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  • Ieyasu wrote a letter to Hideyoshi to tell about Hidemasa's distinguished military service, "Also, the Shibata side force attacked on Kyutaro (Hidemasa)'s fort and a battle began, then Hidemasa's force broke down the force and defeated a lot of enemies, it was such a peerless achievement and I was very satisfied with it, and so on."
    家康が秀吉に宛てた書状には「はた又、久太郎(秀政)方砦へ、柴田取りかかり候のところ、すなはち合戦に及び、切り崩され、あまた討捕られ候えば、定めて比類なき儀、心地よく候、云々」と秀政の軍功を褒めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that Shingen expelled his father and misled his enemies by using tricks (not that Shingen's actions were especially strange considering it was the Sengoku period (warlike period)), but Kenshin was furious as it was contrary to his morals.
    信玄が父親を追放したり、謀略を駆使して敵を貶めたりするのは謙信に言わせるところの道徳観に反しており(もっとも、戦国という時代を考えれば、信玄の行いは別にあってもおかしくないものだが)、謙信は信玄の行いに激怒したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Gohojo clan in the Kanto Region and the Date clan in the Tohoku Region signaled their allegiance to Nobunaga and, as a result, enemies that stood in Nobunaga's way were the Mori clan in the Chugoku Region, the Chosokabe clan in the Shikoku Region, the Uesugi clan in the Hokuriku Region and the Shimazu clan in Kyushu.
    関東地方の後北条氏、東北地方の伊達氏は信長に恭順する姿勢を見せており、これで信長の目の前に立ちはだかる敵は、中国地方の毛利氏、四国の長宗我部氏、北陸地方の上杉氏、九州の島津氏となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As he got hurt with the spear by rushing enemies, however, he gave up to defend any further and instructed women to run away and, then, he shut himself up in the interior and let his page, Naritoshi MORI, set fire and he himself committed suicide (Writings of Nobunaga's vassal Gyuichi OTA "Shinchoko-ki" (Biography of Nobunaga ODA); it is written that this story based on hearing from such women.).
    しかし殺到する兵から槍傷を受けたため、それ以上の防戦を断念、女衆に逃げるよう指示して、奥に篭り、信長の小姓・森成利に火を放たせ、自刃したと言われる(信長の家臣太田牛一の著作『信長公記』による、この女衆に取材したとある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the fifteenth day of the sixth month, Emperor Godaigo promulgated a decree ordering the restoration of all the old fiefs, and he continued promulgating several more commands including a decree to confiscate the lands of the jiryo, one ordering the seizure of all territories held by enemies of the Court, and one ordering retrials for poorly judged cases; these decrees made the Emperor's judgments, in the form of Imperial orders, absolutely vital in matters of land ownership, lawsuits, and more.
    6月15日には旧領回復令が発布され、続いて寺領没収令、朝敵所領没収令、誤判再審令などが発布され土地所有権や訴訟の申請などに関しては天皇の裁断である綸旨を必要とすることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • But eventually, Nobunaga, who aimed to create a new system of government consistent with his motto of 'Tenka fubu' (warriors rule all under heaven), and Yoshiaki, who was trying to revitalize the old system of Shogun and bakufu, were bound to become enemies, and in 1573 Yoshiaki was driven out of Kyoto by Nobunaga, and with this, the bakufu system was dismantled and absorbed into a new governmental system created by Nobunaga.
    だが、やがて「天下布武」を唱えて新秩序形成を目指す信長と旧来の将軍・幕府中心の秩序の再建を目指す義昭は敵対し、1573年に義昭は信長によって京都を追放されて幕府組織は信長の築いた政治機構に解体・吸収された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Because Yoshimitsu usurped the Emperor and Imperial Court's authorities, including patronage, the right to hold a festa, change in era name, and sealing of jibatsu no rinji (imperial order to punish enemies), his ability to carry out actions under Chiten authority resulted in the lowest authority by the Emperor and Imperial Court in history ("Muromachi no oken" (regal power of Muromachi) and "Tenno-ke wa naze tsuduitanoka" (Why has Emperor's family lasted?) by Akira IMATANI).
    さらに義満は叙任権、祭祀権や元号の改元、治罰の綸旨の封印など権限を奪っていき治天の権限を代行して天皇・朝廷の権威は史上最も低下した(『室町の王権』、『天皇家はなぜ続いたのか』今谷明)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This was not included within the main part of the developed samurai theory, but a lightly stated sentence related to how the bushi families split into enemies and allies during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) that left a great impact in later bushi and bushidan studies since that time.
