「WordNet」および「日本語WordNet」による、言葉の意義ごとの定義や同義語などを記述した概念辞書です。 提供 情報通信研究機構 URL https://www.nict.go.jp/ |
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- 絞込み
- E
- EA
- EB
- EC
- ED
- EE
- EF
- EG
- EH
- EI
- EJ
- EK
- EL
- EM
- EN
- EO
- EP
- EQ
- ER
- ES
- ET
- EU
- EV
- EW
- EX
- EY
- EZ
- E(50音)
- E(タイ文字)
- E(数字)
- E(記号)
- emmental
- emmentaler
- emmenthal
- emmenthaler
- emmer
- emmet
- emmetropia
- emmetropic
- Emmett Kelly
- emmy
- Emmy Noether
- emollient
- emolument
- emote
- emoticon
- emotion
- emotional
- emotional arousal
- emotional disorder
- emotional disturbance
- emotional person
- emotional state
- emotionalism
- emotionality
- emotionally
- emotionless
- emotionlessness
- emotive
- empale
- empanel
- empathetic
- empathetically
- empathic
- empathise
- empathize
- empathy
- Empedocles
- empennage
- emperor
- emperor butterfly
- Emperor Francis II
- emperor moth
- Emperor Napoleon III
- Emperor of Rome
- emperor penguin
- empetraceae
- empetrum
- emphasis
- emphasise
- emphasised
- emphasize
- emphasized
- emphasizing
- emphatic
- emphatically
- emphysema
- emphysematous
- emphysematous gangrene
- emphysematous phlegmon
- empire
- empire day
- Empire State
- empire state building
- Empire State of the South
- empiric
- empirical
- empirical formula
- empirical research
- empirically
- empiricism
- empiricist
- empiricist philosophy
- empirin
- emplace
- emplacement
- emplane
- employ
- employable
- employed
- employee
- employee ownership
- employee savings plan
- employee stock ownership plan
- employee turnover
- employee-owned business
- employee-owned enterprise
- employer
- employment
- employment agency
- employment agent
- employment agreement
- employment contract
- employment interview
- employment office
- emporium
- empower
- empowered
- empowerment
- Empress
- emptiness