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  • 大同団結運動分裂後の事態に対応して、板垣退助たちが旧自由党員を愛国公党へ結集しようとした。
    In response to the situation after the split of Great Merger Movement, Taisuke ITAGAKI and others tried to invite the members of the former Liberal Party to the Aikokukoto Party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結党後、直ちに自由党、大同倶楽部と合同に向けて交渉が始まり、5月14日三派が合同し、康寅倶楽部を結成する旨を決議した。
    After the establishment of the party, negotiations began to merge with the Liberal Party and the Daido Club Party, and on May 14 the three parties passed a resolution to form Kokin Club Party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、秩父事件の指導部は蜂起時点ではこの自由党解党の情報を認知していなかったと考えられている。
    It is assumed that the leaders of Chichibu Incident had not got information on the dissolution of the Liberal Party at the time of the uprising.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • まもなく憲政党は旧自由党派を中心とする憲政党と旧進歩党派を中心とする憲政本党に分裂した。
    The Constitutional Party was soon divided in the Constitutional Party centering on the former Liberal faction and the True Constitutional Party centering on the former Progressive faction.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし寄合所帯の憲政党内部では、旧進歩党(日本)系と旧自由党(日本)系の軋轢が強かった。
    However, inside the Constitutional Party, which was congeries of parties, conflict between the former Progressive Party (Japan) side and the former Liberal Party (Japan) side was serious.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ホイッグ党(イギリス)とトーリー党(イギリス)の両党派が相互に勢力を競い、後に自由党と保守党による二大政党制へと移行した。
    The Whigs and the Tories in the British Parliament contested with each other for political power, which later shifted into the two-party system comprising the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、自由党元総裁板垣退助は自分が疎外された事から運動から距離を置き、立憲改進党の大隈重信も懐疑的であった。
    However, Taisuke ITAGAKI, former president of the Liberal Party, distanced himself from the movement because he was alienated and Shigenobu OKUMA of the Constitutional Progressive Party was skeptical.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、大井自身は完全な新党ではなく、自由党の別働隊であるとする立場を表明していた。
    However he clearly announced that he regarded the Toyo Jiyuto as a branch of the Jiyuto and that it was not a completely new party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、大日本協会そのものがこの直後に解散に追い込まれており、大井は自由党に戻ることになる。
    Soon after that, however, the Dai Nihon Kyokai itself was dissolved and Oi returned to the Jiyuto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 自由党・硬六派ともに政府との政治休戦を宣言したが、硬六派に対する世論の支持が広がった。
    Although both the Liberal Party and the Ko Roppa declared a truce with the government, public support for the Ko Roppa increased.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 民党(みんとう)とは、明治時代の自由民権運動を推進してきた自由党_(明治)・立憲改進党などの民権派各党の総称。
    Minto is the general term of the political parties such as the Liberal Party (in the Meiji period) and the Constitutional Progressive Party and so on which promoted the Movement for Democratic Rights in the Meiji Period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 自由党の小沢一郎党首は,演説で「国民生活を考えない政治を変えなくてはならない。」と語った。
    Ozawa Ichiro, president of the Liberal Party, said in a speech, "We have to change the politics that ignores people's daily lives."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 両党は,民主党は現在の形のままだが自由党は解散することや,新しい党の代表は菅氏がなるということに合意した。
    The two parties have agreed that the DPJ will remain in its present form but the Liberal Party will be dissolved, and that the president of the new party will be Kan.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 自由民権運動は政府の弾圧によって衰微し、自由党_(明治)は解党、立憲改進党も休止状態にあったが、1887年にいわゆる三大事件建白運動が発生すると、かつての自由党の領袖である後藤象二郎は自由民権運動各派が再結集して来るべき第1回衆議院議員総選挙に臨み、帝国議会に議会政治の打ち立てて条約改正や地租・財政問題という難題にあたるべきだと唱え、3月に旧自由党・立憲改進党の主だった人々に呼びかけたのがきっかけである。
    The Freedom and People's Rights Movement once declined because of the government's oppression, which led Liberal Party (Meiji Period) to dissolve and the Constitutional Progressive Party to halt its activities, but in 1887, when so called the petition movement of three major events happened, Shojiro GOTO, a leader of former Liberal Party, advocated the reunion of factions of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement to prepare for upcoming of the first House of Representatives election and he called for the establishment of parliamentary government within the Imperial Diet to deal with difficult problems such as treaty revision, a land tax, and financial affairs; in March of the same year, he got principal members of former Liberal Party and the Constitutional Progressive Party to participate, which triggered the movement to unite for a common purpose.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、1883年頃から政府の圧力が強まり、加えて自由党の板垣退助の洋行問題を巡る疑惑追及を行うと、逆に自由党側からも前島や尾崎・犬養と関係が強く同党の機関紙となっていた郵便報知新聞などが政府の資金を受けているとの疑惑が出されて岩崎弥太郎を海坊主になぞらえた「海坊主退治」キャンペーンが繰り広げられたことから、泥仕合となった。
