フリーな辞書プロジェクト「Wiktionary」の英語版。英語で解説された英英辞典です。 出典 Wiktionary URL http://en.wiktionary.org/ |
Wiktionary英語版 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- S
- SA
- SB
- SC
- SD
- SE
- SF
- SG
- SH
- SI
- SJ
- SK
- SL
- SM
- SN
- SO
- SP
- SQ
- SR
- SS
- ST
- SU
- SV
- SW
- SX
- SY
- SZ
- S(50音)
- S(タイ文字)
- S(数字)
- S(記号)
- stars are aligned
- stars in one's eyes
- starseed
- starshaped
- starspot
- starstruck
- starstudded
- starstuff
- start a fresh hare
- start afresh
- Start button
- start codon
- start codons
- start from scratch
- start in on
- Start menu
- start over
- start the ball rolling
- start up
- start-up
- start-ups
- started out
- starter castle
- starter for ten
- starter kit
- starter marriage
- starter motor
- starter pack
- starters
- starthistle
- startin'
- starting block
- starting blocks
- starting gate
- starting gun
- starting handle
- starting over
- starting pistol
- starting pitcher
- starting points
- starting post
- starting price
- starting up
- starting whistle
- startingly
- startled
- startlement
- startler
- startles
- startling
- startlingly
- startlish
- startness
- startracker
- Starts
- startups
- startword
- Startz
- starvate
- starvation wages
- starvations
- starve-acre
- starved
- starvedly
- starveling
- starven
- starves
- starving
- starwheel
- stas
- stases
- Stash
- stashbox
- stashing
- stasimum
- stasiology
- stasiphobia
- stasis lock
- stata
- statable
- statal
- statampere
- stataria
- statary
- statcoulomb
- state aid
- state capture
- state diagrams
- state enterprise
- State Fair
- state flower
- state it
- state machines
- state of affairs
- state of being
- state of emergency
- state of exception
- state of nature
- state of siege
- state ownership