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  • の朝倉氏景(8代当主)がその跡を継ぎ、孝景の弟である朝倉経景・朝倉景冬・朝倉光玖の助力を得て、越前を統一した。
    His legitimate son Ujikage ASAKURA (the eighth head of the family) succeeded him, and with the help of Takakage's brothers Tsunekage ASAKURA, Kagefuyu ASAKURA, and Kokyu ASAKURA, he unified Echizen Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の大八(真田守信)は、伊達家重臣で後に三女阿梅の夫となる片倉重長の元で姉達とともに保護され、後に元服し片倉守信となった。
    His second son Daihachi (Morinobu SANADA) was protected with his older sisters under Shigenaga KATAKURA, a senior vassal of the Date family; he later married his third daughter 阿梅 and subsequently celebrated his attainment of manhood to become Morinobu KATAKURA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の正武切腹後、飫肥城に下る嫁の於仙と孫の成瀬祐正が伏見に立ち寄り、目通りを求めたが、家康に憚りこれを許さなかった。
    After his third son Masatake's Seppuku (suicide by disembowelment), Masatake's wife Osen and grandson Sukemasa NARUSE, who were on their way to Obi-jo Castle stopped by Fushimi to see him, but he did not allow them out of consideration for Ieyasu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 長兄観世寿夫が没し、次兄観世栄夫がいったん能楽を離れたこともあり(三は夭折)、父が雅雪と改めた翌年の1980年に銕之丞を襲名した。
    Partly because his oldest brother Hisao KANZE died and the second older brother quit Noh temporarily (the third brother died young), he succeeded to Tetsunojo in 1980, the next year when his father changed his name to Gasetsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また大久保が馬車で自宅に帰ってくると、三の大久保利武ら子ども達が争って、玄関に出迎え靴を脱がせようとして、勢いあまって後ろに転がるのを見て笑って喜んでいた。
    When OKUBO returned home, he was delighted to see that his children, including his third son, Toshitake, would rush to the entrance hall to see him and tried to take off his shoes for him, falling over on their backs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の田沼意知は既に死去していて、他の三人の子供は全て養子に出されていたため、孫の田沼意明が陸奥1万石に減転封のうえで家督を継ぐことを許された。
    Since his first son Okitomo TANUMA was already dead and his other three sons were adopted out, his grandson Okiaki TANUMA was allowed to take over as head of the family, provided that their territory was reduced to a fief of 10,000 koku in the Mutsu province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 側室飯坂氏(通称・猫御前)との間に生まれた長・秀宗はあくまで庶子とみなし、また豊臣家との関係もあったため本家を継がせなかった。
    Masamune did not hand over the family headship to Hidemune, the first son of Masamune with his concubine, the lady of Izaka (a daughter of Izaka clan, commonly called as "Nekogozen," meaning "cat mistress") by determinedly placing Hidemune as an illegitimate child in consideration to the connection of Hidemune with Toyotomi clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、達は手児奈を巡り再び争いを起こし、これを厭って真間の入り江(現在の真間川付近に広がっていた)に入水したと伝えられている。
    However, it is said that several men started to fight over her, which drove her to drown herself in a cove (which spread around the present Mama-gawa River) of Mama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 足利家の内紛から発展した観応の擾乱が起こると、父の尊氏は鎌倉にいた長である足利義詮に次期将軍として政務を担当させるため京都へ呼び戻した。
    When an internal conflict of Ashikaga family led to Kanno Disturbance, his father Takauji summoned the eldest son Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA, who was at Kamakura, back to Kyoto, to attend to government as next shogun.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、嫡尼子政久は主君京極政経より偏諱を受けていることと等を踏まえると、段銭横領の罪の後も許され、後に政経より守護地位を譲られたとする方が妥当である。
    Also, considering that his eldest legitimate son, Masahisa (政久) AMAGO, was given one kanji character from his former lord, Masatsune KYOGOKU, it is rational to think that Tsunehisa was forgiven for his tax embezzlement charges and later handed over the post of shugo from Masatsune.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • に六角義賢の一字 賢の字を偏諱として受けさせ、「賢政」と名乗らせたりその妻に六角氏家臣平井定武の娘を娶らせるなど、六角氏に対しては徹底した従属的姿勢をとった。
