fly | 遺伝子名 | nuclear-fallout |
同義語(エイリアス) | EP3077; CG7867; CG33991; nuf; CIP-D2; CG32140; anon-D2; nuclear fallout; Cy3-23; Corkscrew Interacting Protein-D2 | |
SWISS-PROTのID | --- | |
EntrezGeneのID | EntrezGene:39572 | |
その他のDBのID | FlyBase:FBgn0013718 |
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/08 23:28 UTC 版)
Fallout is the residual radiation hazard from a nuclear explosion, so called because it "falls out" of the atmosphere after the explosion. It commonly refers to the radioactive dust created when a nuclear weapon explodes. This radioactive dust, consisting of hot particles, is a kind of radioactive contamination. It can lead to the contamination of ground and the animal food chain.