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  • 日本裏面史より見れば、三多摩の村野常右衛門、森久保作蔵など「大阪事件」以降の自由党右派の壮士たちを政界に引き入れたことで、たとえ星自身が金銭的に潔白であるとしても、東京市政の疑獄の数々には彼の責も大きいと言われる。
    From the darker side of Japanese history, HOSHI, who brought into the political world rightists of the Liberal Party after the 'Osaka Incident,' including young activists called Santama Soshi such as Tsuneemon MURANO and Sakuzo MORIKUBO, is said to have been heavily to blame for the numerous scandals in Tokyo municipal government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 11月26日には衆議院法務委員会に服部学長と同学会委員長が喚問される事態となり、政府(第3次吉田内閣)および与党自由党はこの事件をきっかけに大学への警官の自由な立ち入りを認めさせようと画策した。
    The president of the university Hattori and the chairman of the Dogakukai were summoned to the Lower House Judicial Affairs Committee on November 26, and the Government (the third Yoshida cabinet) and the ruling Liberal Party planned, taking advantage of this incident, to make it possible for the police to enter the university campus freely.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 規模はきわめて小規模で、当面の目標も栃木県庁落成式に出席する政府高官への襲撃程度のものであったが、自由党急進派は、前年の1883年(明治16年)後半以降、圧制打倒をめざして頻繁な交流を図り、同志的結合を強めていく傾向にあった。
    It was quite small in scale and its immediate aim was only attacking high-ranking government officials who attended the Tochigi Prefectural Government inauguration ceremony: Since the latter half of 1833 of the previous year, the Liberal Party radicals had frequent meetings and were in a direction of strengthening the unity of the like-minded members.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そんな中、従来からの路線対立や、加波山事件の処理をめぐる紛糾などから1884年10月29日(秩父事件発生の2日前)、自由党は解党決議を可決するに至っていた(その後同党は1890年に再結成されるが、以後も解散・再結成・再編等を繰り返す。
    Liberal Party approved a decision of dissolving the party on October 29, 1884 (two days before the occurrence of the Chichibu Incident) because of what with past policy confrontations and complications on solving the Kabasan Incident (thereafter, the Party was reorganized in 1890, but repeated dissolution, the re-formation, reorganization,and so on even after that.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • さらに与党憲政党内旧自由党派の実力者星亨が、陸軍大臣桂太郎らと密かに連携して尾崎排除を計画、隈板内閣を嫌っていた伊藤博文の盟友伊東巳代治が社主を務める東京日日新聞も尾崎攻撃を開始した。
    Not only Toru HOSHI, an influential politician of the former Liberal faction of the ruling Constitutional Party, had a secret connection with Taro KATSURA, an Army Minister, to exclude OZAKI, but Tokyo Nichinichi Newspaper, owned by Miyoji ITO who was a sworn ally of Hirobumi ITO who hated the Wai-han Cabinet, launched attacks on OZAKI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 閣僚ながら民党とも親交のある農商務大臣陸奥宗光の説得、買収によって立憲自由党の一部(土佐派)が予算案に賛同したために、最初の予算案は通過したものの、政費節減政策の実施を受け入れざるを得なかった。
    Although the first budget had passed because some of Constitutional Liberal Party members (the Tosa School) approved the budget due to persuasion and corruption by the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, Munemitsu MUTSU who was a Cabinet member but also close to Minto, he had to accept implementation of Government cost-cutting policy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対して東洋自由党・同盟倶楽部・立憲改進党・国民協会_(日本)・政務調査会_(明治時代の政党)の5党派がこれに呼応して、「日英通商航海条約締結の反対」・「清国への早期開戦」を掲げて共闘を約した。
    East Liberal Party, Alliance Club, the Constitutional Progressive Party, National Association (Japan), and Policy Affairs Research Council (political party in the Meiji Period) were allied and advocated 'Opposition to the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation' and 'Quick Start of War against Qing' and form a united.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同会専属の衆議院議員も存在したものの、協力関係にあった東洋自由党・国民協会_(日本)・政務調査会_(明治時代の政党)・同盟倶楽部などと掛け持ちであった議員が多かった。
