「斎藤和英大辞典」(斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編)は、昭和3年に初版が刊行された和英辞典の復刻新版です。日本的な言い回しや慣用表現の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL https://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
斎藤和英大辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- U
- UA
- UB
- UC
- UD
- UE
- UF
- UG
- UH
- UI
- UJ
- UK
- UL
- UM
- UN
- UO
- UP
- UQ
- UR
- US
- UT
- UU
- UV
- UW
- UX
- UY
- UZ
- U(50音)
- U(タイ文字)
- U(数字)
- U(記号)
- under teeth
- under the arm
- Under the circumstances
- under the floor
- Under the lee of an island
- Under the line
- under the necessity of
- Under the nose
- under the pressure of necessity
- Under the regular grades
- Under the sod
- under water
- under-garment
- under-water
- under-worker
- under-workman
- underbush
- Undercharge
- underclothing
- undercurrent
- underdone
- underestimate
- undergo
- undergo a change
- undergo a complete change
- undergo a precipitate change
- undergo a revolution
- undergo a sudden change
- undergo hardships
- undergo kaleidoscopic changes
- Undergoing an examination
- undergraduate
- Underground
- underground cable
- underground operations
- underground passage
- underground railway
- underground room
- Undergrowth
- underhand
- underlease
- underlet
- underling
- underlings
- undermentioned
- Undermentioned
- underpin
- underpinning
- underrate
- undersized
- undersized man
- understand
- understand each other
- understanding
- Understanding
- understrapper
- undertake
- undertake messages
- undertaking
- undertenancy
- undervalue
- undervest
- underwear
- Underwear
- underwood
- underwriter
- underwriting
- undeserved
- undesirable
- undignified
- Undiluted liquor
- undisciplined
- undisciplined and lacking unity
- undisguised
- undisguised unvarnished
- undo
- undoing
- undoubted
- undoubtedly
- undress
- Undress
- undress belt
- undress coiffure
- undress uniform
- Undrinkable
- undue
- Undue
- undulate
- undulated
- undulates
- undulating country
- undulation
- undulatory theory
- undutiful
- undutifulness
- undutifulness to one's parents
- undying
- Undying
- unearned
- unearned money