「live with」を含む例文一覧(943)

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  • a group of organisms (plants and animals) that live together in a certain geographical region and constitute a community with a few dominant species
    ある一定の地理的領域に共存し、いくつかの優占種で共同体を構成する有機体(動植物)のグループ - 日本語WordNet
  • a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling
    ジプシーを話し、伝統的に季節労働と占いで生活する、暗い色の皮膚および髪の毛を持った民族のメンバー - 日本語WordNet
  • your personal satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the cultural or intellectual conditions under which you live (as distinct from material comfort)
    自分の身近な文化的、知的環境に対する個人的満足(あるいは不満)(物質的満足とは異なる) - 日本語WordNet
  • Ballpark Webcasting works with minor league baseball teams to bring live coverage of their games to the Internet.
    Ballparkウェブキャスティングは,マイナリーグ野球チームと組んで彼らのゲームを生放送でインターネットに流す. - コンピューター用語辞典
  • In order to live happily and healthily with parakeets or parrots (you should) think about the behavioral science of domesticated birds and of pet loss.
    インコやオウムと仲良く楽しく健やかに暮らすために、飼鳥の行動学やペットロスについて考える。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • If she continues to live with a man she doesn't love for his money, the day will come when she will be utterly frustrated and between the devil and the deep blue sea.
    お金のために、愛してもいない男との生活をつづけるならば、すっかり失望して、進退きわまる時が将来やってくることだろう。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • (vi) To offer information, advice, and liaison and coordination with concerned organizations, as well as other forms of assistance concerning the use of facilities where victims may live and receive protection.
    六 被害者を居住させ保護する施設の利用について、情報の提供、助言、関係機関との連絡調整その他の援助を行うこと。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (i) Police officials, fire fighting officials, full-time firefighters, and workers of institutions to support resocialization of minors who live together with consigned children
    一 警察官、消防吏員、常勤の消防団員及び児童自立支援施設に勤務する職員で児童と起居をともにする者 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Experimental changes to Gentoo core packages such as sys-apps/baselayoutor sys-libs/glibc have the potential to break the system and render it unbootable; with user-mode Linux we can test these changes without having to worry about breaking the live system.
    sys-apps/baselayoutやsys-libs/glibcの様な、Gentooコアパッケージに対する変更は、システムを停止させたり、起動不能にしてしまう恐れがあります。 - Gentoo Linux
  • With live templates and Surround Withfunctionality, you can quickly enter commonly used blocks of code and focus on the business logic.
    ライブテンプレートと「囲む」機能により、よく使用するコードブロックを簡単に入力できるので、ビジネスロジックに専念できます。 - NetBeans
  • It is sometimes difficult not to loose track of functions calls in some live debugging sessions even with top notch PHP editor/debuggers.
    デバッグセッションで関数コールを追いかけるのは、一流の PHP エディタ/デバッガであってもなかなか難しいものです。 - PEAR
  • You will receive an email where to download the SDK with the needed images and guidelines how to publish live data from weather.com.
    これは無料です!そうすると、SDK のダウンロード方法や必要な画像、weather.com のデータを公開する際のガイドラインがメールで送られてきます。 - PEAR
  • Later Bosatsu, in spite of a disciplinant, became a target of people's belief because it was considered to live with people and lead people to Buddha's teaching.
    後に菩薩は、修行中ではあるが、人々と共に歩み、教えに導くということで、庶民の信仰の対象となっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • If a person libels lay and live-in believers who read the Hoke-kyo Sutra with a curse, his sin would be very heavy.'
    若し人、一の悪言を以って在家出家の法華経を読誦する者を毀訾(きし)せん、其の罪甚だ重し」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Koya-san Mountain at that time, there were many lower rank priests who were not very religious and thought that being a priest was a tool to live and higher rank priests who were blinded with power.
    当時の高野山には、僧侶は食べる手段と割り切った信心の薄い下僧と、権力に眼を眩ませる上僧が蠢く有り様であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Meanwhile Shotaro, who has run away with Sode, stays at the home of Hikoroku, a relative of Sode, and they live happily next door to Hikoroku.
    一方、袖と駆け落ちした正太郎は、袖の親戚の彦六の厄介となり、彦六の隣の家で仲睦まじく生活した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, the nyogo had a close friendship with Genji's wife, Murasaki no Ue and after they began to live in a same mansion, continued to have a close friendship.
