企業の人事・総務関連の業務で用いられる人事労務関連の用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 人事・労務 URL http://www.jinji-roumu.com/ |
人事労務和英辞典 のさくいん |
- paid leave
- paid leave to compensate for work on Sunday
- paper screening
- parental leave
- part-time employee
- part-time employment
- part-time service
- part-time student worker
- part-time worker
- part-timer
- participation of all the employees in management
- participation rate
- participative management
- paternalistic management
- paternity leave
- pay cut
- pay envelope
- pay for job ability
- pay level
- pay packet
- pay-roll
- payday
- payment in kind
- payroll deduction
- pension
- pension benefit
- pension for the bereaved
- pension fund
- pension plan
- pension reserve
- pension scheme
- pensionary
- pensioner
- per capita national income
- per capita productivity
- peremptory appointment
- performance goal
- performance rating
- periodic transfer
- periodical medical examination
- peripheral worker
- permanent partial disability
- permanent total disability
- personal guarantor
- personal history
- personal income
- personal traits
- personnel
- personnel affairs section
- personnel and labor relations
- personnel and labor relations policy
- personnel assignment
- personnel development interview
- personnel division
- personnel expenses
- personnel g
- personnel management
- personnel management based on job-group
- personnel management basedo on career path
- personnel management officer
- personnel management system
- personnel policy
- personnel retrenchment
- pharmacist
- physical disability benefit
- physical disability compensation lump sum payment
- physical disability compensation pension
- physical disability lump sum payment
- physical disability pension
- physical labor
- physically handicapped employment levy
- physically handicapped employment subsidy
- physically handicapped person
- piece rate pay
- placement
- position
- Position Analysis Qustionnaire
- position classification
- position classification system
- position vacant
- positive use of women workers
- praising
- pre-retirement education program
- pregnancy, childbearing
- preliminary offer of hiring
- premium
- premium overtime pay
- premium reserve
- present value
- president
- prevailing wage
- price fluctuations
- price stability
- primary industry
- prior consultation system