    この一文は、武士論を正面から展開する中でのものではなく、南北朝時代に武士の家が敵味方に分裂したことに関連してサラッと書かれた一文なのだが、しかしその後の武士・武士団研究に大きなインパクトを与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the war began, because of the consumption of food locally procured by troops of Japan, Ming, and Korea and the deteriorated safety, farmers gave up cultivation and roaming people created further roaming people, and starved people tried to keep hunger at bay by robbing both from enemies and by obtaining favors.
    戦争が開始され、日本軍・明軍・朝鮮軍による現地調達による食料消費と治安悪化のために農民が耕作を放棄することで流民が流民を生み、飢えた民衆は敵味方より略奪することで飢えを凌ごうとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Accordingly, the Aizu and Shonai clans that took the charges of keeping peace of the cities of Kyoto and Edo became the enemies of the imperial court; Aizu were willing to show allegiance but the new government still took Aizu as the enemy, forcing the surrounding clans to dispatch troops against Aizu.
    そして、旧幕府において京都と江戸の警備に当たっていた会津藩及び庄内藩は朝敵と見なされ、会津は武装恭順の意志を示したものの、新政府の意志は変わらず、周辺諸藩は新政府に会津出兵を迫られる事態に至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Mototsugu GOTO/Katsunaga MORI, basing their strategy on Sanada's, also insisted that they should send troops to Iga Province and the north-west region of Otsu City to stop the enemies from advancing; however, after all, the strategy of Harunaga ONO and other Toyotomi retainers was adopted, that they should build strongholds around the castle (in order to secure a guard/communication line), stay in the impregnable Osaka Castle.
    後藤基次・毛利勝永も真田案を元に伊賀国と大津市北西にも兵を送り、敵を足止めすべしと主張して対立したが、結局、大野治長ら豊臣家臣の案である、周辺に砦を築きつつ(警戒・連絡線を確保する為)、堅固な大坂城に籠城する作戦が採用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The series of incidents is called Bansha no goku (Imprisonment of scholars of Western learning), which has been, until recent years, treated as an important event to crack down on thought during the Edo period, but in fact, it can be said that it was an incident of a false charge to exclude people regarded as political enemies, caused by Yozo TORII as mentioned above.
    この一連の出来事は蛮社の獄と呼ばれ、近年までは江戸時代における一大思想弾圧事件として取り扱われていたが、上述のように実態は鳥居による政敵とみなされた者への排除のための冤罪事件といえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The military doctrine of the offensive operations was stated which were to beware of foreign countries where conflicts occurred after avoiding international isolation, to endeavor to have an advantage in the war with a close alliance while preventing the enemy countries from uniting, and to defeat the enemies in a foreign country and bring the war a rapid end.
    また国際的な孤立を回避した上で対立がもっとも激しい外国に対しては警戒し、敵国が結合することを防ぎながら同盟を密接にして戦争遂行で優位に立つように努め、敵を海外において撃破して速やかに終結するという攻勢作戦の軍事ドクトリンが述べられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On September 17, 1438, they requested the Emperor Gohanazono in strict secrecy to issue Jibatsu Rinji (imperial order to punish enemies) targeting at Tonomine in order to start an all-out assault, which finally ended the war that had lasted for 11 years with the death of Koremichi OCHI in April 1439.
    翌永享10年8月28日(旧暦)(1438年9月17日)に多武峰を対象とした治罰綸旨を後花園天皇に極秘に発給してもらい総攻撃を開始し、翌永享11年(1439年)3月に至り越智維通が討たれ、11年に及ぶ戦乱は一旦終結した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Typical examples of these include Tsutsuji-ga-saki Castle (Yamanashi Prefecture) of the Takeda clan in the Kai Province and Ichijodani Asakura Clan Ruins (Fukui Prefecture) in the Echizen Province; Ichijodani Castle had a residence and their castle town within the valley and defend themselves making the castle on the peak of the mountain as their base when enemies attacked them.
