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fine thingsとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 微動載物

Weblio英語表現辞典での「fine things」の意味

fine things

訳語 微動載物

「fine things」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


I think that things are fine the way they are now.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

私は今のままでいいと思う。 - Weblio Email例文集

All that matters is that things ends fine.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

終わりよければすべて良し - Weblio Email例文集

say fine things about発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

…に美辞麗句を並べたてる; …にお世辞を言う. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

According to the president of Fine Molds, Kunihiro Suzuki, “It is important for us to work with things that we feel we would want for ourselves, things which do not exist elsewhere in the world.”例文帳に追加

同社の鈴木邦宏社長は、「世の中に存在せず、自分が欲しいと思う物を手がけることが重要」と話す。 - 経済産業省

The section below shows some other things that you can do to enhance and fine tune the application.例文帳に追加

次の節では、アプリケーションを拡張し、調整するための、その他のいくつかの処理を紹介します。 - NetBeans

A person who illegally parks the car makes contact with a contract company mentioned on the heavy things when he finds that the heavy things can not be removed by human power, to ask the removal of the heavy things after he paid a fine.例文帳に追加

駐車違反者は人力では排除できないことを確認すると重量物に記載してある契約会社に連絡をし、違反金を支払い、重量物を撤去してもらう。 - 特許庁


With the incredible amount of work that went into Linux 2.6, it is sometimesinevitable that things which used to work fine, no longer function as expected.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これまでのびっくりするほどの量のLinux2.6への移行作業で、以前はうまく動作していたものが期待した通りに機能しないことがときどきあるのは、仕方のないことです。 - Gentoo Linux


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

ウィキペディア英語版での「fine things」の意味

Fine Things

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2009/12/18 18:13 UTC 版)

Fine Things is a 1987 romance novel, authored by Danielle Steel. The book was published on February 1, 1987 by Dell Publications. A film adaption was released in 1990.

「fine things」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


In one biography of Honen ("The World's Fine Things: Biography of Priest Honen") included in "Showa Shinshu Honen Shonin Zenshu" (complete works of Honen Shonin) appears: 'Word of mouth commentary on the righteous die happier than the evil' which is also found in Kudensho ("What Shinran Taught") and "Tannisho" (Lamentations).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

法然の伝記の一つである『醍醐本法然上人伝記』(『昭和新修法然上人全集』所収)のなかに「善人尚以往生況悪人乎口伝有之」と、『口伝鈔』『歎異抄』と同じ文言がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(3) Any person guilty of an offence under subsection (1) or (2) shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to both, and shall forfeit to the Government any goods or things to which the trade mark bearing the prohibited representation is applied.例文帳に追加

(3)(1)又は(2)に基づき有罪とされる者は,5万ドル以下の罰金若しくは5年以下の拘禁に処し又はこれを併科するものとし,禁じられた表示を付した商標が適用された商品又は事物は政府に没収される。 - 特許庁

To provide a concentrator which concentrates protozoan cryptospridium and Giardia or the like in a high yield with advantageous characteristics of a hollow fiber membrane of removing fine things and with a large effective filter area thereof, and provide an operation method for luring, and further to provide a simple and efficient method for collecting samples in a collection area.例文帳に追加

中空糸膜の利点である細かな物でも除去できる特性と有効ろ過面積の大きさを利用して、原虫のクリプトスポリジウム及びジアルジア等を高回収率で濃縮補足する濃縮器、誘出操作方法及び現場における簡便で効率的な試料採取方法について提供すること。 - 特許庁

Fine Molds has developed figures representing characters designed by the famous comic artist Akira Toriyama from his comics such asDragon Ball,” as well as plastic models of the airplanes, space ships and so on which appear amongst other things in anime movies likePorco Rosso (Kurenai no Buta)” (directed by Hayao Miyazaki), and sci-fi movies likeStar Wars” (directed by George Lucas). However, with these production companies which have copyrights and other such rights held on the works, the products have been achieved thanks to the praise the company has received for its thorough dedication.例文帳に追加

同社は、漫画「ドラゴンボール」等で有名な漫画家・鳥山明氏がデザインしたキャラクターのフィギュアの開発や、アニメ映画「紅の豚」(宮崎駿監督)やSF映画「スター・ウォーズ」(ジョージ・ルーカス監督)等の作品に登場する飛行機、宇宙船等のプラモデルの開発も手掛けているが、これらは作品の版権等の権利を持つプロダクションが、同社の徹底的なこだわりを評価して、実現した製品である。 - 経済産業省

If a person sells, or exposes for sale, or has in his possession for sale or for any purpose of trade or manufacturer any goods or things to which a false trademark or a false trade description is applied or which, being required under section 108 to have applied to them an indication of the country or place in which they were made or produced or the name and address of the manufacturer or producer or the person for whom the goods are manufactured or produced are without the indication so require, he shall, unless the proves (a) that, having taken all reasonable precautions against committing an offence against this section, he had at the time of the commission of the alleged offence no reason to suspect the genuineness of the trademark or trade description or that any offence had been committed in respect of the goods; and (b) that, on demand by or on behalf of the prosecutor he gave all the information in his power with respect to the person from whom he obtained such goods or things; or (c) that otherwise he acted innocently, be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to 2 (two) years, or with fine, or with both, and in case of a second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to 3 (three) years, or with fine, or with both.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

