ビジネスや日常会話で用いられる英語の表現・言い回しの日本語訳を調べることができます。 提供 Weblio URL https://ejje.weblio.jp/ |
Weblio英語表現辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- D
- DA
- DB
- DC
- DD
- DE
- DF
- DG
- DH
- DI
- DJ
- DK
- DL
- DM
- DN
- DO
- DP
- DQ
- DR
- DS
- DT
- DU
- DV
- DW
- DX
- DY
- DZ
- D(50音)
- D(タイ文字)
- D(数字)
- D(記号)
- don't see
- don't sell
- Don't sit so immodestly with your legs open.
- Don't skip class
- Don't skip class.
- don't sleep
- Don't sleep.
- Don't speak.
- Don't stand on the book.
- Don't stand on the chair.
- don't stay in my memory
- Don't stop
- Don't stop there. Tell me the whole story.
- Don't stop thinking.
- Don't stretch your legs out in front. Keep them pulled back
- Don't Suppose
- Don't surprise me
- Don't take any chances
- Don't Take It Away
- Don't take it off!
- Don't take no for an answer.
- Don't take the mickey
- Don't take them on
- Don't tease me!
- Don't tease me.
- Don't tell anybody else about this, but that girl is dating another girl
- Don't tell me ...
- Don't tell me that you are imitating this
- Don't tell me what happens!
- Don't tell tales behind one's back.
- Don't tell the person I gave a present to
- Don't think like that!
- don't think so.
- Don't think that kicking others down makes you better by comparison
- Don't think you can have everything your way.
- Don't think, feel.
- Don't throw it so hard, try to do it more softly
- Don't throw your toy!
- Don't touch it without asking
- Don't touch it, I'm telling you that it hurts
- Don't touch 〔it/me.〕
- Don't treat him like a thing, properly talk to him like a person
- Don't Trust Me
- Don't turn the lights on and off for fun
- Don't underestimate it!
- Don't use my works without my permission.
- Don't use violence against people
- Don't use without permission!
- Don't wake me.
- Don't walk back and forth in front of me!
- Don't Wanna Cry
- don't want
- don't want to bother
- Don't want to do it any more
- don't want to see
- don't want to see … again
- don't waste precious time
- Don't waste your time with stupid celebrity scandals on the media
- Don't worry about a reply.
- Don't worry about it if you're busy.
- Don't worry about this, let's finish that one first
- Don't worry at all. I just got here myself.
- Don't Worry Baby
- don't worry too much about details
- Don't worry. Even if you forget your lines, it'll work out.
- Don't worry. I'm used to it now.
- Don't you add the advertisement on the video?
- Don't you envy me?
- Don't You Ever Leave Me
- Don't you get feel tired sometimes?
- Don't You Know I Love You
- Don't you realize that you are sacrificing the child?
- Don't you see!
- Don't You See!
- Don't you think a re-evaluation of the risk is necessary?
- Don't you think it's amazing?
- Don't you think taxing alcohol and cigarettes is exploiting the poor?
- Don't you think that car was speeding?
- Don't you think that summer arrives right after winter is over in recent years?
- Don't you think the cone of ice cream is delicious?
- Don't you think there was some bad intention behind it?
- Don't you think there's nothing we might be able to use?
- Don't you think you should just apologize for the moment?
- Don't you think you're drinking too much? I'll be hangover tomorrow
- Don't you think?
- Don't you want to check the account of the girl you like?
- Don't you want to get back together?
- don't youの別表記
- don't [can't] feel anything
- don't [doesn't] care
- don't [doesn't] wait
- Don't.
- don'tchaの別表記
- don'tの口語体
- Donald Trumpet
- donar
- doncha
- done and done