    Around 1883, as the pressure from the government increased, the party looked into the alleged problems of the Liberal party concerning Taisuke ITAGAKI's going abroad, but instead encountered a backlash from the Liberal party to fling mud at each other, with a scandal that insisted Yubin Hochi Shinbun newspaper, the party's official publication, having a strong relationship with Maejima, Ozaki and Inukai, was financed by the government, through a campaign of to denounce "monstrous" Yataro IWASAKI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 三大事件建白運動・大同団結運動では旧自由党系と連携して民党の一翼を担うが、大同団結運動の失敗と1888年の大隈の第1次伊藤内閣の外務大臣(日本)入閣(黒田内閣でも留任)によって大隈の条約改正案を支持したことにより自由党との関係は再び微妙になる。
    Although the Constitutional Progressive party still played an important role in some cases, along with the Liberal party (both parties acknowledged each other and were referred as people's parties at the time), such as taking actions to present petitions for the three major cases, and advocating a movement to unite for a common purpose, but both parties eventually couldn't get along with each other when they failed the movement to unite, and the Constitutional Progressive party supported a proposal to revise a treaty that Okuma presented as foreign minister of the first Ito government in 1888 (he became foreign minister under the Kuroda government as well).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方、旧自由党系内部でもとりあえず選挙に備えた新党の母体となる政治結社を結成しようとする(政社系)河野広中らと立憲改進党系が離脱した以上は新党ではなく自由党再興を目指すべきで今は政治結社を考える時ではないとする(非政社系)大井憲太郎らが対立する。
    At the same time, within the former Liberal Party, there was a confrontation between two groups: one led by Hironaka KONO (seisha group) who aimed to form a temporary political organization to prepare for the election which would be a parent organization of a new political party and the other led by Kentaro OI (hi-seisha group) who aimed to restore Liberal Party rather than form a new political party now that the Constitutional Progressive Party left and emphasized that it was not a time to think about a new political party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同盟倶楽部は1892年11月20日に藩閥政権に失望した吏党系議員が民党側に離反した際に結成された院内会派、同志倶楽部は1893年12月5日に自由党_(明治)所属の星亨衆議院議長の不正問題で自由党が星議長の擁護の姿勢を変えないことに抗議した同党議員が離党して結成した院内会派であった。
    The Domei Club was an in-house faction that was formed on November 20, 1892, when the Rito (pro-government) lawmakers who were disappointed by the hanbatsu (domain clique) government defected from the Minto (anti-hanbatsu government political parties), while the Doshi Club was an in-house faction that was formed on December 5, 1893 by some members of the Liberal Party (in the Meiji period) who had left the party after protesting against the fact that despite improper acts perpetrated by Toru HOSHI, the speaker of the Lower House who was a member of the party, the party leadership maintained their stance in defending the speaker.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その結果、明治政府から追放されることとなった板垣退助は自由党を、大隈重信は立憲改進党を結成し、来る国会開設の準備を図ろうとした。
    As a result, Taisuke ITAGAKI and Shigenobu OKUMA who came to be purged from the Meiji Government formed the Liberal Party and the Constitutional Progressive Party, respectively, in preparations for the coming inauguration of the Imperial Diet.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし旧自由党(日本)と旧進歩党(日本)の間に対立が生じ、また文相尾崎行雄が共和演説事件をきっかけに辞職すると後任人事をめぐって対立はさらに激化。
    However, the old Liberal Party (Japan) and the old Progressive Party (Japan) formed an opposition, and the Minister of Education, Yukio OZAKI, resigned due to the Kyowa Speech Affair, and antagonism concerning the succession of personnel became much more severe.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後任文相に旧進歩党の犬養毅が就いたことに不満を持った旧自由党の星亨は、一方的に憲政党の解党を宣言、新たな憲政党を結成した。
