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  • The party of TAIRA no Masakado, who called himself 'Shinno' (new emperor) in the Kanto region in the Heian period, Takauji ASHIKAGA, who broke away from the Kenmu Restoration, which was initiated by Emperor Gotoba after the fall of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), at the end of the Edo period, Choshu clan, which was brought down by the Coup of August 18 in 1864 (became choteki by firing at the Kyoto Imperial Palace in the Kin-mon Gate Incident, and was attacked by the bakufu in the conquest of Choshu, which led to two Bakucho Wars (wars between bakufu and Choshu)), Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, the 15th Shogun, in the oseifukko (restoration of imperial power) (Japan) (Yoshinobu confined himself at the Ueno Kanei-ji Temple when he was deemed choteki), and the Edo bakufu side in the Boshin War (Aizu Clan, which was seen as the central force received concentrated attacks by the new government troops, and Yonezawa Clan, which strongly supported the Aizu Clan, faced serious charges despite their relatively early surrender) were considered choteki.
    平安時代に関東地方において「新皇」を名乗った平将門一党や、鎌倉幕府滅亡後に後醍醐天皇によって開始された建武の新政から離反した足利尊氏、江戸時代末期には1864(元治元)の八月十八日の政変で失脚した長州藩(禁門の変で京都御所に発砲した事により朝敵となり、幕府による長州征伐を受けて二次にわたる幕長戦争が起こる)、王政復古(日本)により15代将軍徳川慶喜(慶喜は朝敵とされると上野寛永寺に謹慎した)、戊辰戦争においては江戸幕府側勢力(中心的勢力とみなされた会津藩は新政府軍から集中攻撃を浴び、会津藩を強く支持した米沢藩は、比較的早期に降伏したにもかかわらず、戦後重罪に処された)が朝敵とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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