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  • "Hokke gengi" (subtle and profound essentials of the Lotus Sutra) mentions in its introduction that Myosha (skilled men) are rewarded with mysterious dharma; "Yuimagyo" (Vimalakirti Sutra) mentions in its Bukkokuhon that public people may be rescued by this Myoho (supreme dharma); "Hokekyo" mentions in its Hobenhon that Homyo (supreme dharma) is difficult to understand; "Nehangyo" (the Nirvana Sutra) mentions in its Myoji-kudokuhon that any Myoho dharma of various theories, as well as any secrecy kept deep in warehouses, are all destined to enter the Great Nirvana.
    『法華玄義』序には「妙者褒美不可思議之法也」、『維摩経』仏国品では「以斯妙法済群生」、また『法華経』方便品に「我法妙難思」、『涅槃経』名字功徳品「所説の種々の妙法、秘密深奥蔵門、悉くみなこの大般涅槃に入る」などとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It may seem mysterious that creeds which look as incompatible as Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism, exoteric Buddhism and esoteric Buddhism, and jirikimon and tarikimon exist within one religion, but of course, the three seals of the dharma, which are said to be the proof of Buddhism, are common to all schools.
    上座部仏教と大乗仏教、顕教と密教、自力門と他力門など互いに相容れないように見える教義がひとつの宗教にあることは不思議なようであるが、もちろんすべての宗派に共通しているのは仏教の証しとされる三法印である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As the Tendai esoteric Buddhism is systematized to realize specific miracles including the protection of the nation, enrichment and longevity, and good health by the magico-religious rites and prayers as its mission, it gave the Sanno shinto a feature of intensifying mysterious power and magical power to realize 'divine favor in this life'.
    また天台密教は、鎮護国家、増益延命、息災といった具体的な霊験を加持祈祷によって実現するという体系(使命)を持ち、山王にも「現世利益」を実現する霊威と呪力を高める性格を与えたようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, in 1949 Dr. Kathleen Mary Drew Baker (1901- Septemper 14, 1957) discovered the filaments of nori, thus elucidating the heretofore mysterious life cycle and led to the expansion of the areas in which the cultivation was possible by putting to practical use the artificial collection of seedlings instead of the natural one, which was unstable.
    しかし昭和24年(1949年)にイギリスのドリュー女史(Dr.KathleenMaryDrewBaker1901年-1957年9月14日)が海苔の糸状体を発見し、それまで不明であった海苔のライフサイクルが解明され、不確実な天然採苗に代わる人工採苗を実用化し、養殖が可能な地域の拡大にも繋がった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Aiki and breath power are commonly thought of as mysterious techniques that enable a small, elderly man to easily throw and hold down a succession of tough men, thus raising the doubt of suspicion in their regard.
    合気・呼吸力について、小柄な老人がわずかな動きで屈強な大男を幾人も手玉にとり簡単に投げ飛ばしたり押さえ込んでしまう不思議な技、というイメージが一般的に流布し、しばしば怪しげなものとして疑われることも多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to 'Somin Shorai' (Japanese old story and the folk religion originating in the story) in "Bingo no Kuni Fudoki" (unknown or lost writing) quoted in "Shaku Nihongi" (annotated text of the Nihon Shoki) (Kanekata URABE, the mid Kamakura period), a kaya grass ring was worn on the waist to avoid disasters, and it was believed that the strong vitality of kaya grass had the mysterious power of preventing disasters.
    『釈日本紀』(卜部兼方 鎌倉時代中期)に引用された『備後国風土記』逸文にある「蘇民将来」神話では茅の輪を腰につけて災厄から免れたとされ、茅の旺盛な生命力が神秘的な除災の力を有すると考えられてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yokai can be written using other Chinese characters, 夭怪, and words such as yo, oni, obake (ghost), kaii (mysterious creature), kaibutsu (monster), kesho (reincarnated or transformed being), chimimoryo (evil spirits of mountains and rivers), tsukimono (something that possesses people or things), bake (ghost), bakemono (ghost), hyakki (hundred demons), henge (apparition), ma (devil), mamono (devil), mononoke (specter), mononoke, youi, yokaihenge (specter) are also used with a similar meaning.
