病名や症状、身体、薬、治療法など、医学に関連する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 出典 北里大学医療衛生学部 医療情報学研究室編集 医学用語集 URL http://bme.ahs.kitasato-u.ac.jp:808 0/docs/take/html/yg/index.htm |
英和医学用語集 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- A
- AA
- AB
- AC
- AD
- AE
- AF
- AG
- AH
- AI
- AJ
- AK
- AL
- AM
- AN
- AO
- AP
- AQ
- AR
- AS
- AT
- AU
- AV
- AW
- AX
- AY
- AZ
- A(50音)
- A(タイ文字)
- A(数字)
- A(記号)
- alloesthesia
- allogeneic
- allogeneic immunity
- allogenic
- allogenic immunity
- allograft
- allograft rejection
- allograft valve
- allolalia
- allopatric
- allopecia
- allopecia areata
- allopecia totalis
- alloplasty
- allorhythmia
- allosteric
- allosteric enzyme
- allotransplantation
- allotrasplantation
- allotriogeusia
- allotriophagy
- allotriosmia
- allotype
- allowance
- alloxan diabetes
- alpha
- alpha amylase
- alpha antitrypsin
- alpha blocker
- alpha cell
- alpha chain
- alpha decay
- alpha fetoprotein
- alpha fiber
- alpha hemolytic Streptococcus
- alpha motoneuron
- alpha motor fiber
- alpha rays
- alpha reseptor
- alpha rhythm
- alpha rigidity
- alpha stimulator
- alpha toxin
- alpha Wave
- alpha waves
- alpha-1-antitrypsin
- alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency of alpha-1-antitrypsin
- alpha-2-antiplasemin
- alpha-adrenergic
- alpha-adrenergic agent
- alpha-adrenergic blocking agent
- alpha-adrenergic constrictor
- alpha-adrengic
- alpha-adrengic agent
- alpha-adrengic reseptor
- alpha-adrenoceptor
- alpha-adrenoceptor blocker
- alpha-adrenoreseptor
- alpha-antitrypsin
- alpha-interferon
- alphab blocker
- Alport's syndrome
- Alstr m-Hallgren syndrome
- altas
- altered
- altered sensation
- altered state of consciousness
- alternance
- alternans
- alternate pathway
- alternating
- alternating bradycardia and tachycardia syndrome
- alternating bundle branch block
- alternating hemiplegia
- alternating nystagmus
- alternating pulse
- alternative
- alternative inheritance
- alternative initiation
- alternative pathway
- alternative splicing
- altitude
- altitude accommodation
- altitude adaptation
- altitude disease
- altitude lung disorders
- altitude sickness
- alubuminuric amaurosis
- alubumose
- alucapuyonuria
- alum
- aluminium
- aluminium acetate
- aluminium hydroxide
- aluminium hydroxide gel
- alvelar blennorrhea
- alveolar
- alveolar abscess
- alveolar adenoma