![]() ![]() ビジネスや日常会話で用いられる英語の表現・言い回しの日本語訳を調べることができます。 提供 Weblio URL https://ejje.weblio.jp/ |
- 絞込み
- 記号
- !
- !
- "As usual" regular customers get angry when their orders take too much time to be served
- "Do and it will be done
- "I'm going to check the rice field" is a sign of death
- "I'm home" and "Welcome back" at one's company
- "I'm taking off now!" "Okay, see you later!"
- "Love Of My Life"
- "Mai" is a female given name in Japan
- "Michelin" ranking of lecturers
- "miseruka" visualization
- "Seems like a good person" is something you may say about someone you're not interested in
- "shrimp" taro root
- "There is no way you can do that" it's just a false statement
- "Which floor are you going to?" "The 10th floor, please."
- "You've Got a Friend in Me"
- #
- #
- #Me Too 運動
- $100,000,000
- %
- %
- & C.
- 'Korona nare', was created
- 'Peaceful City'?
- 'scuse〈Excuse me.の俗語表記〉
- 'Sunflower', comes to mind when I think of Ukraine.
- 'The mitten'.
- (
- ()のミススペル
- (運動方法〉バーピー
- (終わる〉 end
- (神〉 God
- (紙〉 paper
- (吸収される〉be absorbed
- (指示がないうちは〉何もするな
- (そういうものだ〉 that's the way it is
- (その程度だ〉 That’s about it
- (取り急ぎご連絡まで〉This is just a quick note.
- (取り込まれる〉 be incorporated
- (同意する〉 agree 《to》
- (始まる〉 begin
- (髪〉 hair
- (夜が明ける〉 day breaks [【形式ばった表現】 dawns]
- )のミススペル
- *
- *
- *The image is not a literal representation
- +
- ,
- -adic
- -aholic
- -altering
- -athon
- -ble
- -bosomed
- -bottomed
- -cele
- -cephaly
- -cidal
- -crasy
- -crunched
- -cyte
- -eous
- -folious
- -genous
- -gerous
- -glot
- -hemia
- -holic
- -kins
- -lepsy
- -machy
- -megaly
- -ment
- -odynia
- -oidea
- -oideae
- -ologist
- -pedia
- -phany
- -plex
- -plus-year
- -sation
- -scopic
- -spermal
- -sporous
- -stichous
- -stomous
- -taxy
- -tinged
- -tive
- -topia
- -trichous
- . . . for a rainy day
- . . . incase something goes wrong
- . . . is here
- . . . per day