    夭怪とも表記し、妖(夭)・鬼・お化け・怪異・怪物・化生・魑魅魍魎(ちみもうりょう)・憑き物・化け・化け物・百鬼・変化(へんげ)・魔・魔物・物の怪(勿の怪)・物の気・妖異・妖怪変化なども同様な意味で使われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • About 16-20 kilometers eastward from the temple on the summit of Mt. Akadake in Iwaki Province, the sea was seen and at dusk a red mysterious fire like a paper lantern or a ball of firework appeared about three meters above the sea, which was very visible.
    磐城国の閼伽岳山頂の寺から東を見ると、4,5里(約16-20キロメートル)の彼方に海が見え、日暮れの頃、海上の高さ約1丈(約3メートル)の空中に提灯か花火の玉のような赤い怪火の出没する様子がよく見えるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1953, he won first place in the Silver Lion award at the same festival with his proudly directed film 'Ugetsu Monogatari' (Tales of Moon and Rain), which portrayed the mysterious beauty of Akinari UEDA's original story (his film practically won the highest prize since no film won the Golden Lion in this year).
    さらに28年には、上田秋成の原作を幽玄な美で表現した自信作「雨月物語」が同映画祭でサンマルコ銀獅子賞1位を獲得(この年は金獅子賞の該当作がなく、本作が実質の最高位であった)に選ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, "Yoshioka-den" ranks Musashi with two mysterious swordsmen, 'Santoku ASAYAMA' and 'Rinsai KASHIMA' (materials on which the writer based are unconfirmed), and the explanation of Musashi's states and the name of his style are very different from the facts as well, except for using two swords, therefore, the fights in "Yoshioka-den" might be fabrication too.
    ただし、『吉岡伝』は朝山三徳・鹿島林斎という原史料不明の武芸者と同列に宮本武蔵が語られ、前述のようにその肩書きは二刀を使うことを除き現実から乖離しており、創作である可能性を否定できない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • If Kanpachiro's tale were true and Masanao wrote the tale exactly the way it had been record by his grandfather, a question arises; it is very strange that Masanao relied on the mysterious man's tale taken from another domain, because it means that the both of the Hosokawa family and the Matsui family, which Masanao and Masatake had served, hadn't reserved any document which mentioned the remarkable incident such as the duel permitted by the lords.
    仮に、この勝負の内容が、事実であれば、細川家でこれだけの事件が起こったにもかかわらず、それについての記述が『武公伝』の編集当時に、細川家中や正剛・正脩の仕える松井家中になく、藩外の怪しげな人物からの伝聞しかなかったことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • They not only learned classical literature and ideas ('hakka') from Atsutane but also had deep interest in the underworld like their teacher, and each of them evolved theories of mysterious things based on their own views.
    彼らは篤胤の八家の学問を吸収するとともに、篤胤同様に死後の世界の存在に深く関心を抱いており、夫々の弟子達がさらにその研究を敷衍し、各人が独自の解釈に於ける幽冥観の認識を持ち其々の立場から幽冥思想を展開して敷衍して行く事となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • One of the possible reasons why chinju gami were started to be enshrined in villages is that, during the course of conflict between a certain village and gozoku (a local ruling family) that controlled its surrounding area, the village enshrined chinju gami in order to counter the mysterious power of ujigami enshrined by gozoku as its family god.
    村落に神が鎮守神として祀られるようになったことについては、ある村落とその周辺を治める豪族との対立関係の中で、豪族が祀る一族神としての氏神の霊威に対抗する形で、村落に鎮守として神社を祀るようになったことが一因として考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Empress was also keenly aware of this atmosphere, and purges to the Imperial family were done one after another as follows: the dethroned Emperor Junnin's mysterious death, the sudden execution of the Prince Wake, sudden abridgment of register of the Imperial family from Imperial Princess Fuwa who was a younger paternal half-sister of the Empress; accordingly, the subject of the succession to the Imperial Throne became virtually a taboo.
