を主導した首謀者の一人であることからこれに強く反対し、忠成王即位が実現するならば退位を強行させるという態度をとり、貴族達の不満と反対を押し切って後嵯峨天皇を新たな天皇として即位させた。
    Because Emperor Shijo had died in 1242, a prince of Emperor Juntoku, Chuseio, was to be enthroned as the new Emperor; however, Yasutoki strongly objected to this because the father, the Emperor Juntoku, had been a leader in the Jokyu War, and Yasutoki took an attitude that he would compel Chuseio to abdicate if his enthronement was realized; therefore, Yasutoki forcibly enthroned the new Emperor Gosaga against the complaints and opposition of the court nobles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『織田信雄分限帳』に「安土殿」という女性が、600貫文の知行を与えられているのが記載されており、女性としては信雄正室、徳姫に続き三番目に記載され、土田御前と推測される「大方殿様」よりも先に記載されている事、安土城の「安土」という土地を冠されている事から、織田家における地位の高さがうかがえ、織田信雄の亡き・信長の正室にあたるのではないかとも考えられる。
    Because there is an entry in "ODA Nobukatsu Bungencho" (registers of vassals of Nobukatsu ODA) that says that a woman called 'Azuchi-dono' was given chigyo fief worth 600 kanmon, that she was listed third in the order of female vassals following Nobukatsu's lawful wife and Tokuhime, that she was listed prior to 'Okatadono-sama,' who is believed to be Dota-gozen, and that her name included 'Azuchi' from Azuchi-jo Castle, it can be assumed that she retained a prominent position in the Oda family and she could be the lawful wife of Nobunaga, the deceased father of Nobukatsu ODA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『平家物語』によれば、この時、義盛は「が死に、子孫が死んでも、頼朝公のお姿を見ればこれに過ぎる悦びはない。どうか本懐を遂げて天下をお取りください。その暁には私を侍所の別当に任じてください。上総国だった藤原忠清が平家から八カ国の侍所別当に任じられ、その威勢をうらやましく思い、いつか自分もと八幡大菩薩に祈願いたしたのです」と願ったという。
    According to "Heike Monogatari" (The tale of the Taira clan), Yoshimori said 'Even if my father dies and my descendants die, nothing makes me happier than seeing Lord Yoritomo. Please pursue your original dream and take the country. When it happens, please appoint me as the Samurai-dokoro betto. After FUJIWARA no Tadakiyo who used to be the Kazusa no suke (Assistant Governor of Kazusa Province) was appointed to the Samurai-dokoro betto for eight provinces by the Taira family, I envied his power and I have always prayed to the Hachiman Daibosatsu (Great Bodhisattava Hachiman) that one day I would like to become one'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 曾孫にあたる佐藤栄作は『今日は明日の前日』という自伝の冒頭に「私の家はもともと毛利氏の家臣で萩市に住んでいた。(中略)曽祖は毛利家本藩の直参だったのだがあまり格の高いものではなかったようだ。しかし、いまから考えると当時の革新派で毛利藩が九州に出兵した時などはその攻撃軍に加わっている。そんなことで明治維新の後は島根県の県令になった」と書いている。
    His great-grandson Eisaku SATO wrote at the beginning of his autobiography "Kyowa Ashitano Zenjitsu" (Today is the day before tomorrow) that "my ancestors were originally vassals of the Mori clan and were living in Hagi City (omission), my great-grandfather was serving directly the main Mori clan, however he was not at a high rank, yet, thinking about it now, he was a reformist at that time and when the Mori clan went to fight in Kyushu, he joined in the attacking force, after the Meiji Restoration he became the governor of Shimane Prefecture."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そしてこの二階堂行貞が『吾妻鏡』の編纂者の一人と目されているのだが、行貞の祖で二階堂行盛の子・行忠の誕生を『吾妻鏡』に書き込んだのが行貞だとするならば、それは単なる自分の先祖の顕彰を越えて、二階堂行藤とその子・二階堂時藤の隠岐流に対して、二階堂行光、二階堂行盛から二階堂行忠、そして自分へとつながる政所執事の家系としての正当性を主張するものとして十分な動機が推測される。
    If Yukisada NIKAIDO, who was allegedly one of compilers of "Azuma Kagami" (the Mirror of the East), wrote the story of the birth of Yukitada, a son of Yukimori NIKAIDO and a grandfather of Yukisada in "Azuma Kagami", it was more than honoring of his ancestors, and he had sufficient motive for insisting on rightness of his family line from Yukimitsu NIKAIDO, Yukitada NIKAIDO to Yukitada NIKAIDO to himself as Mandokoro Shitsuji, on the contrary to the Oki family line of Yukifuji NIKAIDO and his child, Tokifuji NIKAIDO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 畿内の中小豪族や地方豪族では、旧来の延長上の氏神信仰が行われてきたが、平安時代後期に荘園公領制が成立して、子間の所領・財産継承が行われるようになると、各氏族の氏神崇拝の従来のあり方が崩れていき、次第に「家」単位での所領経営が行われるようになるとそれぞれの所領の地縁神もしくは出身地の産土神を氏神とするようになり、その混同が進行するとともに各地に新たな氏社が成立するようになった。
