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hipped roof constructionの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方
該当件数 : 5件
It is a residential-like construction with yosemune-zukuri (a square or rectangular building, covered with a hipped roof) and kokerabuki (roofed with shingles). 例文帳に追加
寄棟造、杮(こけら)葺きの住宅風建物である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The hall is yosemune-zukuri (a square or rectangular building, covered with a hipped roof) and the simple interior with no ceiling allows the construction of the inside of the roof to be seen. 例文帳に追加
寄棟造りで、内部は天井を張らずに屋根裏の構造をそのまま見せた簡素なデザインになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To improve efficiency in manufacturing and construction by reducing the number and kinds of component members of a hipped roof for a steel house and the number of jointings.例文帳に追加
スチールハウスの寄せ棟屋根の構成部材数と種類、及び接合数を削減し、製作効率と施工能率の向上を図る。 - 特許庁
Main building: Completed in 1887; a two-storey shoin (reception room) style building with sohinoki-zukuri (built with only a Japanese cypress), yosemune-zukuri (hipped roof), and kawarabuki (tiled roof); the Imperial throne is on the second floor; the total amount of floor space is 500 square meters and the construction cost was 10,000 yen (at the time of the construction). 例文帳に追加
本館-明治20年竣工、総檜造、寄棟造、瓦葺、二階建、書院風建築、2階に玉座、延床面積500m2、建設費1万円(当時)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a solar cell array capable of reducing the number of components with a simple structure, having the excellence in workability at a low cost, being adjusted even at a construction field and being attractively arranged along a corner ridge of the roof of a hipped roof with various inclines in the case a solar cell module is installed on roofing of an inclined roof such as a house or the like.例文帳に追加
太陽電池モジュールを住宅などの傾斜屋根の屋根材の上に設置する場合に、構造が簡易で部品点数が少なく、低コストで作業性に優れ、施工現場でも調整可能で、種々の勾配の寄棟屋根の屋根面の隅棟に沿って見栄え良く配置できる太陽電池アレイを提供すること。 - 特許庁
例文 (5件) |
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