

Vernon Royle

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/10 08:24 UTC 版)



The Reverend Vernon Peter Fanshawe Archer Royle (born 29 January 1854 in Cheshire, England; died 21 May 1929 in Middlesex, England). He was the son of Dr. Peter Royle and Marina Fanshawe. He played cricket for Oxford University and Lancashire. He was a member of Lord Harris's cricket team to tour Australia in 1878/9. His fielding won considerable praise (He was ambidextrous, very quick on his feet, with a smart return, and a dead sure catch.); he is generally regarded as being the greatest "cover point" of all time, and many books have described the fear he engendered in batsmen when on the pitch. Only a rash batsman dared to try for a quick run. A remark of Tom Emmett’s, the famous Yorkshire cricketer, is worth recalling, "Woa, mate, theres a policeman," he said when his partner called him for a short run while Royle was at cover point.

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