    Hisamasa persistently showed a subordinate posture to the Rokkaku clan by taking in part of Yoshikata ROKKAKU's name, "taka (賢)," into his heir's name as "Takamasa (賢政)," in addition to his marriage with a daughter of Sadatake HIRAI, a vassal of the Rokkaku clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし父忠房が1873年(明治6年)に家督を継がないまま35歳の若さで病没したために、祖父近衛忠煕の養子という形で家督を相続した(文献によって、忠煕六と記しているものもある)。
    Because his father, Tadafusa died of illness at the age of 35 years old without taking over as head of the family, Atsumaro took over as the head of the family as an adopted child of his grand father, Tadahiro KONOE (according to some historical sources, Atsumaro was the sixth son of Tadahiro).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ことのはじまりは浅野長政が慶長11年(1606年)に、長浅野幸長の紀州藩37万石(のち安芸国広島藩42万石)とは別に、自らの隠居料として常陸国真壁藩に5万石を支給されたことであった。
    It began with Nagamasa ASANO's having been given 50,000 koku crop yields of Makabe Domain, Hitachi Province as his own retirement stipend aside from 370,000 koku crop yields of Kishu Domain (later 420,000 koku crop yields of the Hiroshima Domain in Aki Province) for his eldest son Yoshinaga ASANO, in 1606.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 形原松平家第5代当主である松平家忠(形原松平家)の長(「家忠日記」で有名な松平家忠は深溝松平家第4代当主であり、同姓同名の別人)。
    The eldest son of Ietada MATSUDAIRA (Katahara Matsudaira family) who was the fifth family head of Katahara Matsudaira family (Ietada MATSUDAIRA famous for the 'Ietada Nikki' [Diary of Ietada MATSUDAIRA] is the fourth family head of Fukozu Matsudaira family and is a different person with the same name).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 良勝は、大坂夏の陣での戦功が著しかったため、浅野長政の三浅野長重(長矩の曽祖父で常陸国真壁・笠間藩主)の永代家老に取り立てられる。
    As Yoshikatsu had distinguished himself during the Osaka Natsu no Jin (Summer Siege of Osaka), he was appointed permanent Karo (chief retainer) of Nagashige ASANO (the great-grandfather of Naganori ASANO and lord of Kasama Domain and the Hitachi Province Makabe), the third son of Nagamasa ASANO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、常陸下館5万石を経て四国の要地である讃岐高松で12万石を与えられるなど、頼房長に相応しい待遇を得る。
    However, he received suitable treatment for the eldest son of Yorifusa such as receiving the fief of Takamatsu in Sanuki Province yielding 120,000-koku (a unit of volume of rice) which was an important place for the Shikoku region after receiving the fief of Shimodate in the Hitachi Province yielding 50,000-koku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀胤は、旧出羽国天童藩主織田信敏の養子となり織田信恒と改名、織田小星のペンネームで漫画「正チャンの冒険」の原作者ともなった。
    His oldest son Hidetane was adopted as a child of Nobutoshi ODA, a lord of the Tendo Domain of old Dewa Province, and changed his name to Nobutsune ODA who also became an author of the comic 'Adventures of Sho-chan' under the penname of Shosei ODA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 嘉禎3年(1237年)にも執権北条泰時の嫡北条時頼に流鏑馬を指南、更に鶴岡八幡宮で騎射の技を披露し、周囲の者達から「弓馬の宗家」と讃えたと伝わっている。
    He taught Tokiyori HOJO, a legitimate son of regent Yasutoki HOJO, in yabusame (the art of shooting arrows on horseback) in 1237, showed the art of kisha (to shoot an arrow with riding a horse) in Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine and he was admired by spectators as a Soke (grand master) of kyuba (archery and equestrianism).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 戊辰戦争では天文方見習であった嫡山路彰善(一郎)が彰義隊に参加して行方不明となる(後に箱館戦争で捕らえられる)。
    His legitimate son, Akiyoshi (Ichiro) YAMAJI, who was an apprentice of Tenmonkata, joined Shogitai (an elite corps of the Shogunate) at the Boshin War and went missing in action (he was later captured in the Hakodate War).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 嶋原の大門は2箇所存在し、廓の女性達は(手形が必要ではあるが)自由に廓の外へ出ることができ、一般人の出入りも老若女問わず自由。
