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hack into

出典:『Wiktionary』 (2012/05/12 16:03 UTC 版)

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to hack into

  1. (literally) To reduce something to by hacking with a cutting instrument.
    After all that work, the result was something I just wanted to hack into pieces.
  2. (computing) To gain unauthorized entry to (a computer system), particularly by exploiting little-known weaknesses.
    I forgot my root password and was forced to hack into my own machine.
    From these log files, it looks like someone tried to hack into our server last night!

hack intoの変化形一覧


  •   hacking into(現在分詞)
  •   hacked into(過去形)
  •   hacked into(過去分詞)
  •   hacks into(三人称単数現在)

hack intoのページの著作権