眼科の診療現場などで使用頻度の高い単語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 医療法人社団医新会 URL http://www.ocular.net/ |
眼科専門用語辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- D
- DA
- DB
- DC
- DD
- DE
- DF
- DG
- DH
- DI
- DJ
- DK
- DL
- DM
- DN
- DO
- DP
- DQ
- DR
- DS
- DT
- DU
- DV
- DW
- DX
- DY
- DZ
- D(50音)
- D(タイ文字)
- D(数字)
- D(記号)
- dermatitis
- dermatitis medicamentosa
- dermatochalasis
- dermatoconjunctivitis
- dermatogenic cataract
- dermatomyositis
- dermoid
- dermoid cyst
- dermolipoma
- descemetocele
- Descemet’s fold
- Descemet’s membrane
- descending optic atrophy
- Desmarres retractor
- desmosome
- detached retina
- detachment
- detachment of Descemet’s membrane
- detachment of retina
- detachment of retinal pigment epithelium
- deutan
- deutanomal
- deuteranomaly
- deuteranopia
- developmental glaucoma
- developmental myopia
- deviation
- Devic’s disease
- dexamethasone
- dexamethasone metasulfobenzoate sodium
- dexamethasone sodium
- dexamethasone sodium metasulfobenzoate
- dexamethasone sodium phosphate
- dextran sulfate sodium
- dextrocycloversion
- dextrotorsion
- dextroversion
- diabetes mellitus
- diabetic
- diabetic cataract
- diabetic maculopathy
- diabetic retinitis
- diabetic retinopathy
- diabetic uveopathy
- diagnostic lens
- diagnostic lens set
- diagnostic position of gaze
- dialing method
- dialysis
- diameter of pupil
- diamond knife
- Diamox
- diaphanoscopy
- diaphragmatic pump
- diathermy
- diathermy coagulation
- dibekacin
- dichlorphenamide
- dichromat
- dichromatism
- Diclod
- diclofenac sodium
- dictyoma
- diethylcarbamazine
- difffuse choroiditis
- diffraction
- diffractive lens
- diffuse angiokeratoma
- diffuse bleb
- diffuse choroidal sclerosis
- diffuse deep keratitis
- diffuse illumination
- diffuse interstitial keratitis
- diffuse retinal hemorrhage
- diffuse syphilitic retinochoroiditis
- diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis
- diffusion circle
- Diflucan
- diflunisal
- digital rubbing cleaning
- digital tonometry
- digitalis toxicity
- diisopropyl fluorophosphate
- diktyoma
- dilaceration
- dilate
- dilated pupil
- dilation
- dilator muscle
- dilator pupillae
- dilazep dihydrochloride
- Dimmer’s keratitis
- dimple veil
- diode laser
- diopter
- dioptric aberration
- dioptric power
- diphtheritic conjunctivitis
- diphtheroid