    As Tsuyoshi INUKAI of the old Progressive Party assumed the post of the next Minister of Education, Toru HOSHI of the old Liberal Party, who was dissatisfied with the result, declared one-sidedly the dissolution of the Constitutional Political Party, and formed a new Constitutional Political Party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 帰国後は国内で司法省付属代言人(弁護士)の第1号となって活躍し、明治14年(1881年)には自由党(明治)の議員(代議士)となり、政党政治の基礎作りの一翼を担った。
    After returning to Japan, HOSHI became the first lawyer under the Ministry of Justice and actively worked in Japan, and in 1881, he became a councilor (as parliamentarian) of the Liberal Party, and took part in building the foundation of party government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 実際に初代衆議院議長の中島信行は海援隊以来の親友であり、またかつて部下であった立憲自由党の実力者星亨とは終生親交が厚く、このつながりが議会対策に役立っている。
    In fact, Nobuyuki NAKAJIMA, the first chairman of the House of Representatives, was Mutsu's close friend since the time of Kaientai, and Mutsu also kept through his lifetime a close friendship with Toru HOSHI, a kingmaker in Rikken Jiyuto (a political party) who was also Mutsu's subordinate once; such connections helped Mutsu in his parliamentary affairs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、無所属や独立倶楽部、立憲革新党といった比較的少数政党を渡り歩いた庸之助は自由党の候補者によって第3回・第5回の総選挙において苦杯を嘗めさせられた。
    But Yonosuke was once an independent statesman or otherwise belonged to the relatively small parties like the Dokuritsu Kurabu (Independent Club) or the Rikken Kakushinto (Constitutional Reformist Party) and roved from one party after another, he was made to drink a bitter cup in the third and the fifth general election by the candidates of the Jiyuto (Liberal Party).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結果として九鬼の活動した地方では奈良県の4増をはじめ政府系候補が10議席増加し、自由党(日本)の大物である大井憲太郎を落選に追い込むなどの成果を収めた。
    As a result, the number of seats of government-affiliated candidates increased by ten seats in the areas where Kuki conducted election campaigns, including four seats in Nara, and Kuki also succeeded in making a big-shot politician from the Liberal Party (Japan), Kentaro OI, lose the election.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 自由党史』上.下巻 板垣退助監修、宇田友猪、和田三郎共編、五車楼、1910年、岩波文庫上.中.下巻 初版1958年.1997年ほか復刊
    "Jiyuto Shi"(The history of Liberal Party), supervised by Taisuke ITAGAKI, co-edited by Tomoi UDA and Saburo WADA, published by 五車楼, 1910 (also published as Iwanami bunko of Vol.1, 2, and 3, 1958 for the first edition, and revived in 1997 etc.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治17年(1884年)初頭(1月下旬から2月上旬頃)には自由党(日本)へ加入をするが、その手続きの後に党員の村上泰治から傲慢な態度を取られたため憤慨し、その後は関わりを持っていない。
    In early 1884 (from late January to early February), he joined the Liberal Party (of Japan), but he got angry with a domineering attitude shown by a party member, Taiji MURAKAMI after the entrance processing, so that he did not get involved in the party due to this incident.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、メンバーも多彩で慶應義塾系や自由党_(明治)結成時に分裂した嚶鳴社系、東京専門学校(現早稲田大学)の設立メンバーとなった小野梓のグループなど複雑な人脈が形成された。
    Among them, whose backgrounds were different in many ways, complicated webs of personal connections had eventually been formed to provide some groups, such as Keiogijuku group, Omeisha group (later divided when the Liberal party was established), and Azusa ONO (one of the founding members of Tokyo Senmon Gakko, current Waseda University) group.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、1893年頃から国民協会_(日本)と結んで対外硬路線を唱えて、現実路線に転じた自由党と対決姿勢を示し、星亨衆議院議長不信任問題で全面衝突に至った。
    However, around 1893 onwards, the party started to take the hard-line policy to tackle with foreign affairs, along with Kokumin Kyokai (National Association), and this conflicted with the Liberal party, who had shifted its position to a realistic stance, to lead a full scale confrontation by both parties, over a non-confident vote to Toru HOSHI, the chairman of the House of Representative.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秩父地方では、自由民権思想に接していた自由党員らが中心となり、増税や借金苦に喘ぐ農民とともに「困民党(秩父困民党)」を組織し、1884年(明治17年)8月には2度の山林集会を開催していた。
    In Chichibu region people, mainly members of the Liberal Party organized 'Konminto Party (Poverty Party)' together with peasants suffering from increased taxes and debt burdens and held the second rally called Sanrin Shukai (literally, "gathering of mountains and forest") in August, 1884.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 自由党解党2日後の10月31日、下吉田(旧吉田町(埼玉県))の椋神社において決起集会が行われ、蜂起の目的のほか、役割表や軍律が制定され(下記参照)、蜂起が開始された。
