〈選挙に〉 be elected; win the election; be returned 《to the Diet》; be voted into office
〈懸賞などに〉 win a prize
〈選挙の〉 a successful candidate; an elected person; those elected
〈懸賞などの〉 a prizewinner
"He was elected as the president of the club."(彼はクラブの会長に選ばれた。)
"She was elected to the city council."(彼女は市議会の議員に選ばれた。)
"They were elected as representatives of the student body."(彼らは学生会の代表に選ばれた。)
"She won the first prize in the competition."(彼女はその競争で一等賞を獲得した。)
"He won the game."(彼はそのゲームに勝った。)
"They won the lottery."(彼らは宝くじに当選した。)
読み方 とうせん
(=議員の当選)being elected; successful election:(=する) to be elected; to be returned (an M. P.); to win the election; to get in
(=出品の当選)acceptance (of an exhibit):(=する) to be accepted
(=懸賞の当選)winning a prize:(=する) to win a prize