    In small or medium scaled powerful families in the Kinai area and among local powerful families, ujigami was believed to be an extension of the conventional belief, however, in the late Heian period when the shoen-koryo system (a manor and public territory system) was established and the handing down of territories and properties between fathers and children became common, the conventional manner of ujigami worship in each clan collapsed and, when territory management by 'family' as a unit gradually became common, chien-gami god (the locally connected god) of each territory or ubutsuchi-gami god (soil producing god) of one's home town was worshipped as ujigami and, as this confusion advanced, new ujigami were established in various places.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その一方で、近年では宇多天皇が醍醐天皇に譲位して法皇となった後に天皇の病気に伴って実質上の院政を行っていた事が明らかになった事や、円融天皇が退位後に息子の一条天皇が皇位を継ぐと政務を見ようとしたために外祖である摂政藤原兼家と対立していたという説もあり、院政の嚆矢を後三条天皇よりも以前に見る説が有力となっている。
    On the other hand, the view that insei started before the reign of Emperor Gosanjo has become more prevalent in recent years, since it is increasingly apparent that Emperor Uda conducted virtual insei after he abdicated to Emperor Daigo to become Hoo (法皇) as the result of the new Emperor's illness, and based on the view that Emperor Enyu was opposed to Kaneie FUJIWARA, a regent and his maternal grandfather, since Enyu tried to participate in political affairs after his abdication and succession of the throne by his son, Emperor Ichijo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義朝側の戦力は、三条殿襲撃に参加した源重成・源光基・源季実、信西を追捕した源光保などの同盟軍、子息の義平・源朝長・頼朝、叔・源義隆、信濃源氏・平賀義信などの一族、鎌田正家・後藤実基・佐々木秀義などの郎等により形成され、義朝の勢力基盤である関東からは、三浦義澄・上総介広常・山内首藤氏などが参戦したに過ぎなかった。
    The warriors fighting on Yoshitomo's side included MINAMOTO no Shigenari, MINAMOTO no Mitsumoto, and MINAMOTO no Hidezane, all of whom had taken part in the raid on the Sanjo Palace, and MINAMOTO no Mitsuyasu and others who had tracked down and captured Shinzei, as well as Yoshitomo's sons Yoshihira, Tomonaga, and Yoritomo and his uncle MINAMOTO no Yoshitaka and Yoshinobu HIRAGA and others of the Shinano branch of the Minamoto clan, and his army took shape around his retainers, including Masaie KAMATA, Sanemoto GOTO, and Hideyoshi SASAKI; yet from the Kanto, the source of Yoshitomo's power, only a handful, including Yoshizumi MIURA, Hidetsune KAZUSANOSUKE (TAIRA no Hidetsune), and some warriors of the Yamanouchi-Sudo clan were present to fight with him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その背景について、幼少の清和天皇が外祖藤原良房の政治権力によって、異母兄惟喬親王を推す世論に反して擁立されたことに由来する政治基盤の不安定さを克服するために、幼い天皇の君徳の涵養を図るとともに、天皇への忠誠を官人教育を通じて強く認識させる目的によって、藤原良房と大春日雄継が導入を図ったものと考えられている。
    It is believed that FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa and OKASUGA no Otsugu adopted this edition with the purpose of giving government officials an official education to foster allegiance to the Emperor, as well as to foster "Kuntoku no Kanyo" in the young Emperor Seiwa, thereby tried to overcome the instability of political foundation, which was caused by the enthroning of the infant Emperor Seiwa, with the help of the political power of his maternal grandfather, FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa, against public opinion that pushed for his paternal older half-brother, Imperial Prince Koretaka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは泰時が『法曹至要抄』や明法道の目安(訴状・陳状などの法律文書)を研究していたことや、編纂に参加しているのが泰時とともに六波羅探題を務めた叔の北条時房(幕府連署)や京都の下級官人出身者やその子弟が中心であったのも御成敗式目の法源を武家慣習法ではなく公家法に求めたからと考えられている。