    On October 31, two days after the dissolution of the Liberal Party, they held a rally in Muku Shrine in Shimoyoshida (former Yoshidamachi [Saitama Prefecture]), established the purpose of the uprising, a role chart and martial law.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後任をめぐって旧進歩党_(日本)・旧自由党_(日本)両派の対立は深刻化し、妥協点を見出せないまま、大隈首相は独断で進歩派から犬養毅を後任に推した。
    While the confliction over the successor between the both former Progressive and the former Liberal factions (Japan) became worse, it could not reach a compromise, Prime Minister OKUMA recommended Tsuyoshi INUKAI for the successor from the Progressives on his own authority.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対し3日後10月27日の就任式当日、内務大臣板垣退助が反対意見を上奏、翌日板垣ら旧自由党派三大臣が辞任した。
    On the other hand, three days later, October 27 the day of the inauguration ceremony, the Minister of Home Affairs Taisuke ITAGAKI reported his objection to the throne, and three ministers of the former Liberal Party including ITAGAKI resigned on the following day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 与党となった憲政党のうち、旧進歩党(日本)系の大隈を首相に、旧自由党(日本)系の板垣退助を特に内務大臣(日本)に迎えて組織した。
    Among the Constitutional Party in power, the cabinet was organized with OKUMA from the former Progressive Party (Japan) as the Prime Minister and Taisuke ITAGAKI from the former Liberal Party (Japan) as Minister of Home Affairs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、伊藤は超然主義を放棄して自由党(明治)総裁板垣退助を内務大臣(日本)として入閣させて、同党の与党化を図る。
    In addition, ITO gave up the doctrine of superiority and took Taisuke ITAGAKI, the president of the Liberal Party (Meiji period) into the Cabinet as the Minister of Home Affairs (Japan), to include this party to the ruling party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1900年には憲政党の旧自由党派を中心に伊藤を総裁として立憲政友会が結成され、これを基に第4次伊藤内閣が発足した。
    In 1900 the Rikken seiyukai (立憲政友会 Friends of Constitutional Government, a political party) was formed with members of the Kenseito former Liberal Party faction as its base and Ito as its leader; the fourth Ito Cabinet was inaugurated on the basis of the Rikken seiyukai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、結果的に梯子を外された形となった後藤象二郎直系を中心とした集団は国民自由党を結成して吏党に転じるが、第1回総選挙で5議席しか獲得できなかったためにほとんど影響力は無かった。
    In the meantime, Shojiro GOTO and his followers consequently lost support and organized Kokumin Liberal Party (National Liberal Party), which turned into a government-leaning party; however, they could gain only five parliamentary seats in the first general election, which barely bestowed them much political clout.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政府は自由党を刺激するのを避けるために植木の容疑は不問として、檄文に署名した島根県の小原鉄臣ら酒造業者5名のみを不応為罪で禁錮刑とした。
    In an attempt to avoid stimulating the Liberal Party, the government sentenced only Tetsuomi KOHARA and four other brewers from Shimane Prefecture who signed the manifesto to imprisonment for fuoizai (a minor offense), without charging Ueki with anything.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 実際にこの勢力の主流は後の進歩党(明治)・憲政本党・立憲国民党・憲政会と続く「反自由党」・「反政友会」の第2党勢力の母胎となっていくのである。
    The main current of this force became a parent organization of 'Anti Liberal Party' and 'Anti Seiyu Party' which were second party force to continue to latter-day Shinpo-to Party (Progressive Party) (in Meiji), Kensei honto Party, Rikken Kokumin-to Party, Kenseikai political Party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、条約改正の本格化とともに漸進的改正論を唱える自由党との距離を置いて、対外硬派の立場から国民協会_(日本)や新興の大日本協会との関係を強める。
    With the treaty revision under way in earnest, however, the party distanced itself from the Liberal Party, which advocated the idea of gradual treaty revision, and because of its hard-line stance toward foreign nations, it strengthened the ties with the Kokumin Kyokai (National Association [Japan]) and burgeoning Dai Nihon Kyokai (Society for Greater Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この事件については立志社の指導者である板垣退助・後藤象二郎らは無関係で片岡も林ら過激な首謀者の巻き添えとなったとする見解が『自由党史』以来の通説である。
    Ever since the "History of the Liberal Party" was compiled, the consensus has been that Taisuke ITAGAKI and Shojiro GOTO, leaders of the Rishisha, had nothing to do with the plot and that KATAOKA and HAYASHI were just associated with the radical ringleaders.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 帝国議会設置以来、衆議院では、自由党_(明治)・立憲改進党に代表される自由民権運動を継承する民党とこれに反対する国民協会に代表される温和派(吏党)が対立を続けてきた。
