

where the fuck

出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/09/19 16:23 UTC 版)


the fuck

  1. (vulgar, slang) Used after interrogative pronouns as an intensifier to express anger, frustration, incredulity, or other strong emotion.
    Who the fuck are you?
    What the fuck?
    Where the fuck have you been?
    Why the fuck did you do that?
  2. (vulgar, slang) Used after verbs forming a part of a phrasal verb as an intensifier to imply aggressive emphasis.
    Shut the fuck up!
    Back the fuck off!
    Chill the fuck out!
  3. (vulgar, slang) Used as a shortened form of the common interrogative phrases.
    The fuck was that?
    The fuck you think you are?!
    The fuck? (said incredulously)
  4. (vulgar, slang) Used to emphatically express that something isn't true.
    You look like you had an accident. The fuck I did!
    After putting enough collagen powder into my drinks for a week now, do I look a day younger? The fuck you do!


  • fucketh
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