    While some of the members were council members of the party, it included among it's members of the Dai Nihon Kyokai were lawmakers of the House of the Representatives, many of whom also belonged to other political parties that maintained cooperative relations with Dai Nihon Kyokai, including the Toyo Jiyuto (Oriental Liberal Party), the Kokumin Kyokai (National Association [Japan]), The Policy Affairs Research Council (a political party in the Meiji period), and the Domei Club (League Club).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対して自由民権運動の担い手であった立憲自由党・立憲改進党側は彼らを非難する意味を込めて「吏党」と呼んだのが始まりとされている(なお、幸徳秋水はこの言葉を用いた最初の人物は中江兆民であるとする説を唱えている)。
    In response, the Rikken Jiyuto (Constitutional Liberal Party) and the Rikken Kaishinto (Constitutional Progressive Party, who handled the Jiyu Minken Undo, began calling them the 'Rito' in disapproval (Shusui KOTOKU pointed at Chomin NAKAE as being the person to coin the phrase.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大日本協会の動きに対して東洋自由党・同盟倶楽部・立憲改進党・国民協会・政務調査会_(明治時代の政党)の5党派がこれに呼応して、「日英通商航海条約締結の反対」・「清国への早期開戦」を掲げて共闘を約した。
    The Toyo Jiyuto (Oriental Liberal Party), the Domei Club (Alliance Club), the Rikken Kaishinto (Constitutional Progressive Party), the Kokumin Kyokai, and the Policy Affairs Research Council of the five parties of the Meiji period, promised to bond together to fight in response to the Dai Nihon Kyokai's campaign, chanting slogans such as "protesting the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation" and "wage a early war against Qing."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対して日英通商航海条約の締結を間近に控えた第2次伊藤内閣は警戒感を強め、また衆議院第1党の自由党も条約改正に関しては政府の漸進主義に賛同していたために反発を強めた。
    The second Ito cabinet became wary of the situation with the signing of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation near at hand, and the Liberal Party, which was the first party of the House of Representatives, strengthened the opposition from supporting the government's idea of step-by-step revisions to the treaty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1889年の大同団結運動分裂の際に成立した大同倶楽部が「財政を整理し、民力の休養を謀ること」を綱領に掲げて以後、対立した大同協和会(後の立憲自由党)、更に立憲改進党を巻き込んで民党勢力共通の公約となった。
    Since the political party called "Daido Kurabu" (Great Club) formed when Great Merger Movement disbanded in 1889 advocated "reconstructing finance and aiming for rest for laborers," it became a policy pledge that was shared by Minto, involving confronting Daido Kyowa Kai (later Constitutional Liberal Party) and the Constitutional Progressive Party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 陸奥は非藩閥出身であり政府内部では伊藤の信頼によって政治的な基盤を得ているような状態であったが、逆に藩閥政治家とは敵対関係にあった自由党(明治)の中島信行・星亨とは盟友関係にあった。
    Mutsu was from non-domain clique and gained political foundation inside the government only by Ito's confidence, but he was a sworn friend of Nobuyuki NAKAJIMA and Toru HOSHI who belonged to the Liberal Party (Meiji) that had an adversarial relationship with statesmen of domain cliques.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 世界の七つの海に没することのない大帝国をつくったときの、ビクトリア女王の頃のグラッドストーンとディズレーリという非常に有名な右大臣、左大臣でございますけれども、グラッドストーンが自由党だったそうでして、このデイビーさんは自民党ですけれども、「我々の先輩だ」と。
    Gladstone and Disraeli were powerful politicians of the era of Queen Victoria, when the United Kingdom built an empire that spanned the seven seas. Gladstone was a member of the Liberal Party, the predecessor of the Liberal Democrats.  - 金融庁