    天皇もこの空気を敏感に察しており、淡路に流された廃帝(淳仁天皇)の謎の死、和気王の突然の処刑、天皇の異母妹である不破内親王の皇籍剥奪など皇族に対する粛清が次々と行われていき、皇位継承問題は事実上のタブーとなっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To provide a display device for a game machine that can make a clear, new and mysterious description and exert a clear and strong impact by projecting information in black as a silhouette, has a good performance capability, and therefore attracts a player's attention, and increases the interesting property of a game.
    情報をシルエットとして黒く映し出すことにより、鮮明かつ斬新で神秘的な描写ができると共にすっきりして強いインパクトが与えられ、演出力にも優れて遊技者の注意を引き、もって、遊技の興趣が高められる遊技機用表示装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
  • He continued to pump poor Passepartout, and learned that he really knew little or nothing of his master, who lived a solitary existence in London, was said to be rich, though no one knew from where his riches came, and was mysterious and impenetrable in his affairs and habits.
    フィックスは、かわいそうなパスパルトゥーに質問を続け、彼が本当に主人を知らないこと、その主人はひとりでロンドンに住んでいること、お金持ちであると言われていること、しかし、その金がどこから来たのか誰も知らないこと、主人の仕事や生活があまりに奇妙で理解できないものであることを知った。 - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』
  • What did this strange man know? Was he simply making shrewd guesses, or had he some mysterious knowledge of this matter? Walcott could not know that Mason meant only Fate, that he believed her to be his great enemy.
    この怪しい男はいったいなにを知っているんだろう? 単にカマを掛けてるんだろうか? それとも、このことでもう何か知ってしまっているんだろうか? ウォルコットには知る由もなかったが、メイスンが『彼女』と呼んでいるのは運命のことであり、運命の女神に対して以上な敵対心を燃やしているだけなのであった。 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』
  • Since entering the school, Kanetane knew that his teacher Atsutane studied mysterious things and the underworld to restore the ancient belief which had been lost or sealed up, besides Kanetane understood that Atsutane tried to prove the existence of mysterious things by Kodo; about 1820, by Yoshinari YAMAZAKI, a learned amateur living in Shitayachoja-machi and an acquaintance of Kanetane's friend Hirokata YASHIRO, Kanetane was introduced to Sendo Torakichi, who could come and go freely to the underworld, then Kanetane became convinced of the existence of the underworld, and began to put in serious efforts to collect information of mysterious stories and materials of such things.
    入門当初から鐡胤は薄々感じ取っていたが、父篤胤の幽冥・死後の世界の研究は、失われて埋没され、そして封印された古代信仰の雛形を元の姿に復元させる為の学問であり、其の為に古道の道に足を踏み入れて幽冥の存在を立証しようと試みていた事も知悉していたが、文政3年頃に知友屋代弘賢を通じ下谷長者町の博学の好事家山崎美成を介在して、後に父のもとを訪ねてきた異境を往来すると言う仙童寅吉の姿形を目の当たりに見て、父篤胤が唱える幽冥界の実在をしかと確認し、以後は自らも寸暇を惜しみ、不可解な奇譚の情報やその他の幽冥関連の資料類の蒐集に没頭する事になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Therefore, Kikan IKEDA considers the folklore to be an untruth, as 'a bizarre rumor that doesn't deserve to be taken seriously'; however, Tetsuro WATSUJI states, 'The Tale of Genji has mysterious parts that readers can't understand until they have noticed the existence of some other tales on Hikaru Genji, which the present readers don't know about but once existed,' adding, 'This is not a supposition that should be immediately rejected.'
    そのため池田亀鑑などはこの伝承を「とりあげるに足りない奇怪な説」に過ぎないとして事実ではないとしているが、和辻哲郎は、「現在の源氏物語には読者が現在知られていない光源氏についての何らかの周知の物語が存在することを前提として初めて理解できる部分が存在する。」として「これはいきなり斥くべき説ではなかろうと思う」と述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Yamagata Prefecture, they adore a mossy or sandy area of about 40 square meters in the bushes in mountains in summer as 'the sumo ring of Tengu,' and in mountain villages in Kanagawa Prefecture they regard the mysterious sound of cutting trees at midnight or one of cutting a big tree on a mountain called 'Tengu's felling' and a hut's shaking without wind as a trick of the mountain Tengu.