    It has been believed that the reason why Yasutoki studied "Hososhiyo-sho" (a legal book compiled by the Sakanoue clan between the end of Heian period and the early Kamakura period) as well as the criterion of Myobodo (study of Codes) (legal documents of petition, petition for objection, and so forth) and why his uncle Tokifusa HOJO, a bakufu rensho (assistant to regents in bakufu) who had worked as Rokuhara Tandai (an administrative and judicial agency in Rokuhara, Kyoto) with him and person who had come from lower-ranking government official in Kyoto and their descendents participated in the compilation were that he sought the source of law not for the common law for samurai families, but for the court noble law.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その説によれば、最初の神託は皇位継承以外の出来事に纏わる(恐らくはこの年に行われた由義宮(道鏡の故郷である河内国弓削)遷都に関する)ものであって、これに乗じた藤原氏(恐らくは藤原永手とその弟の藤原楓麻呂か)が和気清麻呂を利用して白壁王あるいはその子である他戸親王(称徳天皇の・聖武天皇の外孫の中で唯一皇位継承権を持つ)の立太子するようにという神託を仕立て上げようとしたことが発覚したために清麻呂が流刑にされたとする可能性も指摘されている。
    According to this view, the first oracle was about an event not related to the succession to the Imperial Throne (perhaps it was related to the capital relocation to Yugenomiya Detached Palace [Yuge, in Kawachi Province, hometown of Dokyo] done in the same year), and WAKE no Kiyomaro was exiled because the plan by the Fujiwara clan (probably FUJIWARA no Nagate and his younger brother FUJIWARA no Kaedemaro) to make up an oracle using Kiyomaro was uncovered; according to this plan, the oracle says Prince Shirakabe or his son Imperial Prince Osabe should become Crown Prince (among the grandchildren of Emperor Shomu, Emperor Shotoku's father, born to his daughters married into another family, Imperial Prince Osabe was the only grandchild who had the right to ascend the Imperial Throne).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 延喜・天暦以来、儒教が仏教に圧倒されて儒教が禅僧の学問と化したこと、藤原惺窩が日本における宋学の端緒を付けたこと、その後伊藤仁斎・伊藤東涯子や山崎闇斎・中江藤樹・荻生徂徠らが、名利をもって陽明学や古文辞学などの異説を掲げて朱子学の排撃を試みたこと、だが朱子学こそが名利を捨てて学問として成就された正統な儒学であることを論じている。
    He writes that Confucianism had been overwhelmed by Buddhism since the Engi and Tenryaku Period and it changed into the learning of Zen monks, that Seika FUJIWARA began the serious study of Shushigaku, and that later Jinsai ITO and his son Togai ITO, Ansai YAMAZAKI, Toju NAKAE, and Sorai OGYU tried to criticize Shushigaku for meiri (fame and profit), insisting on different theories from Shushigaku such as Yomeigaku (Neo-Confucianism based on teaching of WANG Yangming) and Kobunjigaku (study of ancient rhetoric school), and finally he stresses that Shushigaku is the right and completed Confucianism from which meiri was eliminated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ——この分家がないということと、世襲財産が家名とともにから子へと代々よそへ逸(そ)れずに伝わったということのために、とうとうその世襲財産と家名との二つが同一のものと見られて、領地の本来の名を「アッシャー家」という奇妙な、両方の意味にとれる名称——この名称は、それを用いる農夫たちの心では、家族の者と一家の邸宅との両方を含んでいるようであった——のなかへ混同させてしまったのではなかろうか、と。
    - it was this deficiency, perhaps, of collateral issue, and the consequent undeviating transmission, from sire to son, of the patrimony with the name, which had, at length, so identified the two as to merge the original title of the estate in the quaint and equivocal appellation of the "House of Usher"- an appellation which seemed to include, in the minds of the peasantry who used it, both the family and the family mansion.  - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』
  • そのときあの寛大なアントニオは言った。シャイロックの財産に対する私の取り分は、シャイロックが死ぬときに娘とその夫とに財産を譲るという証書に署名すれば放棄いたします。というのは、シャイロックには一人娘がいたのであるが、娘は最近の意に反して、アントニオの友人で名をロレンゾという若いキリスト教徒と結婚していたのである。このことにシャイロックは激怒し、娘を勘当してしまったことをアントニオは知っていたのだ。
    The generous Anthonio then said, that he would give up his share of Shylock's wealth, if Shylock would sign a deed to make it over at his death to his daughter and her husband; for Anthonio knew that the Jew\\ had an only daughter, who had lately married against his consent to a young Christian, named orenzo, a friend of Anthonio's, which had so offended Shylock, that he had disinherited her.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』