    There were conflicts between the "Minto" (People's Party) representing the Jiyuto (Liberal Party) in Meiji period and the Rikken Kaishinto supporting the Freedom and People's Rights Movement, and the "Rito" (Bureaucrats' Party) representing the Kokumin Kyokai after the constitution of the Imperial Diet opposed it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが、日清戦争や条約改正を巡って自由党と第2次伊藤内閣は協調関係に入り、却って立憲改進党と吏党が連携してそれを攻撃するという構図が形成されて民党に亀裂が生じた。
    However, because the Liberal Party entered into cooperative relationship with the Second Ito Cabinet about the First Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and the revision of unequal treaties, the Progressive Constitutional Party cooperated with Rito and attacked them and appeared in Minto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 逆に第2次松方内閣では立憲改進党の後身である進歩党_(明治)との事実上の連立体制(松隈内閣)が形成されてこれを自由党が攻撃するという構図も形成される。
    The practical coalition cabinet was formed as the Progressive Party (in the Meiji Period) which was the Constitutional Progressive Party (the Showai Cabinet (Sho was defined as Masayoshi MATSUKATA while Wai was Shigenobu OKUMA)) in the Second Matsukata Cabinet, and the Liberal Party attacked them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 自由党(明治)に対抗する新党結成構想が硬六派の間で進められると、これに呼応して1896年2月に解散、所属議員は同年3月1日の進歩党(明治)結成に参加した。
    They were dissolved in February of 1896 in response to their plan to form a new party to compete wih the Liberal Party (Meiji), and it's Diet members joined the formation of the Progressive Party (Meiji) on March 1 of the same year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 7月23日,民主党と自由党のトップリーダーである菅(かん)直(なお)人(と)代表と小沢一郎党首が,9月末までに両党を合併することに合意した。
    On July 23, Kan Naoto and Ozawa Ichiro, the top leaders of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and the Liberal Party, agreed to merge the two parties by the end of September.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 自由党内閣の下でこの国の政府高官たるにかなったと思われる人物が、キリストの神性を信じない人はみな寛容の埓外にあるという説を主張しているという事実に、注意を払って欲しいと思います。
    I desire to call attention to the fact, that a man who has been deemed fit to fill a high office in the government of this country, under a liberal Ministry, maintains the doctrine that all who do not believe in the divinity of Christ are beyond the pale of toleration.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • しかし、これらの政党は対外政策では一定の一致をみていたものの、国内政策では国粋主義的な大日本協会や国民協会から自由民権運動の中でも急進派である東洋自由党まで幅広い勢力を含んでいたために、政府あるいは衆議院第2党の自由党(明治)あるいは後に同党と伊藤博文系官僚勢力が合同した立憲政友会に対する批判でしか一致をみなかった。
    Although these political parties agreed certain points in external policy, in the internal policy these parties, which included nationalistic Dainihon Association, National Association, and the East Liberal Party which was a leftist among the Freedom and People's Rights Movement, agreed each other only in the point of criticism against the government, the Liberal Party which was the second party of House of Representatives (in Meiji Period), or the Rikken seiyukai (a political party organized by Hirobumi ITO) which was established from the alliance of the Liberal Party and the governmental bureaucratic in the side of Hirobumi ITO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • パリ留学で自由思想を学んだ西園寺は自由民権運動に傾倒し、明治14年(1881年)3月18日には、自由党結党に向けて創刊された『東洋自由新聞』の社長となり、中江兆民、松田正久らと共に発行に携わる。
    Saionji, who learned liberalism while he studied in Paris, became committed to Democratic Rights Movement, and on March 18, 1881, he became the president of "Toyo Jiyu Shinbun" journal company, which was founded with the goal of establishing the Liberal Party, and he became involved in its publications along with Chomin NAKAE and Masahisa MATSUDA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 在任中は、サンフランシスコ講和条約の首席全権代理、参議院自由党議員会長、自民党京都府議連初代会長(4期連続)などを務めた他、第三次から第五次吉田内閣で国務大臣を務めるなど国政の要職を歴任した。
    Whilst sitting as a Councilor, he served as a Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary at the time of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, as Chairperson of the Liberal Party Councilors in the Upper House, and the first Chairperson of the Liberal Party Kyoto Member Union (4 consecutive terms), and in other posts; in addition, he attended to important matters of state as Minister of State and other posts in the 3rd through to 5th Yoshida Cabinets.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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