英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方 すむ自動詞1(=終る) to end, come to an end, be brought to an end; to come to a close, be brought to a cl...
読み方 すむ自動詞1(=終る) to end, come to an end, be brought to an end; to come to a close, be brought to a cl...
読み方 ゆく自動詞1To go; to be there; to visit (a place)用例君行くかAre you going?Will you go?Shall you be there?明...
読み方 ゆく自動詞1To go; to be there; to visit (a place)用例君行くかAre you going?Will you go?Shall you be there?明...
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