    また女御は源氏の妻紫の上とも親交を持ち、同じ邸内に住むようになってからは親しい友人のような関係を続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Though people from Hiroshima Prefecture live in Tokyo and say 'Let's eat okonomiyaki' to their colleagues at lunch time, they do not agree with them, saying 'it is unusual to eat okonomiyaki in the daytime.'
    上京した広島県人がお昼に「お好み焼きを食べよう」と周りに言うと「昼からお好み焼きかよ」と賛同を得られない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is associated with the expression 'Buji Kaeru' (coming safely back home), and an ornament of a frog is thought to be more effective than a live frog.
    -「無事帰る」と言う言葉に掛けて、ただし生きているカエルより置物などとしてその効果が期待される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As even after landing they continue to live for about one week by keeping them warm with blankets and rice husks, they are shipped and distributed under such condition.
    水揚げしても暗所で毛布・籾殻等で保温すれば1週間くらいは生きているので、この状態で出荷・流通が行われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Four performers from this school are registered with the Nohgaku Performers' Association, and all the performers including the current head Rokurobyoe FUJITA the 11th live in Nagoya.
    能楽協会に登録された役者は4名で、現宗家十一世藤田六郎兵衛を含む全員が名古屋在。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • West Awa sightseeing area: 'Creation of an affluent time to live in the original Japanese landscape decorated with history and tradition'
    にし阿波観光圏;「歴史や伝統に彩られた日本の原風景の中で過ごす心豊かな時間の創造」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Shizuka was pregnant with Yoritomo's child and he ordered that if it were a girl, she would live, but if it were a boy, he would be killed in order to avoid a possible family feud.
    静は義経の子を身ごもっており、頼朝は女子なら生かすが男子ならば禍根を断つために殺すよう命じる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yet for a period of several years thereafter no one was willing to support his projects; during these lean years he was forced to live in such poverty he never knew where his next meal was coming from, and he also came down with a gastric ulcer.
    しかし、一時は企画がまったく受け入れられず、胃潰瘍を患い、明日の米にも困るほどの赤貧生活を経験している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1605, she consulted with Ieyasu to build Kodai-ji Temple in Higashiyama, Kyoto to pray for the repose of Hideyoshi's soul, and decided to live in this temple for the rest of her life.
    慶長10年(1605年)、秀吉の冥福を祈るために家康に諮り京都東山に高台寺を建立、ここを終焉の地と定めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As a member of the Kurosawa-gumi (production team) screenwriting group, he co-wrote screenplays including those for "Ikiru" (To Live) and "Shichinin no Samurai" (Seven Samurai) with Hideo OGUNI.
    以後、黒澤組のシナリオ集団の一人として、小国英雄とともに『生きる(映画)』、『七人の侍』などの脚本を共同で執筆する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the war, he supported the comedy revival with films including "Jiyu Gakko" (lit. "School of Freedom") and "Honjitsu Kyushin" (No Consultation Today) which were a comedic portrayal of post-war live.
    戦後になって、『自由学校』、『本日休診』など戦後風俗をコミカルに描いた作品で喜劇映画の復活を支えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ishi moved to live in Kohata villa with Dogen, but she died of disease five years later when Dogen was eight years old.
    伊子は道元とともに木幡山荘に移り住んだが、5年後の道元8歳の時に病で死去したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition to performing at Noh stages, he participates in various types of live performances and other activities with domestic and foreign artists from different genres.
    能舞台での活動の他、国内外の様々なジャンルのアーティストとのライブパフォーマンス活動など幅広く活動。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He studied in Kyoto under Takamasa OKUNI, a scholar of Japanese classical literature, but soon confronted with him and returned to Izumi Province to live in seclusion in Mano of Omi Province.
    京都で国学者大国隆正に師事したが、やがて師と対立して和泉国に下り、さらに近江国真野に隠棲。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since 2002, he formed a Nohgaku unit 'TTR Noh Project' with Tetsuya YAMAMOTO, and actively creates performances such as live-style Noh, at places other than Noh Theatres.
    2002年より山本哲也とともに、能楽ユニット「TTR能プロジェクト」結成、能楽堂にとらわれないライブ能など意欲的な舞台を作る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although his escape routes were not exactly known, Choei changed his face with chemicals to live as a fugitive (because Choei's descriptions were circulated in Edo).
    その後の経路は詳しくは不明ながらも(江戸では人相書きが出回っていたためと言われている)薬品で顔を変えて逃亡生活を送った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Making his eldest son, Yataro President and his 14 followers, who had close relationship with him, shareholders, he recruited immigrants who would live in the provinces and cultivate.
