英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方 つぶす他動詞1(=破潰する)to break (an egg); to smash (a hat); to crush (ore); to squash (lemons); to mash (...
読み方 つぶす他動詞1(=破潰する)to break (an egg); to smash (a hat); to crush (ore); to squash (lemons); to mash (...
読み方 さいしょ名詞The first:(副詞に用いれば)first; in the first place用例最初からわかっていたI knew it from the first―all along...
読み方 さいしょ名詞The first:(副詞に用いれば)first; in the first place用例最初からわかっていたI knew it from the first―all along...
読み方 くむ自動詞1(=合同する)to unite (with one); to join hands (with one's rival); to make common cause (with o...
読み方 くむ自動詞1(=合同する)to unite (with one); to join hands (with one's rival); to make common cause (with o...
読み方 はじめ名詞1The beginning (of the month); the commencement (of the term); the outset (of one's studies...
読み方 はじめ名詞1The beginning (of the month); the commencement (of the term); the outset (of one's studies...
読み方 はじめ名詞1The beginning (of the month); the commencement (of the term); the outset (of one's studies...
音節un・der発音記号ʌ́ndərコア…の下に基本的にはover(上から全体を覆う)の反意語〔下方〕…の下に ...

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