英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方:こくち文法情報(名詞)対訳 national humiliation; national disgrace...
読み方:おおはじ文法情報(名詞)対訳 great shame; great disgrace; harsh humiliation; deep embarrassment; unbearable lo...
読み方:とびはじ文法情報(名詞)対訳 flight shame (anti-flying movement); flight-shaming; flygskam...
【名詞】1 ignominy, shame, disgrace不名誉な状態(a state of dishonor)one mistake brought shame to all his famil...
読み方:しにはじ(1)文法情報(名詞)対訳 dishonor that persists after death (2)文法情報(名詞)対訳 shame at the moment of one's ...
読み方:ひゃくねんこくち文法情報(名詞)対訳 century of humiliation (in Chinese history)...
読み方:あかっぱじ文法情報(名詞)対訳 great shame (endured in the public eye); deep embarrassment; profound humiliatio...
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