    Shimabara had two omon (entrance gate to the hanamachi), and, with the tegata (permit, 手形), women in the hanamachi are allowed to go out of the district freely; moreover, it was open to commoners irrelevant of age or gender.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その間に大穴牟遅命が須佐乃命の髪を部屋の柱に縛りつけ、生大刀と生弓矢と天詔琴を持って須勢理毘売命を背負って逃げ出した。
    Meanwhile, Onamuji no mikoto bound Susano no mikoto's hair to the pillar of the room and ran away with the Iku-tachi sword, Iku-yumiya bow and Amenonorigoto harp in his hands, with Suseribime no mikoto on his back.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古事記の神産みの段でイザナギが十束剣で、妻のイザナミの死因となった火神カグツチの首を斬ったとき、剣の先についた血が岩について化生した神で、その次にイワツツノオ(磐筒神)が化生している。
    In the chapter of kamiumi (bearing gods between Izanagi and Izanami) in Kojiki, when Izanagi cut off the head of Kagutsuchi, the god of fire, who was the cause of his wife Izanami's death with his Totsuka no tsurugi sword, they metamorphosed into gods when the blood on the sword stuck to the rock, and Iwatsutsunoo metamorphosed next.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 知盛は平徳子や平時子らの乗る女船に乗り移ると「見苦しいものを取り清め給え、これから珍しい東を御目にかけましょう」と笑った。
    Tomomori crossed over to the women's vessel, of which TAIRA no Tokuko and TAIRA no Tokiko were aboard, and laughingly said 'Get rid of anything unsightly and purify yourselves - and then I shall take you before this unusual man from the East.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • さらにこの頃から十河一存や三好義賢、長慶の嫡三好義興など有力な一族が相次いで死亡し、果ては最後まで長慶を支えた弟安宅冬康を自らの手で暗殺するに至った。
    Furthermore, roughly from that time on, influential members of the family including Kazumasa SOGO, Yoshikata MIYOSHI and Yoshioki MIYOSHI, eldest son and prospective heir of Nagayoshi, died one after another and, in the end, Nagayoshi even assassinated for himself Fuyuyasu ATAGI, his younger brother who had supported Nagayoshi the entire time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 中世初期には家門は子直系の家系に限られていることが主であったが、中世盛期の家門には複数の家系が含まれるようになった。
    Although in the early medieval ages a kamon (family) was usually limited only to the direct male line, during the prime of the medieval ages a kamon (family) would include several families.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 全ての事象は、それだけが単独で存在するのではなく、「陰」と「陽」という相反する形(例えば明暗、天地、女、善悪、吉凶など)で存在し、それぞれが消長をくりかえすという思想である。
    It is the idea that all the phenomena do not exist independently, but exist in one of two conflicting forms, 'yin' and 'yang' (for example, light and darkness, heaven and earth, men and women, good and evil, good fortune or bad), each one repeating rise and fall.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また中国では国内で戦争が起こりその勝者が皇帝に対し禅譲を要求して皇帝となり国号を変え前皇帝の子の子孫でない別の者が皇帝となっている。
    In China, a winner of domestic war - not necessarily a son of an emperor - asked an former emperor to transfer his power to him, and acceded to the imperial throne and chaged the name of the country.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 寝間を終えた中臈は「お手つき」と呼ばれ、懐妊して女子を出産すれば「お腹様」(おはらさま)、子を出産すれば「お部屋様」(おへやさま)となり、ようやく正式な側室となる。
    Churo who slept with the shogun were called "Otetsuki" (person who slept with a shogun) and, if she got pregnant and delivered a girl, she was called "Oharasama", and if she delivered a boy, she was called "Oheyasama", and then finally became a concubine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1602年(慶長7年)有馬則頼が没すると丹波国福知山藩6万石を所領していた嫡の有馬豊氏が家督を継ぎ、三田藩2万石を併合し福知山藩8万石の所領となった。
    In 1602 after the death of Noriyori ARIMA, Toyouji ARIMA, the eldest legitimate son and also the ruler of Fukuchiyama Domain in Tango Province with 60,000 koku, became the successor and annexed Sanda Domain of 20,000 koku to Fukuchiyama Domain, making the total crop yield of Fukuchiyama Domain 80,000 koku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 織田長孝は、関ヶ原の戦いの軍功により美濃国大野郡(美濃国)に1万石を賜っていたが(野村藩)、既に慶長11年(1606年)死去しており、その子織田長則(~寛永8年)に嗣子がなく、家が絶えた。