    弥太郎を社長、親交の深い部下14名を株主として入植者を募集して開墾に従事させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the age of 62, she completely got out of medical practice, closing her maternity hospital in Nagasaki, and went up to Tokyo to live with her daughter's family.
    62歳の時、娘一家と同居のために長崎の産院も閉鎖し再上京、医者を完全に廃業した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Kansei Choshu Shokafu" (A record of family trees of samurai warriors of Edo bakufu), he was appointed to the position of no particular title but with a status of honorable family to live in the assigned territory and contribute to Bakufu as needed.
    『寛政重修諸家譜』によれば、「格式無官の高家となされ、采地に住し、随意に参府し奉仕すべし」との仰せを受けたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After killing the Yamatanoorochi, Susano searched for a place to live in with Kushinadahime and built a palace in Suga.
    ヤマタノオロチを退治した後、スサノオはクシナダヒメと共に住む場所を探し、須賀の地に宮殿を建てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • general term for districts and towns where many of those engaged in commerce and industry and lower class samurai live, and the districts and towns with a friendly atmosphere
    商工業者や下級武士などが多くすんでいる地区・町の通称で、庶民的な町のこと - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The term shi-no-ko-sho is currently a word which is prohibited on radio and television because the term has been associated with buraku-sabetsu (contemporary discrimination against burakumin (people who come from or live in special hamlets)).
    しかし、士農工商の言葉は部落差別を連想させるとして、現在は放送禁止用語として扱われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Or, they may have been forced to stay with a different Daimyo family to live under strict surveillance (Tadanao MATSUDAIRA and Tadateru MATSUDAIRA, for example).
    それ以外でも他の大名家などへお預けとなり、厳しい監視の下で蟄居させられる(松平忠直・松平忠輝など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, many people were thought to live there because many types of earthenware, including pieces with ink writing, were excavated from ditches.
    さらに、溝からは墨書土器を含む多数の土器が出土しており、相当数の人間が生活していたことが想定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • With the order of Emperor Keiko, the Emishi were forbidden to live within Kinai and were sent to five provinces, namely, Harima Province, Sanuki Province, Iyo Province, Aki Province, and Awa Province, and became the origin of Saekibe.
    「畿内に住むべからず」との景行天皇の命で、播磨国・讃岐国・伊予国・安芸国・阿波国の5ヶ国に送られたのがその祖である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In peacetime, the lord of the castle would often live with other people at the foot of the mountain while they moved to the castle on the mountain to barricade themselves in it when their enemies attacked them.
    平時は麓に住民と共に城主が住み、敵が来襲すると山上の城に立て籠もる、といった使い方がなされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, if financial institutions feel fine about it, thinking that they can easily live with the current rate level, so be it.
    (一方、)金融機関が「大丈夫だ」と、「これぐらいの負担は何てことない」ということであれば、それでも良いと。 - 金融庁
  • My father thought that mental growth is important before you can enhance your competitive abilities, and told me to leave home and live with the coach of the school team.
    父は,競技力を向上させる前に,精神的な成長が重要と考え,僕に,家を出て学校のチームの監督の家に住むように言いました。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Watanabe does not like dogs, but when he starts to live with Quill, he feels that a guide dog not only guides him when he walks.
    渡辺は犬が好きではないが,クイールと暮らし始めて,盲導犬は歩くときに道を教えてくれるだけではないのだと感じる。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • They have treated Harry harshly ever since he went to live with them after his parents died.
    彼らは,両親の死後,ハリーが彼らと一緒に住むようになって以来,ずっとハリーを厳しく扱っている。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • His sister, Kaoru (Nagasawa Masami), comes to Naha to live with Yotaro and attend a high school there.
    彼の妹カオル(長(なが)澤(さわ)まさみ)が,洋太郎と一緒に暮らして,そこの高校に通うために那覇にやって来る。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • But he sees Chagawa’s affection for Junnosuke and allows his son to live with Chagawa, but only if the writer can make a decent living.
    しかし,彼は淳之介に対する茶川の愛情を知り,この作家が人並みに暮らせる場合に限り,息子が茶川と暮らすことを許す。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Virtual live events will be held on Oct. 11 and 12 in connection with the 2008 Formula One World Championship Japanese Grand Prix.
    2008年F1世界選手権日本グランプリに関連したバーチャルライブイベントが10月11日と12日に行われる。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • But as soon as I began to live in America, I found that my English wasn’t good enough to communicate with people.
    でも,米国に住み始めるとすぐに,私の英語は人々とコミュニケーションをとるのに十分ではないとわかりました。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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