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transfinite number

Transfinite number

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transfinite number


transfinite number (複数形 transfinite numbers)

  1. (set theory) Any cardinal or ordinal number which is larger than any finite, i.e. natural number; often represented by the Hebrew letter aleph (ℵ) with a subscript 0, 1, etc.
    • 1961, Jane Muir, Of Men and Numbers: The Story of the Great Mathematicians, Courier Dover PublicationsISBN, page 228
      It will be recalled that Cantor called the first transfinite number0. He called the second transfinite numberthe one describing the set of all real numbersC. It has not been proved whether C is the next transfinite number after ℵ0 or whether another number exists between them.
    • 1968, B. T. Levšenko, "Spaces of transfinite dimensionality", Fourteen Papers on Algebra, Topology, Algebraic and Differential Geometry, American Mathematical Soc.ISBN, page 141
      Let be a bicompact of dimensionality . If is an isolated transfinite number, than [sic] at any point there exist arbitrarily small neighborhoods with boundaries of dimensionality .
    • 1990, Joseph Warren Dauben, Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite, Princeton University Press →ISBN, page 180
      After all, it was the ordinals that made precise definition of the transfinite cardinals possible. And until Cantor had introduced the order types of transfinite number classes, he could not define precisely any transfinite cardinal beyond the first power.
    • 2009, John Tabak, Numbers: Computers, Philosophers, and the Search for Meaning, Infobase Publishing →ISBN, page 153
      For example, does there exist a transfinite number that is strictly bigger than ℵ0 and strictly smaller than ℵ1? In this case an instance of this in between number is too big to be put into one-to-one correspondence with the set of natural numbers, and too small to be put into one-to-one correspondence with the set of real numbers.
    • 2012, Benjamin Wardhaugh, A Wealth of Numbers: An Anthology of 500 Years of Popular Mathematics Writing, Princeton University Press →ISBN, page 136
      Having demonstrated the existence of a one-to-one correspondence, we can conclude that the class of the squares of all the natural numbers has the same transfinite number as the class of all the natural numbers! This result is not what might have been anticipated, seeing that the second class is a proper subset of the first.


Some related concepts:




Transfinite number

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/11 03:49 UTC 版)



Transfinite numbers are cardinal numbers or ordinal numbers that are larger than all finite numbers, yet not necessarily absolutely infinite. The term transfinite was coined by Georg Cantor, who wished to avoid some of the implications of the word infinite in connection with these objects, which were nevertheless not finite. Few contemporary writers share these qualms; it is now accepted usage to refer to transfinite cardinals and ordinals as "infinite". However, the term "transfinite" also remains in use.

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