不正な商標若しくは虚偽の商品表示を付して、又は、第108条の規定により付すことが求められる製造若しくは生産される国若しくは地域、又は製造者若しくは生産者又は商品がその者のために製造若しくは生産される者の名称及び住所を表示することなく、商品又は物品を販売する者、又は販売用の展示を行う者、又は販売目的、取引若しくは製造の目的で所持する者は、次に掲げる事項が証明されない限り、2年以下の禁固又は罰金若しくはこれを併科、再犯若しくは累犯はいずれの場合も3年以下の禁固又は罰金若しくはこれを併科する。(a)本条に定める侵害に対して合理的なすべての予防措置を講じており、侵害があったとされる時点で、当該商標若しくは商品表示の真実性を疑う、又は当該商品に関して何らかの違反があったことを疑う、どのような理由もなかったこと。(b)検察官の要求に応じて、又は検察官のために、当該商品又は物品の入手先である者について自己の権限が及ぶ限りすべての情報を提供したこと。(c)その他の点においても正直に行動したこと。 - 特許庁

Penalty for applying false trademarks and false trade description, etc. -If a person- (a) falsifies any trademark, (b) falsely applies for any trademark or to goods or services, (c) makes, disposes of, or has in his possession, any die, block, machine, plate or other instrument of the purpose of falsifying, or of being used for falsifying a trademark, (d) applies any false trade description to goods or services, (e) applies to any goods to which an indication of the country or place in which they were made or produced or the name and address of the manufacturer or producer or supplier, as the case may be, or person for whom the goods or services are manufactured, produced or supplied is required to be applied under section 108 of this Act, a false indication of such country, place, name or address, (f) tampers with, alters or effaces an indication of origin which has been applied to any goods or services to which it is required to be applied under section 108, or (g) causes any of the things mentioned from clause (a) to (f) to be done. he shall, subject to the provisions of this Act be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend 2 (two) years but not less than 6 (six) months or with fine which may extend to taka 2 (two) lac but not less than 50 (fifty) thousand or with both and for a second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 (three) years but not less than 1 (one) year, or with fine which may extend to taka 3 (three) lac but not less than 1 (one) lac, or with both.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

人の場合(a)商標を偽造する者(b)商標を不正に付する者、又は商品若しくは役務に不正に付する者(c)商標を偽造する目的、又は商標を偽造するために使用する目的で、金型、版、機器、板材又はその他の器具を制作し、処分し又は自ら所持する者(d)商品又は役務に不正な商品表示を付する者(e)本法第108条により、製造若しくは生産された国若しくは地域、又は製造者、生産者若しくは供給者(場合に応じ)の名称及び住所、又はその者のために商品若しくは役務が製造、生産若しくは供給される者の表示が求められる商品に対して、そのような国、地域、名称又は住所の不正表示をする者(f)第108条により表示が求められる商品又は役務に付された出所表示を改ざん、改変若しくは削除する者(g)(a)から(f)項に述べる事柄が行われるようにさせる者。この者は本法の規定に従って、期間6月以上2年以下の禁固、若しくは5万以上20万タカ以下の罰金、又はこれの併科、再犯若しくは累犯の有罪判決の場合は、期間1年以上3年以下の禁固、又は10万以上30万タカ以下の罰金、又はこれを併科する。 - 特許庁


Any person who (a) falsifies any trade mark; or (b) falsely applies to goods or services any trade mark; or (c) makes, disposes of, or has in his possession, any die, block, machine, plate or other instrument for the purpose of falsifying or of being used for falsifying, a trade mark; or (d) applies any false trade description to goods or services; or (e) applies to any goods to which an indication of the country or place in which they were made or produced or the name and address of the manufacturer or person for whom the goods are manufactured is required to be applied under section 139, a false indication of such country, place, name or address; or (f) tampers with, alters or effaces an indication of origin which has been applied to any goods to which it is required to be applied under section 139; or (g) causes any of the things above mentioned in this section to be done, shall, unless he proves that he acted, without intent to defraud, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to three years and with fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees but which may extend to two lakh rupees:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

次に掲げる者については,詐欺の意思を有さなかったことを立証しない限り,6月以上,3年以下の禁固に処し,かつ,50,000ルピー以上,200,000ルピー以下の罰金を併科する。 (a) 商標を偽造した者,又は (b) 商品又はサービスに商標を不正使用した者,又は (c) 商標を偽造する目的で又は偽造のために使用する目的で,打型,版木,機械,板金若しくはその他の器具を製作し,処分し,又は所持する者,又は (d) 商品又はサービスに虚偽の取引表示を使用する者,又は (e) 第139条により,商品の製造若しくは生産の国若しくは場所,又は製造者若しくは注文者の名称及び住所の表示を付すことが必要とされている商品について,その国,場所,名称若しくは住所の虚偽の表示をする者,又は (f) 第139条により商品に付すべきことが必要とされている何れかの商品に使用された原産地の表示を偽造,変更,又は消去する者,又は (g) 本条に掲げた前記の何れかのことを他人にさせた者 - 特許庁


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