    山形県などでは、夏山のしげみの間にある十数坪の苔地や砂地を、「天狗のすもう場」として崇敬し、神奈川県の山村では、夜中の、木を切ったり、「天狗倒し」と呼ばれる、山中で大木を切り倒す不思議な音、山小屋が、風もないのにゆれたりすることを山天狗の仕業としている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Murasaki Shikibu assaulted women who worked as Saiin in "The Murasaki Shikibu Diary," but she admitted the polite personality of the Imperial Princess and artistic and mysterious elegance of the imperial palace of Saiin, so from the evidence presented by these two top-level Heian female authors, there was no doubt that it was a cultural salon second to the imperial court during the period of the Imperial Princess.
    紫式部も『紫式部日記』で斎院に仕える女房を非難しつつ、内親王その人の人柄のゆかしさや斎院御所の風雅で神さびた趣深さは認めており、平安女流文学の最高峰であるこの二人の証言から見ても、内親王の時代の斎院が宮中に次ぐ文化サロンであったことは疑いないであろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to Shinobu ORIGUCHI's interpretation, Iitoyo no himemiko was a miko or a mysterious figure near to it, and she did not administer but was asked for shintaku (oracle) 'who should be on the throne,' after the demise of Emperor Seinei, and she delivered an oracle of the name of Oke no mikoto brothers who had not been found at that stage.
    折口信夫の解釈によれば、飯豊皇女は巫女であるか、ないしはそれに近い神秘的な人物であり、執政していたのではなく、清寧天皇崩御後に、巫女として「誰に皇位についてもらうべきか」と神託を仰がれて、その段階ではまだ発見されていなかった億計尊・弘計尊の兄弟の名を託宣したのだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He also became interested in an unworldly man from Mt. Iwama called Sojo (meaning "highest-ranking monk") Sugiyama, who had enlightened Torakichi from the other world, and grew to believe in such a mysterious existence; having become fascinated with the Gengaku of Taoism, he then formed a new theory of Shinsendo by fusing Japanese Kodo and Chinese Gengaku and began inducting his students into the theory as some kind of esoteric ceremony.
    やがて寅吉少年を幽冥から啓導されている、岩間山の山人・杉山僧正なる異人に興味を抱き信仰を重ねていく間に、道家の玄学思想に魅せられて、我が国に伝来する古道の思想と道家玄学の思想を折衷した神仙道の教義をうち立て、弟子達にこの秘教密儀的な秘儀を伝授することとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To provide a coloring auxiliary which can exhibit a mysterious opaque deep blue color in the stored water of an artificial pond copying the sea or the like in shooting set in the sea or a lake, an event on the theme of summer against the backdrop of the beach or the like, opaque deep blue stored water prepared by using the same, and its preparation method.
    海又は湖を舞台とする映画の撮影や、浜辺を背景とする夏をテーマとしたイベント等において海等を模した人口池の貯水に、神秘的な不透明深青色を発現することができる着色助剤、それを使用して調製した不透明深青色貯水及びその調製方法の提供。 - 特許庁
  • To provide a new pop-up card which is automatically changed into a three-dimensional body by taking it out from a package in a flat state, can cause a decorative part body constituting a card to make a mysterious motion by operating part of the card in the state of the three-dimensional body to allow a user to enjoy dynamic change.
    偏平な状態に納められた包装から取り出すことで自動的に立体化し、さらに、その立体化した状態で一部を操作することによりカードを構成している装飾部体が不可思議な動作で動き、その動的形状変化を楽しむことができる新規なポップアップ型カードを提供する。 - 特許庁
  • However, these traditions have been told in relation to the tale that 'Murasaki Shikibu began writing to comfort her sorrow over the death of MINAMOTO no Takaakira,' which is not true to the historical fact, or in a mysterious medieval folktale that Murasaki Shikibu was an incarnation of Bodhisattva; thus there have been many statements that deny them since old times, and they haven't been taken as clues to consider the formation and structure of "The Tale of Genji" in the study of "The Tale of Genji" since modern times.