  • 3 国有林野事業を行う国の経営する企業に勤務する職員の給与等に関する特例法(昭和二十九年法律第百四十一号。以下この条において「給特法」という。)の適用を受ける国家公務員(国家公務員法(昭和二十二年法律第百二十号)第八十一条の五第一項に規定する短時間勤務の官職を占める者以外の常時勤務することを要しない国家公務員を除く。以下この条において同じ。)は、給特法第四条に規定する農林水産大臣又は政令の定めるところによりその委任を受けた者(以下「農林水産大臣等」という。)の承認を受けて、当該国家公務員の配偶者、母、子又は配偶者の母であって負傷、疾病又は身体上若しくは精神上の障害により第二条第三号の厚生労働省令で定める期間にわたり日常生活を営むのに支障があるもの(以下この条において「要介護家族」という。)の介護をするため、休業をすることができる。
    (3) A national public officer who is subject to the Special Act on Wages, etc. of Personnel Working in National Enterprises Managing National Forest (Act No. 141 of 1954; referred to as "Special Wage Act" hereinafter in this Article) (excluding a national public officer who is not required to work full-time or does not hold an official post with part-time working hours prescribed in Article 81-5 paragraph 1 of the National Public Service Act (Act No. 120 of 1947), the same shall apply in this Article) may, upon obtaining an approval of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or a person to whom the Minister, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, delegates the authority prescribed in Article 4 of the Special Wage Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, etc."), take leave in order to take care of a person who is a spouse, a parent, a child, or a parent of a spouse of said national public officer and who, due to injury, sickness, or physical or mental disability, has difficulty in leading his/her daily life for a period specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare provided for in Article 2 item (iii) (referred to as a "Family Member in Care-requiring Condition" hereinafter in this Article).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 第四十三条 附則第四十五条の規定に基づき遺族補償年金を受けることができる遺族の範囲が改定されるまでの間、労働者の夫(婚姻の届出をしていないが、事実上婚姻関係と同様の事情にあつた者を含む。以下次項において同じ。)、母、祖母及び兄弟姉妹であつて、労働者の死亡の当時、その収入によつて生計を維持し、かつ、五十五歳以上六十歳未満であつたもの(労働者災害補償保険法第十六条の二第一項第四号に規定する者であつて、同法第十六条の四第一項第六号に該当しないものを除く。)は、同法第十六条の二第一項の規定にかかわらず、同法の規定による遺族補償年金を受けることができる遺族とする。この場合において、同法第十六条の四第二項中「各号の一」とあるのは「各号の一(第六号を除く。)」と、同法別表第一の遺族補償年金の項中「遺族補償年金を受けることができる遺族」とあるのは「遺族補償年金を受けることができる遺族(労働者災害補償保険法の一部を改正する法律(昭和四十年法律第百三十号)附則第四十三条第一項に規定する遺族であつて六十歳未満であるものを除く。)」とする。
    Article 43 (1) Until the scope of surviving family members eligible to receive a compensation pension for surviving family has been revised under the provision of Article 45 of the Supplementary Provisions, a worker's husband (including a person who has not made a notification of marriage but has been in a de facto marital relationship with the worker; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph), parents, grandparents and siblings who were dependent on the worker's income at the time of his/her death and were 55 or over or under 60 years of age (excluding those prescribed in Article 16-2, paragraph (1), item (iv) of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act who do not fall under Article 16-4, paragraph (1), item (vi) of said Act) shall, notwithstanding the provision of Article 16-2, paragraph (1) of said Act, be regarded as surviving family members eligible to receive a compensation pension for surviving family under the provisions of said Act. In this case, the term "any of the items of the preceding paragraph" in Article 16-4, paragraph (2) of said Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "any of the items of the preceding paragraph (excluding item (vi))," and the term "surviving family members eligible to receive a compensation pension for surviving family" in the row concerning a compensation pension for surviving family in Appended Table 1 of said Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "surviving family members eligible to receive a compensation pension for surviving family (excluding surviving family members prescribed in Article 43, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Revision to the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 130 of 1965) who are under 60 years of age)."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 大将に悪右衛門督信頼、その子 新侍従藤原信親、信頼の実兄にあたる兵部権大輔藤原家頼、民部権少輔藤原基成、弟の尾張少将藤原信説、そのほかに伏見源中納言源師仲、越後中将藤原成親、治部卿兼通、伊予前司信員、壱岐守貞知、但馬守有房、兵庫頭源頼政、出雲前司源光保(光保)、伊賀守光基、河内守源季実、その子息左衛門尉季盛、義朝はじめ源氏一門ではまず左馬頭義朝を筆頭に、長子鎌倉悪源太源義平、次男中宮大夫進源朝長、三男兵衛佐源頼朝、義朝の叔陸奥六郎義隆、義朝の弟新宮十郎源行家、従兄弟の佐渡式部大輔(大夫)源重成、平賀四郎平賀義宣とある。