    典型例は、甲斐国武田氏の躑躅ヶ崎館(山梨県)や越前国朝倉氏の一乗谷朝倉氏遺跡(福井県)などがあり、一乗谷城は谷間に城下町と居館としての館を築き、有事に際しては山頂に築かれた城郭を拠点として防衛にあたった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is, therefore, considered that this building was deliberately built to jut out in the street (Honmachi-suji) in the north with renjimado (window with vertical or horizontal wooden laths or bamboo) of nurigome (painting walls, etc. with thick plaster) style being installed on the northern and eastern sides of zashiki on the second floor making it an ideal place to look out for enemies and to watch movements in town.
    したがって、本建物は故意に北側の道路上(本町筋)に突出していて、二階座敷北と東の両面に塗籠(ぬりごめ)の連子窓を設け、外敵の見張りあるいは町内の動向をさぐるに格好の場所であったと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hongan-ji Temple retained its predominance by gaining support from Saikashu, but gradually it was isolated in the midst of enemies, ultimately succumbing to Nobunaga, who withdrew imperial command from the Emperor Ogimachi and left Ishiyama Honganji Temple in 1580, whereby Hongan-ji Temple as seigniory was extinguished.
    本願寺は依然として雑賀衆などの支援を集めつつ強勢を保ったが、次第に敵中に孤立していき、1580年、ついに正親町天皇の勅命を引き出した信長に屈して石山本願寺を退去し、領主権力としての本願寺は消滅した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To obtain a biological pesticide which does not have problems associated with a conventional biological pesticide and with which the growth of a large amount of natural enemies to be used is efficiently attained and which has high general purpose properties and to provide a method for insect pest control using the biological pesticide and a method for producing the biological pesticide.
    従来の生物農薬に付随する諸問題がなく、用いられる天敵の大量増殖が効率的に行え、しかも汎用性が高い生物農薬、該生物農薬を用いた害虫防除法ならびにその製造方法の提供。 - 特許庁
  • To obtain a composition which has little influence on human or animal health, natural enemies or the environment, is safe against human or animal health or the environment, can be securely and easily applied to plants, is highly effective in controlling chemical-resistant microorganisms and effectively prevents or controls plant diseases.
    人畜、天敵、環境に対する影響が小さく安全で、薬剤抵抗性微生物に対しても優れた防除効果を有し、さらに人畜、環境に対して安全で、確実しかも簡便に植物体に施用でき、植物病害を有効に予防又は防除することができる組成物を提供すること。 - 特許庁
  • By using the plant-originated natural enemy-attracting component as the plant vermin-controlling agent, many natural enemies are attracted to the plant getting eat damage by the harmful insects, and it is possible to control the harmful insects by eating or being parasitic on the harmful insects.
    上記植物由来の天敵誘引成分を植物用害虫防除剤に用いることにより、害虫の食害を受けた植物に多くの天敵を誘引させ、害虫を捕食したり、害虫に寄生したりして、害虫を防除することができる。 - 特許庁
  • a mode of thinking which may have been admissible in small republics surrounded by powerful enemies, in constant peril of being subverted by foreign attack or internal commotion, and to which even a short interval of relaxed energy and self-command might so easily be fatal,
    この思考様式は、強大な外敵に囲まれ、国外からの攻撃や内部の騒乱によって絶えず転覆の危機に曝されていて、ほんの短期間の気力や自制心の緩みがたちまち命取りになる小共和国でなら認められるでしょう。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • Aware of the impossibility of defending the use of punishment for restraining irreligious opinions, by any argument which will not justify Marcus Antoninus, the enemies of religious freedom, when hard pressed, occasionally accept this consequence, and say, with Dr. Johnson,
    反宗教的意見を制止するために刑罰を利用することを擁護しようとすれば、マルクス・アントニヌスを正当化せざるをえないと分かると、宗教的自由の敵対者は、窮して、時にこの結論を受け入れて、ジョンソン博士とともに次のように言うことがあります。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • When their enemies said, "See how these Christians love one another" (a remark not likely to be made by anybody now), they assuredly had a much livelier feeling of the meaning of their creed than they have ever had since.
    キリスト教の敵が「見よ、彼らキリスト教徒がどんなに互いに愛しているのかを」(今日ではこんな言葉はだれも言いそうにありませんが)と言うとき、キリスト教徒は確かに、その信条の意味について、それ以降のどの時代にもまして、生き生きとした感情をいだいていたのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • Heretical opinions, on the other hand, are generally some of these suppressed and neglected truths, bursting the bonds which kept them down, and either seeking reconciliation with the truth contained in the common opinion, or fronting it as enemies, and setting themselves up, with similar exclusiveness, as the whole truth.