    His eldest son Nagataka ODA received the territory of 10,000 koku (Nomura Domain) in Ono County, Mino Province in return for his distinguished military service during the Battle of Sekigahara, but died in 1606, and his son Naganori ODA died without heir (in 1631), which put an end to the Oda family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀郷より20代目にあたる小野崎氏第13代当主小野崎通春の次・通伯が常陸国久慈郡小貫村にあって小貫通伯を名乗った。
    Michihaku ONOSAKI, the second son of the 13th family head Michiharu ONOSAKI, who was the 20th head of the family after Hidesato, introduced himself as Michihaku Onuki in Onuki-mura Village, Kuji District, Hitachi Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 近衛家の祖である近衛基実は藤原忠通が40歳を過ぎてから生まれた長で、若くして氏長者となり、関白に任じられたが、24歳の若さで他界した。
    Motozane KONOE, the first son of FUJIWARA no Tadamichi and the founder of the Konoe family, was born when his father FUJIWARA no Tadamichi was over forty years old, and succeeded Uji Choja (the chief of the clan) and Kanpaku, but died at the age of twenty-four.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2体の人骨(性二人の合葬である可能性が高い)のほか、大刀・剣6振、金銅製冠などの装身具、鏡類、玉類などの副葬品が検出された。
    Bones of two humans (two men were supposedly buried together) were excavated along with burial goods such as swords (six of them including long ones), personal adornments (such as gilt bronze crown), mirrors and gems.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このとき顕如の意向に反して抵抗を続けることを主張した長子教如と顕如は仲違いし、1593年に顕如が示寂すると、三の准如が後継者に立てられた。
    At that time Kyonyo, who was the eldest child of Kennyo and insisted on continuing the resistance despite the intentions of Kennyo, had a falling out with Kennyo, and when Kennyo died in 1593, the third son Junnyo was welcomed as the successor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の宗俊は「中御門」を号して笙・笛の達人として知られ、5代目の中御門宗雅・中御門宗実兄弟は宗俊の名声を慕って「中御門」を家名とした。
    The heir Munetoshi was famous for his mastery of Japanese panpipe sho and Japanese flute fue with the pseudonym 'Nakamikado,' and the fifth generation of his family Munemasa and Munezane brothers made 'Nakamikado' their family name, in their ambition for fame as Munetoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに反発した忠隆を廃嫡・勘当、家康に人質として差し出していた三・内記(忠利)を跡継ぎとし、徳川家への臣従の意思を表した。
    Tadaoki showed a will of vassalage to the Tokugawa family by disinherit Tadataka who opposed the order, and made his third son Naiki (Tadatoshi), who had been presented at Ieyasu as a hostage, the successor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 高齢者、身障者、健常者や子供達が老若女、体格の差などを感じることなく楽しむことができる生涯スポーツとしてのカーリング様ニュースポーツを提供する。
    To provide a curling-like new sport as life-long sport which high aged persons, handicapped persons, sound persons and children can enjoy without feeling difference in sex, age and physical constitution. - 特許庁
  • 洋風便器が立姿にて子小用に使用される場合に、両足を置くべき位置を使用者に点灯指示して視認させて、尿の飛散を防止する洋風便器装置を提供する。
    To provide a western style toilet device capable of preventing the scattering of urinal by making a user visibly recognize positions of the user's feet required to be put through a lighting indication in the case that the wester style toilet is used for a urinal in a state of a standing posture. - 特許庁
  • この発明の目的は、子が水洗式大便器において立ち小便中に生じるボウル内の溜水面への不快な落下音を解消させるための便器の構造と装置を提供することにある。
    To provide a structure and a device of a toilet bowl for eliminating unpleasant falling sound made onto a standing water surface in the bowl when a male urinates standing by a flush toilet bowl. - 特許庁
  • 補助者を要することなく着用者自身で帯を結ぶことが至極簡単に一人で行うことができ、仕上がりが確実で形崩れもしない、使用後の整理、保存が容易な簡易帯を提供する。
    To provide an Otoko-obi (cestos for man used in wearing Kimono) simply wearing by a wearer himself without requiring an assistant, giving a complete finish of wearing and free from collapse of wearing posture, and easily arranged and stored after wearing. - 特許庁
