

Levi II

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/11/22 14:41 UTC 版)



Levi was a Jewish-Palestinian scholar of the 3rd century (third amoraic generation), contemporary of Ze'era I and Abba b. Kahana (Yer. Ma'as. iii. 51a). In a few instances he is quoted as Levi b. Lama (Ḥama; comp. Yer. R. H. iv. 59a with R. H. 29b; Yer. Ta'an. ii. 65a with Ta'an. 16a; see Rabbinovicz, Diduḳe Soferim, to Ber. 5a, Ta'an. l.c. , Zeb. 53b). In later midrashim the title "Berabbi" is sometimes added to his name (Pesiḳ. R. xxxii. 147b; Num. R. xv. 10; Tan., Beha'aloteka, 6; comp. Pesiḳ. xviii. 135a; Tan., l.c. ed. S. Buber, p. 11; see Levi bar Sisi). He quotes halakic and homiletic utterances by many of his predecessors and contemporaries; but as he quotes most frequently those ofama b. Ḥanina, it may be conjectured that he was the latter's pupil, though probably he received instruction at R. Johanan's academy also. In this academy he and Judah b. Naman were alternately engaged to keep the congregation together until Johanan's arrival, and each was paid for his services two "selas" a week.

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