英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方 とうたつ名詞Arrival:(=する) to arrive at or in (a place); to reach (one's destination); to get to (one's...
読み方 とうたつ名詞Arrival:(=する) to arrive at or in (a place); to reach (one's destination); to get to (one's...
読み方 しまい名詞1End; close; termination; conclusion; finish:(=の) last; final:(=に) last (of all); finally; ...
読み方 しまい名詞1End; close; termination; conclusion; finish:(=の) last; final:(=に) last (of all); finally; ...
読み方 どうせ副詞1In any case; anyhow; after all用例どうせ要る金だI shall need the money in any case.どうせ行くのだからいつ行くのも同...
読み方 どうせ副詞1In any case; anyhow; after all用例どうせ要る金だI shall need the money in any case.どうせ行くのだからいつ行くのも同...
読み方 しっぽ名詞The tail用例犬が尻尾を巻いて逃げたThe dog slunk away with his tail between his legs.(人が)尻尾を巻くto yield―gi...
読み方 しっぽ名詞The tail用例犬が尻尾を巻いて逃げたThe dog slunk away with his tail between his legs.(人が)尻尾を巻くto yield―gi...
読み方 こじき名詞A beggar; a mendicant; a pauper:(=する) to beg; to beg one's bread; to beg for alms用例乞食になるto ...
読み方 こじき名詞A beggar; a mendicant; a pauper:(=する) to beg; to beg one's bread; to beg for alms用例乞食になるto ...
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