  • そこで政府側では、イギリスのジョージ5世(イギリス王)即位の際、即位直後であることを理由に自由党(イギリス)と保守党(イギリス)との政争をやめるよう命令して、それを実現させた話にならい、ちょうど大正天皇が即位して間もない頃だったので、勅語を出すという形で西園寺公望に対し政争を中止するように諭した。
    Following the story of how the end of the political battle was realized because of the order that was given to stop the political battle between the Liberal Party (Britain) and the Conservative Party (Britain) using the coronation of George, the 5th (King of Britain) as a reason, the government advised, in the form of an ordinance of the Emperor, Kinmochi SAIONJI to stop the political battle since Emperor Taisho had just been enthroned as the Emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが地租増徴に反対する進歩党(日本)と自由党(日本)(日本1890-1898)からの協力は得られなかったために、文部大臣・農商務大臣・逓信大臣を自派(「伊藤系官僚」)が、内務大臣(日本)・司法大臣・陸軍大臣を山縣有朋系が占める超然内閣を作らざるを得なかった。
    However, without cooperation by the Progressive Party (Japan) and the Liberal Party (Japan) (Japan 1890-1898) opposing to the plan to increase land taxes, he had to organize the Chonen (doctrine of superiority) cabinet consisting of the Minister of Education, Minister of Agriculture and Commerce and Minister of Communication from his own group ("government officials from ITO group"), and the Minister of Home Affairs (Japan), Minister of Justice and Minister of Army from Aritomo YAMAGATA group.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、これに対して進歩党と自由党が合同して憲政党を結成、貴族院_(日本)も政権に非協力な態度を取った為に、伊藤は自らの政局運営の甘さの自覚と新党結成の決意を固めて、山県有朋らの反対を押し切って憲政会の大隈重信・板垣退助のいずれかを後継にするように上奏して内閣を総辞職した。
    However, Since the Progressive Party and the Liberal Party formed the Constitutional Party together against this and the House of Peers (Japan) also took uncooperative attitude to the Government, which made ITO realize his own poor handling of the political situation and made decision to form a new party, he reported to the Emperor to make either of Shigenobu OKUMA or Taisuke ITAGAKI of the Constitutional Party as his successor and resigned the cabinet en masse, in spite of opposition by Aritomo YAMAGATA and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 特に国民協会が帝国党に衣替えした際に、一部が分裂してこれに従わずに自由党の後継政党である憲政党や藩閥官僚(伊藤博文系)とともに立憲政友会を結成したことによって、政友会とその反対党という構図へと変化を見せ、「吏党」・「民党」という言葉は完全に意味を成さないものになっていった。
    When the Kokumin Kyokai turned over to Teikokuto (Imperialist party), some members broke off from the group and and formed the Seiyukai (Association of Friends of Constitutional Government) together with the Kenseito (Constitutional Party), which was the incoming party of the Jiyuto, and the Hanbatsu Kanryo (domain government officials, a political party of Hirobumi ITO), and soon the political layout was mostly the Seiyukai against their opponents, that the terms 'Rito' and 'Minto' eventually lost their original meaning..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 第1回衆議院議員総選挙で合計すると、衆議院の過半数を制した自由党(当時は分裂状態にあり、大同団結運動を経て再統合される)や立憲改進党などの民権派各党は、世論の意思は自分たちにあると捉え、自分達を弾圧してきた藩閥政府やその同調者と見られた保守系政党(大成会など)との対決姿勢を強めた。
    Winning majority in the first general election of the members of the House of Representatives in 1890, the parties demanding the democratic rights such as the Liberal Party (it was split then and reunited through the Great Merger Movement) and the Constitutional Progressive Party and etc. thought that the public was on their side and strengthened the attitude toward the han-dominated government (the members of former Choshu and Satsuma domains who played major part in the Meiji Restoration and had power after the restoration) which suppressed them and toward other conservative parties (the Taiseikai Group and so on) regarded as the followers of the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼ら急進派の政府転覆計画は結局は具現化をみるには至らなかったが、その後発生した1884年(明治17年)6月の群馬事件は、群馬県の下部自由党(明治)員が、妙義山麓に困窮に苦しむ農民を結集し、圧制打倒の兵をあげようとしたものであり、さらに同年9月に発生した加波山事件は、茨城県の加波山に爆裂弾で武装した16人の急進的な民権運動家が挙兵し、警官隊と衝突するというものであった。