    Generals were: the Evil Uemon no kami (Captain of the Right Division of the Headquarters of the Outer Palace) Nobuyori; his child, the new Chamberlain FUJIWARA no Nobuchika; Nobuyori's own elder brother FUJIWARA no Ieyori the Hyobu no Gon no Taifu (provisional senior assistant minister of Hyobusho Ministry of Military), Minbugonshofu (Junior Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Popular Affairs) FUJIWARA no Motonari; younger brother FUJIWARA no Motonari the Owari Shosho (Minor captain of Owari Province); in addition, Middle counselor of Fushimi-Genji (Minamoto clan) MINAMOTO no Moronaka; Middle captain of Echigo FUJIWARA no Narichika; jibukyo (Minister of the Ministry of Civil Administration) Kanemichi; the former official of Iyo Province Nobutaka; Sadatomo the Governor of Iki Province; Arifusa the Governor of Tanba Province; MINAMOTO no Yorimasa the Head of Hyogo; MINAMOTO no Mitsuyasu the former official of Izuo Province (Mitsuyasu); Mitsumoto the Governor of Iga Province; MINAMOTO no Suezane the Governor of Kawachi; their children Suemori the saemon-no-jo (Secretary of the Left Division of the Headquarters of the Outer Palace Guard) for the first time in the Minamoto clan Yoshitomo was first on the list for Sama no kami (Chief of the Bureau of Horses); his eldest son Kamakura aku (evil) Genta MINAMOTO no Yoshihira; his second son MINAMOTO no Asanaga was chugudaifu (Master of the Empress' Palace); third son MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was Hyoe no suke (Assistant at Headquarters of the Middle Palace Guard); Yoshitomo's uncle Rokuro MUTSU Yoshitaka; Yoshitomo's younger brothers Juro SHINGU and MINAMOTO no Yukiie; cousin MINAMOTO no Shigenari who was Sado shikibu taiyu (the assistant minister of the Ceremonial Ministry, and also in charge of Sado Province) (Grand Master); and also Shirohei Hiraga and Yoshinori Hiraga.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その理由として、御誓文と同時に出された宸翰に出てくる「旧来の陋習」の語がそもそも鎖国攘夷の意味に限定されていないこと、また木戸孝允自身が「打破すべき封建性」「打破すべき閉鎖性」の意味で「旧習」「旧来の陋習」「陋習」という言葉を広く使用していること、また、大久保利通でさえ木戸の「旧来の陋習」と同じ意味のことを「因循の腐臭」とより痛烈に批判していること、つまり、薩長いずれも密留学をさせ倒幕に立ち上がった開明的雄藩であったにもかかわらず長州の木戸より薩摩の大久保のほうが藩主子・出身藩の内部事情などのためにより批判的にならざるを得ない危険な封建性・閉鎖性をより自覚していたということ(寺田屋事件~西南戦争)、更に、岩倉具視も他の文書で「天地の公道」という全く同じ言葉を万国公法とはおよそ次元の異なる「天然自然の条理というような意味」で用いていることなどが挙げられている。
    As the reason, they explained that the word 'evil customs of the past' in shinkan (Imperial letter) issued at the same time as Charter Oath was not restricted to national isolation as well as expulsion of foreigners, and Takayoshi KIDO himself used the words 'old customs', 'evil customs of the past' and 'conventions' widely as meaning of 'feudalism to be conquered' or 'closed nature to be conquered', and even Toshimichi OKUBO severely criticized the same thing as 'evil customs of the past' mentioned by Kido for 'corrupt smell of old customes', in other word, though both Satsuma and Choshu provided overseas education secretly and were liberal domains led the movement of overthrowing the Shogunate, Okubo from Satsuma recognized more about dangerous feudalism as well as closed nature than Kido from Choshu, Okubo had to criticize more extreme because of internal affair regarding father and son of the lords of his domain and internal circumstances of his domain (The Teradaya Incident - Seinan War), moreover Tomomi IWAKURA also used just the same words 'the laws of Nature' as 'reason of nature' in other document, which meant totally different from international public law.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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