  • また、金融機関が女性起業家に幅の広い金融オプションを提供する必要があることを指摘した。その際、中小企業のビジネスの立ち上げを妨げるような女の格差を埋めるための政策を政府が打ち出す必要があると述べた。
    Participants also raised the need for outreach to financial institutions to develop creative and appropriate financing vehicles; and to women entrepreneurs in search of a broader array of financing options. - 経済産業省
  • 同法人の朝山あつこ代表理事は、長の「高校に進学しない。」という言葉を契機に、「現代の子ども達は、地域や家庭における明確な役割がなく、大人と接する機会も少ない。
    When her eldest son said he would not proceed to senior high after finishing middle school, Representative Director Atsuko Asayama realized “Today’s children do not have a clear role in their communities and families, and have limited opportunities for contact with adults.  - 経済産業省
  • 第2-2-52 図によると、女性が起業時に欲しかった支援は、「同じような立場の人(経営者等)との交流の場」、「経営に関するセミナーや講演会」と回答する割合が性と比べて高い。
    According to Fig. 2-2-52, higher proportions of women than men wanted the following forms of support at startup: “chances to have exchanges with peers in similar position (managers, etc.)” and “seminars and lectures on management.”  - 経済産業省
  • 同時に、国民個々人の立場に立っても望ましい社会のあり方であろう。例えば、「一生結婚するつもりはない」と思っている日本人性は5.4%であるが、実際の生涯未婚率は12.6%にものぼっている。
    For example, while 5.4% of Japanese males “do not intend ever to marry,” the lifetime non-marriage rate is in fact 12.6%. - 経済産業省
  • こうした賃金格差の背景を、先行研究で見ると、「職階」と「勤続年数」が大きく寄与しており、勤続年数の長さと昇進の格差が女間の賃金格差の大きな要因となっているとされる。
    Preceding studies suggest that major factors contributing to wage disparities between men and women include “job ranking” and “years of continuous employment,” arguing that wage disparities between men and women are caused primarily by differences in the number of years continuously worked and job promotion. - 経済産業省
  • 振り返ると、街灯が照らす黄色い灯りの中央に、鼠顔の小が立っておfり、一方、ブリッキンリッジが露店の戸口に立ちはだかって、すくみ上がった人影に向かって拳をわななかせている。
    Turning round we saw a little rat-faced fellow standing in the centre of the circle of yellow light which was thrown by the swinging lamp, while Breckinridge, the salesman, framed in the door of his stall, was shaking his fists fiercely at the cringing figure.  - Arthur Conan Doyle『ブルー・カーバンクル』
  • ようやくメムノーンが大軍を率いて到着したが、その故郷では太陽が強烈に照りつけるので、その軍隊の達は歯以外に白いところなどなかった。
    At length Memnon came, leading a great army of men who had nothing white about them but the teeth, so fiercely the sun burned on them in their own country.  - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』
  • そしてなんでこんなに似つかわしくないものを持っているのだろうと不思議に思っていると、ひざまずいていたが再び立ち上がり、全員が丸太小屋にむかって歩き始めた。
    and was still wondering how anything so incongruous had come in their possession when the kneeling figure rose once more to his feet and the whole party began to move together towards the house.  - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』
  • 他のの子達なんかが夜に妖精の通り道をじゃました日にはたっぷりいたずらされたことでしょうが、ピーターだったので鼻をつねるくらいで通りすぎて行ったのでした。
    Any of the other boys obstructing the fairy path at night they would have mischiefed, but they just tweaked Peter's nose and passed on.  - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』
  • あたりに見えるものといえば私の乗ったゴンドラだけで、すでに水の中には勇猛果敢な達が運河の流れに身をたゆたいながら、水面をいたずらに探し回っていました。
    and, although my own gondola was the only one in sight, many a stout swimmer, already in the stream, was seeking in vain upon the surface,  - Edgar Allan Poe『約束』
<前へ 1 2 .... 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 次へ>


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  • 原題:”The Assignation”

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    (C) 2002 李 三宝
  • 原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”

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    * 原文:「The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes」所収「The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle」
    * 翻訳:枯葉<domasa@db3.so-net.ne.jp>
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