    一方では、異端的な意見は、一般に抑圧され無視された真理の一部であって、それを抑え込んでいる束縛を突き破り、一般的意見の中にある真理と折り合いをつけるか、あるいは、一般的意見に敵対して、それと同じように自分だけが、完全な真理だと言い張ろうとします。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
  • It was in Europe that the concentrated shooting method in open battle formation was turned into actual utilization and the earliest called tercio (Spanish square), where, against the advancement of a close-packed formation of pikes, fusiliers accompanying in four directions approach to the formation of the enemies at close range and just before contact, they firstly shoot and expect the first impact blow.
    野戦隊形における集中射撃法が実用化されたのはヨーロッパにおいてであり、最も初期のものはテルシオと呼ばれる、長槍(パイク)の密集方陣の進撃に際して四周に随伴した銃兵が相手方の方陣と至近距離まで接近し、接触寸前になった時点で発砲して第一次打撃を期待するものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is one of hataraki-goto in which many Hitamen (face without mask) samurais are killing each other using a blade around the Noh shite and the Noh waki and the shite-kata who appear as the Noh shite and the Noh waki play roles of many other enemies and are got slashed to death by the shite and the Noh waki (On Noh stage, performers express getting slashed to death by performing anza [sitting quietly] or Hotokedaore [performance that represents death or falling unconscious] and fades from the stage).
    シテやワキなどを中心として、直面の武士などが多人数で斬りあう働事で、能シテ、能シテなどとして登場するシテ方は、その他大勢の敵役として、シテや能ワキなどに斬られる役回りである(舞台上では、安座や仏倒れなどを行って斬られたことを示したのち、能能舞台から退く)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, in the Kamakura period, since the Hojo clan, who gained power since the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) was established and succeeded in exterminating their political enemies, seized shikken (regent for shogun) posts in the bakufu, those in the lineage of eldest son in the Hojo clan began being promoted to Shoshiinojo, and Hojo clan members and powerful gokenin (an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods) were promoted to court ranks such as Jushiinoge.
    しかし、鎌倉時代以降となると鎌倉幕府成立以降、実力をつけて次々に政敵駆逐を果たした北条氏が幕府の執権職を掌握して以降は、北条氏嫡流が正四位上まで昇るようになり、北条氏一門や有力御家人が従四位下などの官位に昇るようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1386, the name of Minamoto no Ason (Godaigo Genji, or Minamoto clan in Emperor Godaigo lineage) was bestowed upon him by the Southern Court, and he fought in battles in many places as Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") and Ukone no daisho (Major Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), but in 1424, when he was heading from Kozuke Province to Mikawa Province, he was surrounded by enemies (local clans and samurai who sided with the Northern Court) at Namiai-mura, Shinano Province (present-day Achi-mura, Shimoina-gun, Nagano Prefecture), and committed suicide.
    元中3年(1386年)南朝より源朝臣を賜姓(後醍醐源氏)され、征夷大将軍右近衛大将となって各地を転戦するが、応永31年(1424年)上野国から三河国に向かう途中、信濃国浪合村(長野県下伊那郡阿智村)の山麓で敵軍(北朝側の土豪・地侍)に囲まれ、自害したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Juro ABE, who fought against the Shinsengumi, stated in "Shidankaisokkiroku" that 'As one of Kondo's students, Soji OKITA is an excellent swordsman', ' Soji OKITA and Kamajiro OISHI are young but have shown great skill with the sword on many occasions' and 'Kamajiro OISHI, Soji OKITA and Genzaburo INOUE have killed people without reason', all of which shows it would have been extremely dangerous to make enemies of them.
    さらに新選組と敵対した阿部十郎は「沖田総司、是がマァ、近藤の一弟子でなかなか能くつかいました」「沖田総司、大石鍬次郎という若者は、ただ腕が利くだけで、剣術などはよくつかいました」「大石鍬次郎、沖田総司、井上、是らは無闇に人を斬殺致しますので」(『史談会速記録』)など、殊に敵に回した場合に筆頭の脅威となる剣客であったことが伺える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, Second Shogun of Ashikaga ShogunateYoshiakira ASHIKAGA who was one of his enemies left words in his will, "After my death, I want to sleep beside the tomb of Masatsura KUSUNOKI in Kanrin-ji Temple (Hokyo-in Temple, as of now) whom I have adored for a long time,' and according to his will, his tomb (Hokyoin-to) was erected next to the tomb of Masatsura KUSUNOKI (Gorin sekito).