    但しこれらの伝承は「紫式部が源高明の死を悼んで『源氏物語』を書き始めた」とするどう考えても歴史的事実に合わない説話や、紫式部が菩薩の化身であるといった中世的な神秘的伝承と関連づけて伝えられることも多かったため、古くからこれを否定する言説も多く、近世以降の『源氏物語』研究においては『源氏物語』の成立や構成を考えるための手がかりとされることはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • About 1806, in Edo City, a young Tengu (one of Japanese ghost) Torakichi (called 'Sendo') appeared, who claimed that he could come and go to the underworld; Atsutane was introduced to him and directly asked him about the other world and secrets of mysterious things, then Atsutane realized that the underworld really existed and exerted great or little influence on this world; and he thought that the boy's story surprisingly corresponded to the idea of the Dark and the Light which he had been considering for years; after that, with conviction of the idea and deeper worship, he continued his studies and practice of Kodo.
    文化3年頃に江戸市中に冥府と往き来できると言う天狗少年仙童寅吉が出現し、奇しくも後に知人を介して邂逅する事により、本人から直接異境の有様や幽事の秘め事などを聞き質し、幽界冥府が厳然と実在し、大なり小なり深く現界に影響を及ぼしている有様に気づき、篤胤自らが常日頃考えていた幽顕の理念と奇しくも符節融合する事を悟り、幽顕一如を再確信すると共に敬神の念を更に深めて古道を敷衍し実践して行く事となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The ubuya not being completely thatched was a childbirth folkway (Okinawa), the ubuya built on the seaside was associated with the demonstration of the spiritual power of the newborn using the mysterious power of water, the fact that the husband asked Toyotama-hime the name of the newborn can be traced back to the system when the mother had the naming rights as in the article of Emperor Suinin in 'Kojiki,' and when Toyotama-hime intercepted Unazaka and the traffic between land and sea came to an end, it was an outburst of a sense of strange land among the ancient Japanese, centered around the area of residence, similar to Yomotsu Hirasaka (the slope that leads to the land of the dead).
    産屋を完全に葺かずにおくことは生産習俗であり(沖縄)、産屋を海浜に設けるのは水の神秘的勢能による生児の霊力の証示と関連し、夫がトヨタマヒメに生児の名を問うたのは「古事記」垂仁天皇条と同じく命名権が母に存した制の名残であり、トヨタマヒメが海阪を塞き止め海陸往来が絶えたのはヨモツヒラサカと同じく古代日本人の住域を中心とする異郷意識の発露である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to a book of Takahisa MIYAUCHI, houses are the most fundamental center of one's existence and from ancient times people have made efforts to protect life or fortune, but natural disasters (eg. earthquakes) were mysterious in those days so they desired to understand 'the principles governing and controlling the world' including factors for disasters, as a result of which the concept of living space materialize, over the years cultivated through knowledge, a standard influencing the construction of a house, from an outlook of the world was produced.
    宮内貴久の著物によれば、住居とは生存の拠り所として、最も根本的な施設であり古来より生命や財産を守るための工夫を重ねてきたが天災によって、当時としては不可解な被害(例えば地震)に見舞われていたことから災いの要因を含めた「世界を支配し統括する原理を知りたい」という欲求に晒された結果、住宅に対して、人々が居住生活に求める概念を実体化させて、長い年月を経て培われた知見が規範化され影響力を持ち家相の世界観が生み出されたと述べられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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  • 原題:”Around the World in 80 Days[Junior Edition]”

    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

    SOGO_e-text_library責任編集。Copyright(C)2000-2001 by SOGO_e-text_library
  • 原題:”The Corpus Delicti”
    This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.
    SOGO_e-text_library責任編集。Copyright(C)2006 by SOGO_e-text_library