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「Apple Watch」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/37件中)

語源Medieval English form of the Old French female name Aveline, diminutive of the Germanic root avi, ...
発音IPA(key): /tɪt͡ʃi/韻: -ɪtʃi語源 1Variant of tetchy, of uncertain etymology.形容詞titchy (comparative...
発音韻: -ɒbə(ɹ)語源 1Perhaps a blend of flop +‎ wobble.動詞flobber (三人称単数 現在形 flobbers, 現在分詞 flobberi...
語源From earlier sophumer, from the obsolete sophom (“sophism または dialectical exercise”), likely influ...
読み方 きちんと副詞Exactly; precisely; accurately; to a nicety; to a T; like clockwork:(勘定なら) exact to the ce...
読み方 きちんと副詞Exactly; precisely; accurately; to a nicety; to a T; like clockwork:(勘定なら) exact to the ce...
WOTD – 21 January 2019語源.mw-parser-output .tmulti .multiimageinner{display:flex;flex-direction:c...
コアとなる意味(ぽとんと)何かを落とすポイント自動詞としてはが基本で,他動詞だとという感じが背後にある.自動詞①(水滴が)落ちる,したたるWhat's dropping from the ceilin...
音節pick発音記号pɪ́k変化~s{~s}; ~ed{~t}; ~・ing複~s{~s}コア(すばや...
音節for 発音記号/(弱形) fɚ|fə; (強形) fɚ|fː/音声を聞く【前置詞】A1[利益・影響を表わして] …のために[の]; …にとって.用例give one's life for one...

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