

German destroyer Z8 Bruno Heinemann

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/01 16:05 UTC 版)



Z8 Bruno Heinemann was a Type 1934A-class destroyer built for the German Navy (Kriegsmarine) in the mid-1930s. After the start of World War II in September 1939, she blockaded the Polish coast and searched neutral shipping for contraband. In late 1939 and early 1940 the ship made three successful minelaying sorties off the English coast that claimed 17 merchant ships. Bruno Heinemann participated in the early stages of the Norwegian Campaign by transporting troops to the Trondheim area in early April 1940. The ship was transferred to France a year later to escort German ships that used the French ports on the Atlantic coast. She was returning to France in early 1942 when she struck two mines and sank off the coast of Belgium.

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German destroyer Z8 Bruno Heinemannのページの著作権