IT・コンピュータや生命科学など、幅広い分野の専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日中韓辭典研究所 URL http://www.cjk.org/cjk/indexj.htm |
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- 絞込み
- A
- AA
- AB
- AC
- AD
- AE
- AF
- AG
- AH
- AI
- AJ
- AK
- AL
- AM
- AN
- AO
- AP
- AQ
- AR
- AS
- AT
- AU
- AV
- AW
- AX
- AY
- AZ
- A(50音)
- A(タイ文字)
- A(数字)
- A(記号)
- air diffuser
- air diffusion
- air discharge
- air distribution
- air distributor
- air division
- air dome
- air door
- air dose
- air drag
- air drain
- air drainage
- air drawing
- air dried basis
- air dried material
- air drier
- air drift
- air drill
- air drilling
- air drop hammer
- air dryer
- air drying
- air duct
- air duct evaporator
- air dynamometer
- air ejection
- air ejector
- air elutriation
- air elutriator
- air embolism
- air embolus
- air engine
- air entrained concrete
- air entraining agent
- air entrainment
- air equivalent wall ionization chamber
- air escape
- air exhaust
- air exit
- air express
- air extractor
- air factor
- air fare
- air film
- air film conveyor
- air filter
- air filter silencer
- air firm conveyor
- air floating conveyor
- air flotation
- air flow around buildings
- air flow controller
- air flow divider
- air flow duct
- air flow meter
- air flow rate
- air foam
- air force
- Air Force Avionics Laboratory
- air force base
- Air Force Department
- Air Force director of data automation
- Air Force Institute of Technology
- air force logistics command
- Air Force Missile Test Center
- Air Force Nuclear Engineering Test Facility
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- Air Force One
- Air Force Satellite Communications System
- Air Force systems command
- Air Force Test and Evaluation Center
- air freight
- air freighter
- air freighting
- Air Fuel Ratio Control
- air furnace
- air gage
- air gallery
- air gap
- air gas
- air gate
- air germ
- air governor
- air group
- air guide
- air gun
- air gyro
- air hammer
- air handling unit
- air harbor
- air hardening
- air hardening cement
- air hatch
- air heading
- air heat aging
- air heater
- air heater temperature control system
- air heater tube
- air heating furnace
- air heating system