    After all the plot of overthrowing the government of the radicals was not realized, but in subsequent Gunma Incident occurred in June 1884, local members of the Liberal Party (Meiji period) in Gunma Prefecture, gathering peasants in poverty at the foot of Mt. Myogi, tried to raise an army against suppression and furthermore in Kabasan Incident occurred in September of the same year sixteen democratic radicals armed with bombs raised an army and encountered the police force.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、その一方で西南戦争以後民権派に反政府運動・民党の主導権を握られてきた国粋主義者を中心とした外交問題を軸とした政界再編構想の一環とも言え、本来親政府の吏党である筈の国民協会から普通選挙を掲げる急進民権派である東洋自由党までを巻き込んで、ゆくゆくは国粋主義を軸とした統一政党化も視野に入れた動きでもあった。
    Meanwhile, however, the movement was also, in a sense, part of the plan to create a national political realignment focusing on foreign affairs among nationalists in particular, who allowed popular rights groups to take the initiative in the anti-government movement Minto (political parties including the Liberal Party and the Progressive Party) since the Seinan War (a local war by Satsuma ex-samurai against the Meiji government); In other words, it also represented a political trend to unify all political parties with nationalism at the core in the future by involving the parties from the Kokumin Kyokai, a Rito which was fundamentally a pro-government political party, to the Toyo Jiyuto, a radical popular rights party which advocated universal suffrage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが、国民協会の中で国粋主義者の占める割合が強くなると、次第に政府との関係は悪化し、特に第2次伊藤内閣期に入ると、民党の中核であった自由党_(日本)が政府と接近して共同歩調を取る一方で、逆に国民協会が同内閣が進める条約改正を批判して立憲改進党と共同して硬六派を組織するなど、吏党・民党がそれぞれ「親政府」・「反政府」を意味するものではなくなっていった。
    However, their relationship with the government gradually soured as the Kokumin Kyokai had the highest percentage of nationalists, and especially during the Second Ito Cabinet, the Kokumin Kyokai conversely organized the Koroppa (hard-line six parties) cooperating with the Rikken Kaishinto by accusing the Cabinet of forwarding the revision of a treaty while the Jiyuto (Liberal Party of Japan), the hard core of the Minto party, approached the government and took concerted action, and thus the Rito party and Minto party were no long entirely 'pro-government' or 'anti-government'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それでも、犬養毅(立憲国民党非改革派→革新倶楽部)などの様にあくまでも民衆の代表であるという意識から「民党」という言葉に拘る政治家も存在したが、やがて自由党系と伊藤博文系官僚による立憲政友会と立憲改進党系と桂太郎派による立憲同志会(後の憲政会→立憲民政党)の2大政党に収斂されていくにつれて、民党という言葉は過去のものとなっていった。
    Although there were some politicians such as Tsuyoshi INUKAI (a member of the non-reform group in the Constitutional National Party who later found the Club of Innovation) and others who associated the word "Minto" with representatives of people, but the word "Minto" faded away as the movement to reorganize political parties concentrated on two major parties called the Constitutional Party of Political Friends consisting of the Liberal Party and government officials under Hirobumi ITO the Constitutional Association of Friends (it became the Constitutional Association afterwards and changed into the Constitutional Democratic Party) with the Constitutional Progressive Party and the group of Taro KATSURA,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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