    また、彼の敵である足利幕府二代将軍足利義詮は遺言に「自分の逝去後、かねており敬慕していた観林寺(現在の宝筐院)の楠木正行の墓の傍らで眠らせてもらいたい」とあり、遺言どおり、楠木正行の墓(五輪石塔)の隣に彼の墓(宝筐印塔)は建てられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Taiheiki" (The Record of the Great Peace, a Japanese military epic written in the late 14th century) shows as follows: When Sadanori OTOMO, who attended to Chikamitsu, asked why Chikamitsu, who gave up, didn't undress his armor, Chikamitsu thought Sadanori noticed his plot to assassinate Takauji then he killed Sadanori and some Ashikaga soldiers swarming on him at random, intending to kill as many of his enemies as possible, but was defeated by a Ashikaga soldier.
    『太平記』によれば、親光は応対した大友貞載に、降参人のくせになぜ鎧を脱がないと言われ、尊氏暗殺の企てを見破られたと思い、せめて敵将の1人でも討ち取ろうと貞載を斬殺し、群がってきた足利兵を手当たり次第に斬り倒すも足利兵により殺されたとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since the Imperial visit to Fukuhara, the dissatisfaction of the aristocrats continued to grow and the Retired Emperor Takakura's health deteriorated, so using the request from the Enryaku-ji Temple, who were pro-Kiyomori (they were enemies with the Onjyo-ji Temple and the Kofuku-ji Temple but were not happy about the moving of the capital) as a reason, Kiyomori returned to Kyoto from Fukuhara in November, six months after the imperial visit to Fukuhara.
    福原への行幸以降、貴族の不満も高まり、高倉上皇の健康が悪化していくなか、親清盛派の延暦寺(彼らは園城寺や興福寺と敵対関係にあったが、遷都には不満を抱いていた)などからの要望を契機として、福原行幸から半年後の11月、清盛は福原から京へ戻った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Shusui KEYA said, 'The enemy are many and we are few. If we retreat one step backwards, the enemy will definitely give chase and our troops will be cut down, but if we try to advance and face death with all of our troops act together, we will definitely break through our enemy. If we use the chance to retreat, our troops might make it. This was the trick that Katsuyori TAKEDA used after the loss at the Battle of Nagashino, where he attacked in order to discourage the pursuit of his enemies.'
    毛屋主水曰く「敵は多く我は少なし。我若し一歩を退かば彼必ず追撃し我兵殲きん死は一成り寧ろ進んで死するに若かず且つ我兵一致団結して奮進すれば必ず敵の一部を突破せん。我その機に乗じて退却すれば或は軍を全うするを得ん。是れ武田勝頼が長篠の敗後に攻勢に出て敵の追撃を遅緩ならしめたる故智なり」と。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • So Ito was obliged to have Inoue step down and took his political enemies Shigenobu OKUMA and Kiyotaka KURODA into cabinet as a Minister of Foreign Affair and a Minister of Agriculture and Commerce respectively, and set out to suppress the Freedom and People's Rights Movement Party, however, he resigned from prime minister to assume as Chairman of the Privy Council with the view to concentrating on the establishment of constitution and Former Imperial House Act.
    そこで伊藤はやむなく井上を辞任させて、政敵と言える大隈重信と黒田清隆をそれぞれ外務大臣・農商務大臣として入閣させ、保安条例を制定して自由民権派の弾圧に乗り出したが、憲法・旧皇室典範の制定事業に専念するために、総理大臣を辞して新設の枢密院議長に転じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Meanwhile, prevented by strong enemies such as the Takeda clan and the Hojo clan, Ieyasu could not expand his power as much as he wanted, however, even in the difficult situation, his consistent and stubbornly honest attitude of being faithful and loyal to Nobunaga in the West raised his reputation tremendously within and beyond his territory, which is said to have helped him taking position in reigning the Japanese government (in the concrete terms to have Imperial Proclamation of seii taishogun [literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians"]).
    一方家康は武田・北条などの強敵に阻まれてそれ程の勢力拡大こそは果たせなかったものの、苦境においても愚直にも西の信長への信義・忠誠を貫いた姿勢が内外における名声を高めて後年の天下取り(具体的には征夷大将軍の宣下)に役立ったと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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