

Southport London Street railway station

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/09 18:06 UTC 版)



Southport London Street was a railway station in Southport, Merseyside. It opened on April 9, 1855, as the East Lancashire Railways terminus for the Manchester and Southport Railway, a line jointly operated by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. The station closed on April 1, 1857, with all services transferred to the adjacent Southport Chapel Street, though the station buildings remained in use as a goods depot. An expansion of Chapel Street in 1914 swallowed the site completely, though its name was preserved with platforms 12 and 13 dubbed the "London Street Excursion Platforms". When Chapel Street was rebuilt in the early 1970s, the excursion platforms were filled in to make space for a car park.

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