![]() ![]() IT・コンピュータや生命科学など、幅広い分野の専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日中韓辭典研究所 URL http://www.cjk.org/cjk/indexj.htm |
- 絞込み
- P
- PA
- PB
- PC
- PD
- PE
- PF
- PG
- PH
- PI
- PJ
- PK
- PL
- PM
- PN
- PO
- PP
- PQ
- PR
- PS
- PT
- PU
- PV
- PW
- PX
- PY
- PZ
- P(50音)
- P(タイ文字)
- P(数字)
- P(記号)
- perforated roller
- perforated tape
- perforated tray tower
- perforated tube
- perforated ulcer
- perforated wall
- perforated-feed pipe
- perforated-plate column
- perforated-plate tower
- perforating
- perforating branches of internal thoracic artery
- perforating typewriter
- perforating veins
- perforating wound
- perforation
- perforation plate
- perforation rate
- perforations
- perforative peritonitis
- perforator
- perforator slip
- perforatorium
- perforin
- performability
- performance
- performance adaptive self-organizing control
- performance aid development
- performance analysis
- performance analyzer
- performance appraisal
- performance appraisal report
- performance assessment
- performance assurance system
- performance bond
- performance budget
- performance calculation
- performance capability
- performance characteristic
- performance characteristic diagram of compressor
- performance characteristics
- performance chart
- performance class of governing system
- performance coding system
- performance concept
- performance control
- performance conversion formula
- performance correctability function
- performance correction factor
- performance criteria
- performance criterion
- performance curve
- performance data
- performance data computer
- performance data computer system
- performance decrement
- performance degradation
- performance deterioration
- performance effectiveness
- Performance Effectiveness Evaluation Scheme
- performance evaluating
- performance evaluation
- performance evaluation and review technique
- performance evaluation package
- performance evaluation test
- performance exercise
- performance factor
- performance figure
- performance function
- performance group
- performance group number
- performance guarantee
- performance improvement
- performance improvement feature
- performance index
- performance inspection
- performance level
- performance limit
- performance loop
- performance management
- performance measure
- performance measurement
- performance model
- performance modeling
- performance monitor
- performance monitoring
- performance monitoring system
- performance needs
- performance number
- performance objective
- performance option
- performance period
- performance prediction
- performance problem
- performance rating
- performance ratio
- performance record
- performance report
- performance reporting facility
- performance requirement
- performance requirements